Move analyzer type and ops from Utils to Config

Move analyzer type and ops from Utils to Config, and simplify by
reducing interface.  There are very few uses so no need to pollute
global namespace.

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D3541047

fbshipit-source-id: 2be56af
Josh Berdine 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 1
parent 9df3b8f653
commit 7e59032a42

@ -17,23 +17,21 @@ module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module F = Format
type language = Clang | Java
type analyzer = Capture | Compile | Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing
type method_pattern = {
class_name : string;
method_name : string option;
parameters : (string list) option;
let string_to_analyzer =
[("capture", Capture); ("compile", Compile);
("infer", Infer); ("eradicate", Eradicate); ("checkers", Checkers); ("tracing", Tracing)]
type pattern =
| Method_pattern of language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of language * string
type clang_lang = C | CPP | OBJC | OBJCPP
type language = Clang | Java
let string_of_language = function
| Java -> "Java"
| Clang -> "C_CPP"
type clang_lang = C | CPP | OBJC | OBJCPP
let ml_bucket_symbols = [
("all", `MLeak_all);
@ -44,23 +42,27 @@ let ml_bucket_symbols = [
("unknown_origin", `MLeak_unknown);
type os_type = Unix | Win32 | Cygwin
type method_pattern = {
class_name : string;
method_name : string option;
parameters : (string list) option;
type pattern =
| Method_pattern of language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of language * string
type zip_library = {
zip_filename: string;
zip_channel: Zip.in_file Lazy.t;
models: bool;
let whitelisted_cpp_methods = [
["std"; "move"];
["std"; "forward"];
["std"; "min"];
["std"; "max"];
["std"; "__less"];
["google"; "CheckNotNull"];
(** Constant configuration values *)
@ -84,6 +86,8 @@ let backend_stats_dir_name = "backend_stats"
continues *)
let bound_error_allowed_in_procedure_call = true
let buck_generated_folder = "buck-out/gen"
let buck_infer_deps_file_name = "infer-deps.txt"
let captured_dir_name = "captured"
@ -93,6 +97,9 @@ let checks_disabled_by_default = [
(** Experimental: if true do some specialized analysis of concurrent constructs. *)
let csl_analysis = true
let default_failure_name = "ASSERTION_FAILURE"
let default_in_zip_results_dir = "infer"
@ -120,6 +127,14 @@ let inferconfig_file = ".inferconfig"
let ivar_attributes = "ivar_attributes"
(** letters used in the analysis output *)
let log_analysis_file = "F"
let log_analysis_procedure = "."
let log_analysis_wallclock_timeout = "T"
let log_analysis_symops_timeout = "S"
let log_analysis_recursion_timeout = "R"
let log_analysis_crash = "C"
(** Maximum level of recursion during the analysis, after which a timeout is generated *)
let max_recursion = 5
@ -168,9 +183,6 @@ let suppress_warnings_annotations_long = "suppress-warnings-annotations"
(** If true performs taint analysis *)
let taint_analysis = true
(** Experimental: if true do some specialized analysis of concurrent constructs. *)
let csl_analysis = true
(** Enable detailed tracing information during array abstraction *)
let trace_absarray = false
@ -181,15 +193,15 @@ let unsafe_unret = "<\"Unsafe_unretained\">"
let weak = "<\"Weak\">"
(** letters used in the analysis output *)
let log_analysis_file = "F"
let log_analysis_procedure = "."
let log_analysis_wallclock_timeout = "T"
let log_analysis_symops_timeout = "S"
let log_analysis_recursion_timeout = "R"
let log_analysis_crash = "C"
let whitelisted_cpp_methods = [
["std"; "move"];
["std"; "forward"];
["std"; "min"];
["std"; "max"];
["std"; "__less"];
["google"; "CheckNotNull"];
let buck_generated_folder = "buck-out/gen"
(** Compile time configuration values *)
@ -461,13 +473,13 @@ and (
analysis_suppress_errors_options) =
let mk_filtering_options ~suffix ?(deprecated_suffix=[]) ~help ~meta =
let mk_option analyzer =
let long = Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" (string_of_analyzer analyzer) suffix in
let mk_option analyzer_name =
let long = Printf.sprintf "%s-%s" analyzer_name suffix in
let deprecated = (Printf.sprintf "%s_%s" (string_of_analyzer analyzer)) deprecated_suffix in
let help_string = Printf.sprintf "%s (%s only)" help (string_of_analyzer analyzer) in (Printf.sprintf "%s_%s" analyzer_name) deprecated_suffix in
let help_string = Printf.sprintf "%s (%s only)" help analyzer_name in
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~deprecated ~long ~exes:CLOpt.[Analyze] ~meta help_string in (fun analyzer -> (analyzer, mk_option analyzer)) analyzers in (fun (name, analyzer) -> (analyzer, mk_option name)) string_to_analyzer in
@ -501,7 +513,7 @@ and analysis_stops =
and analyzer =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_opt ~deprecated:["analyzer"] ~long:"analyzer" ~short:"a"
"Specify the analyzer for the path filtering"
and android_harness =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["harness"] ~long:"android-harness"

@ -14,10 +14,28 @@ open! Utils
time by system calls, environment variables, or command line options *)
(** Various kind of analyzers *)
type analyzer = Capture | Compile | Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing
(** Association list of analyzers and their names *)
val string_to_analyzer : (string * analyzer) list
type clang_lang = C | CPP | OBJC | OBJCPP
type language = Clang | Java
val string_of_language : language -> string
val ml_bucket_symbols :
(string * [ `MLeak_all | `MLeak_arc | `MLeak_cf | `MLeak_cpp | `MLeak_no_arc | `MLeak_unknown ])
type os_type = Unix | Win32 | Cygwin
type method_pattern = {
class_name : string;
method_name : string option;
@ -28,13 +46,6 @@ type pattern =
| Method_pattern of language * method_pattern
| Source_contains of language * string
type clang_lang = C | CPP | OBJC | OBJCPP
val ml_bucket_symbols :
(string * [ `MLeak_all | `MLeak_arc | `MLeak_cf | `MLeak_cpp | `MLeak_no_arc | `MLeak_unknown ])
type os_type = Unix | Win32 | Cygwin
type zip_library = {
zip_filename : string;
@ -43,7 +54,7 @@ type zip_library = {
(** Configuration values *)
(** Constant configuration values *)
val allow_missing_index_in_proc_call : bool
val anonymous_block_num_sep : string

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ let () =
infer_py ::
Config.anon_args @
(match Config.analyzer with None -> [] | Some a ->
["--analyzer"; Utils.string_of_analyzer a]) @
IList.assoc (=) a ( (fun (n,a) -> (a,n)) Config.string_to_analyzer)]) @
(match Config.blacklist with
| Some s when buck -> ["--blacklist-regex"; s]
| _ -> []) @

@ -253,10 +253,12 @@ let is_checker_enabled checker_name =
(* be reported on path/to/ both for infer and for eradicate *)
let test () =
let filters = (fun analyzer -> (analyzer, create_filters analyzer)) analyzers in
(fun (name, analyzer) -> (name, analyzer, create_filters analyzer))
Config.string_to_analyzer in
let matching_analyzers path =
(fun l (a, f) -> if f.path_filter path then a:: l else l)
(fun l (n, a, f) -> if f.path_filter path then (n,a) :: l else l)
[] filters in
(fun path ->
@ -264,9 +266,7 @@ let test () =
let source_file = (DB.source_file_from_string path) in
let matching = matching_analyzers source_file in
if matching <> [] then
let matching_s =
join_strings ", "
( string_of_analyzer matching) in
let matching_s = join_strings ", " ( fst matching) in
L.stderr "%s -> {%s}@."
(DB.source_file_to_rel_path source_file)

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type filters =
val do_not_filter : filters
(** Create filters based on the config file *)
val create_filters : analyzer -> filters
val create_filters : Config.analyzer -> filters
val never_return_null_matcher : DB.source_file -> Procname.t -> bool
val suppress_warnings_matcher : DB.source_file -> Procname.t -> bool

@ -552,26 +552,6 @@ let directory_iter f path =
f path
type analyzer = Capture | Compile | Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing
let string_to_analyzer =
[("capture", Capture); ("compile", Compile);
("infer", Infer); ("eradicate", Eradicate); ("checkers", Checkers); ("tracing", Tracing)]
let analyzers = snd string_to_analyzer
let string_of_analyzer =
let analyzer_to_string = (fun (a,n) -> (n,a)) string_to_analyzer in
fun analyzer ->
IList.assoc ( = ) analyzer analyzer_to_string
exception Unknown_analyzer
let analyzer_of_string name =
try IList.assoc string_equal name string_to_analyzer
with Not_found -> raise Unknown_analyzer
let string_crc_hex32 s = Digest.to_hex (Digest.string s)
let string_append_crc_cutoff ?(cutoff=100) ?(key="") name =

@ -259,19 +259,6 @@ val directory_fold : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
(** Functional iter function over all the file of a directory *)
val directory_iter : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** Various kind of analyzers *)
type analyzer = Capture | Compile | Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing
(** Association list of analyzers and their names *)
val string_to_analyzer : (string * analyzer) list
(** List of analyzers *)
val analyzers: analyzer list
val string_of_analyzer: analyzer -> string
val analyzer_of_string: string -> analyzer
val read_optional_json_file : string -> (Yojson.Basic.json, string) result
val write_json_to_file : string -> Yojson.Basic.json -> unit
