@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ and linters_def_file =
~meta:"file" "Specify the file containing linters definition"
and load_average =
CLOpt.mk_float ~long:"load-average" ~short:"l" ~default:(float_of_int ncpu)
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~long:"load-average" ~short:"l"
~exes:CLOpt.[Toplevel] ~meta:"float"
"Do not start new parallel jobs if the load average is greater than that specified (Buck and \
make only)"
@ -1444,7 +1444,11 @@ and jobs = !jobs
and join_cond = !join_cond
and latex = !latex
and linters_def_file = !linters_def_file
and load_average = !load_average
and load_average = match !load_average with
| None when !buck ->
Some (float_of_int ncpu)
| _ ->
and load_analysis_results = !load_results
and makefile_cmdline = !makefile
and merge = !merge