diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml b/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml index 2f3e95725..b755df9ad 100644 --- a/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml +++ b/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml @@ -908,6 +908,9 @@ let is_empty_vector_access_desc desc = has_tag desc Tags.empty_vector_access let desc_frontend_warning desc sugg_opt loc = let tags = Tags.create () in let sugg = match sugg_opt with Some sugg -> sugg | None -> "" in + (* If the description ends in a period, we remove it because the sentence continues with + "at line ..." *) + let desc = match String.chop_suffix ~suffix:"." desc with Some desc -> desc | None -> desc in let description = Format.sprintf "%s %s. %s" desc (at_line tags loc) sugg in {no_desc with descriptions= [description]; tags= !tags}