[pulse][formula] forget dead facts

At the end of analysing a procedure we call `simplify
~keep:vars_live_in_pre_post`. Any variable not in
`vars_live_in_pre_post` is not mentioned anywhere else in the state and
therefore is not going to contribute constraints in callers of the
procedure (in other words: they're dead). We want to also forget
arithmetic facts about these variables as this is a good opportunity to
make the path condition smaller, sometimes by a lot!

The main issue is that dead variables may be useful intermediate terms
in the formula, eg trying to keep only facts about `x` in `y = x + 1 &&
y = 0` is going to lose a lot of precision. But, if a variable not in
`keep` is only mentioned in a simple atom `z = 42` atom, for example,
it's safe to forget about it, eg it's safe to remember only `x=0` in
`x=0 && z=42` (if only `x` is live).

In other words, we can get rid of all atoms containing variables not
transitively involved in other atoms that eventually involve live
variables. A graph problem! This is guaranteed not to forget anything
important and can still trim a lot of atoms in certain situations.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D22921313

fbshipit-source-id: 6d5db7cbe
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent bf40a9119e
commit 7b743ceb1a

@ -283,6 +283,14 @@ module Term = struct
(acc, t')
| _ ->
fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init ~f:(fun acc t' -> fold_map_variables t' ~init:acc ~f)
let fold_variables t ~init ~f = fold_map_variables t ~init ~f:(fun acc v -> (f acc v, v)) |> fst
let iter_variables t ~f = fold_variables t ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> f v)
let has_var_notin vars t =
Container.exists t ~iter:iter_variables ~f:(fun v -> not (AbstractValue.Set.mem v vars))
(** Basically boolean terms, used to build formulas. *)
@ -509,6 +517,11 @@ module Atom = struct
fold_map_terms a ~init ~f:(fun acc t -> Term.fold_map_variables t ~init:acc ~f)
let has_var_notin vars atom =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
Term.has_var_notin vars t1 || Term.has_var_notin vars t2
module Set = Caml.Set.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare]
@ -556,6 +569,8 @@ let is_literal_false = function False -> true | _ -> false
let ttrue = True
let is_literal_true = function True -> true | _ -> false
let rec pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt = function
| True ->
F.fprintf fmt "true"
@ -602,21 +617,38 @@ let rec pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt = function
let pp = pp_with_pp_var AbstractValue.pp
let mk_less_than t1 t2 = Atom (LessThan (t1, t2))
let mk_less_equal t1 t2 = Atom (LessEqual (t1, t2))
let mk_equal t1 t2 = Atom (Equal (t1, t2))
let mk_not_equal t1 t2 = Atom (NotEqual (t1, t2))
let aand phi1 phi2 =
if is_literal_false phi1 || is_literal_false phi2 then ffalse
else if is_literal_true phi1 then phi2
else if is_literal_true phi2 then phi1
else And (phi1, phi2)
module NormalForm : sig
val of_formula : t -> t
val of_formula : t -> [`NormalForm of UnionFind.t * Atom.Set.t | `Unsatisfiable]
(** This computes equivalence classes between terms induced by the given conjunctive formula, then
symbolically evaluates the resulting terms and atoms to form a [NormalForm _] term equivalent
to the input formula, or [True] or [False]. *)
val to_formula : UnionFind.t -> Atom.Set.t -> t
(** transforms a congruence relation and set of atoms into a formula without [NormalForm _]
sub-formulas *)
val to_formula : ?filter:(Atom.t -> bool) -> UnionFind.t -> Atom.Set.t -> t
(** Transforms a congruence relation and set of atoms into a formula without [NormalForm _]
sub-formulas. Atoms not matching the optional [filter] are discarded. *)
end = struct
(* NOTE: throughout this module some cases that are never supposed to happen at the moment are
handled nonetheless to avoid hassle and surprises in the future. *)
let to_formula uf facts =
let phi = Atom.Set.fold (fun atom phi -> And (Atom atom, phi)) facts True in
let to_formula ?(filter = fun _ -> true) uf facts =
let phi =
Atom.Set.fold (fun atom phi -> if filter atom then aand (Atom atom) phi else phi) facts True
let phi =
UnionFind.fold_congruences uf ~init:phi ~f:(fun conjuncts (repr, terms) ->
L.d_printf "@\nEquivalence class of %a: " Term.pp (repr :> Term.t) ;
@ -624,7 +656,9 @@ end = struct
(fun t conjuncts ->
L.d_printf "%a," Term.pp t ;
if phys_equal t (repr :> Term.t) then conjuncts
else And (Atom (Equal ((repr :> Term.t), t)), conjuncts) )
let atom = Atom.Equal ((repr :> Term.t), t) in
if filter atom then aand (Atom atom) conjuncts else conjuncts )
terms conjuncts )
L.d_ln () ;
@ -736,23 +770,10 @@ end = struct
let uf, facts, new_facts = gather_congruences_and_facts (uf, facts, []) phi in
let facts = normalize_atoms uf ~add_to:facts new_facts in
NormalForm {congruences= uf; facts}
with Contradiction -> ffalse
`NormalForm (uf, facts)
with Contradiction -> `Unsatisfiable
let mk_less_than t1 t2 = Atom (LessThan (t1, t2))
let mk_less_equal t1 t2 = Atom (LessEqual (t1, t2))
let mk_equal t1 t2 = Atom (Equal (t1, t2))
let mk_not_equal t1 t2 = Atom (NotEqual (t1, t2))
(** propagates literal [False] *)
let aand phi1 phi2 =
if is_literal_false phi1 || is_literal_false phi2 then ffalse else And (phi1, phi2)
let rec nnot phi =
match phi with
| True ->
@ -828,9 +849,109 @@ let of_term_binop bop t1 t2 =
Term.of_binop bop t1 t2 |> of_term
let normalize phi = NormalForm.of_formula phi
let normalize phi =
L.d_printfln "Normalizing %a" pp phi ;
match NormalForm.of_formula phi with
| `NormalForm (congruences, facts) ->
NormalForm {congruences; facts}
| `Unsatisfiable ->
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: build an (undirected) graph between variables where an edge
between two variables means that they appear together in an atom of [facts] or an equivalence
class of [congruences]. *)
let build_var_graph congruences facts =
(* pretty naive representation of an undirected graph: a map where a vertex maps to the set of
destination vertices and each edge has its symmetric in the map *)
(* unused but can be useful for debugging *)
let _pp_graph fmt graph =
(fun v vs -> F.fprintf fmt "%a->{%a}" AbstractValue.pp v AbstractValue.Set.pp vs)
(* add [v->vs] to [graph] *)
let add_set graph src vs =
let dest =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph src with
| None ->
| Some dest0 ->
AbstractValue.Set.union vs dest0
Caml.Hashtbl.replace graph src dest
(* 16 because why not *)
let graph = Caml.Hashtbl.create 16 in
(* add edges between all pairs of variables appearing in [t1] or [t2] (yes this is quadratic in
the number of variables of these terms) *)
let add_from_terms t1 t2 =
(* compute [vs U vars(t)] *)
let union_vars_of_term t vs =
Term.fold_variables t ~init:vs ~f:(fun vs v -> AbstractValue.Set.add v vs)
let vs = union_vars_of_term t1 AbstractValue.Set.empty |> union_vars_of_term t2 in
AbstractValue.Set.iter (fun v -> add_set graph v vs) vs
Container.iter ~fold:UnionFind.fold_congruences congruences
~f:(fun ((repr : UnionFind.repr), ts) ->
UnionFind.Set.iter (fun t -> add_from_terms (repr :> Term.t) t) ts ) ;
(fun atom ->
let t1, t2 = Atom.get_terms atom in
add_from_terms t1 t2 )
facts ;
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: construct transitive closure of variables reachable from [vs]
in [graph]. *)
let get_reachable_from graph vs =
(* HashSet represented as a [Hashtbl.t] mapping items to [()], start with the variables in [vs] *)
let reachable = Caml.Hashtbl.create (AbstractValue.Set.cardinal vs) in
AbstractValue.Set.iter (fun v -> Caml.Hashtbl.add reachable v ()) vs ;
(* Do a Dijkstra-style graph transitive closure in [graph] starting from [vs]. At each step,
[new_vs] contains the variables to explore next. Iterative to avoid blowing the stack. *)
let new_vs = ref (AbstractValue.Set.elements vs) in
while not (List.is_empty !new_vs) do
(* pop [new_vs] *)
let[@warning "-8"] (v :: rest) = !new_vs in
new_vs := rest ;
Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph v
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun vs' ->
(fun v' ->
if not (Caml.Hashtbl.mem reachable v') then (
(* [v'] seen for the first time: we need to explore it *)
Caml.Hashtbl.replace reachable v' () ;
new_vs := v' :: !new_vs ) )
vs' )
done ;
Caml.Hashtbl.to_seq_keys reachable |> AbstractValue.Set.of_seq
let simplify ~keep phi =
match NormalForm.of_formula phi with
| `Unsatisfiable ->
| `NormalForm (congruences, facts) ->
L.d_printfln "Simplifying %a wrt {%a}" pp
(NormalForm {congruences; facts})
AbstractValue.Set.pp keep ;
(* Get rid of atoms when they contain only variables that do not appear in atoms mentioning
variables in [keep], or variables appearing in atoms together with variables in [keep], and
so on. In other words, the variables to keep are all the ones transitively reachable from
variables in [keep] in the graph connecting two variables whenever they appear together in
a same atom of the formula. *)
let var_graph = build_var_graph congruences facts in
let vars_to_keep = get_reachable_from var_graph keep in
L.d_printfln "Reachable vars: {%a}" AbstractValue.Set.pp vars_to_keep ;
(* discard atoms which have variables *not* in [vars_to_keep], which in particular is enough
to guarantee that *none* of their variables are in [vars_to_keep] thanks to transitive
closure on the graph above *)
NormalForm.to_formula congruences facts ~filter:(fun atom ->
not (Atom.has_var_notin vars_to_keep atom) )
let simplify ~keep:_ phi = (* TODO: actually remove variables not in [keep] *) normalize phi
let rec fold_map_variables phi ~init ~f =
match phi with

@ -104,21 +104,31 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (x = i 0 && y = i 1 && z = i 2 && w = i 3) ;
[%expect {|
[0=x 1=y 2=z 3=w && true]|}]
0 = x|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (x = y + i 1 && x = i 0) ;
[%expect {|
[0=x=(y+1) && true]|}]
0 = x|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[y_var] (x = y + i 1 && x = i 0) ;
[%expect {|
[0=x=(y+1) && true]|}]
0 = y+1|}]
(* should keep most of this or realize that [w = z] hence this boils down to [z+1 = 0] *)
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[y_var; z_var] (x = y + z && w = x - y && v = w + i 1 && v = i 0) ;
[%expect {|
[0=v=(w+1) x=(y+z) w=(x-y) && true]|}]
{w = x-y}{{x = y+z}{0 = w+1}}|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y + z && w + x + y = i 0 && v = w + i 1) ;
[%expect {|
{v = w+1}{{x = y+z}{0 = (w+x)+y}}|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y + i 4 && x = w && y = z) ;
[%expect {|
{y = z}{{x = y+4}{x = w}}|}]
end )
