[epilogues] do not rely on `at_exit`

For some unexplained reason, some of the functions registered in the Epilogues would sometimes be executed several times. I could not figure out why.

This diff fixes that, but also has more explainable benefits:
- Do not run epilogues registered in the parent in the children. Previously it
  would do so, but probably only if the children registered some epilogue given
  that `at_exit` must be called again once on the child (but the value of the ref
  in `Pervasives` would not have been reset).
- Unified behaviour for early and late epilogues given that we now handle both of these directly

We already have all the control needed to run epilogues when needed: we know
when infer exits, and we know when children processes exit.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D9752046

fbshipit-source-id: 13af40081
Jules Villard 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 4ddbc714ba
commit 817f83972c

@ -356,4 +356,5 @@ let get_reporter stats_type =
let register_report_at_exit stats_type =
let relative_path = relative_path_of_stats_type stats_type in
register_report TimeAndMemory stats_type ;
Epilogues.register ~f:(get_reporter stats_type) ("stats reporting in " ^ relative_path)
Epilogues.register ~f:(get_reporter stats_type)
~description:("stats reporting in " ^ relative_path)

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ let run_sequentially ~(f : 'a doer) (tasks : 'a list) : unit =
let fork_protect ~f x =
(* this is needed whenever a new process is started *)
Epilogues.reset () ;
EventLogger.prepare () ;
L.reset_formatters () ;
ResultsDatabase.new_database_connection () ;

@ -2287,8 +2287,6 @@ let inferconfig_file =
find (Sys.getcwd ()) |> Option.map ~f:(fun dir -> dir ^/ CommandDoc.inferconfig_file)
let register_late_epilogue = Epilogues.register_late
let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
if CommandLineOption.is_originator then (
(* let subprocesses know where the toplevel process' results dir is *)
@ -2381,7 +2379,7 @@ let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
"Run the command again with `--keep-going` to try and ignore this error.\n" ;
let exitcode = L.exit_code_of_exception exn in
L.log_uncaught_exception exn ~exitcode ;
Epilogues.late () ;
Epilogues.run () ;
Pervasives.exit exitcode
Caml.Printexc.set_uncaught_exception_handler uncaught_exception_handler ;

@ -688,7 +688,5 @@ val print_usage_exit : unit -> 'a
(** {2 Miscellanous} *)
val register_late_epilogue : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val java_package_is_external : string -> bool
(** Check if a Java package is external to the repository *)

@ -7,39 +7,44 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
let early_callback = ref (fun () -> ())
let late_callback = ref (fun () -> ())
let register_late f =
let g = !late_callback in
late_callback := fun () -> f () ; g ()
let register callback_ref ~f ~description =
let f_no_exn () =
try f () with exn ->
F.eprintf "%a: Error while running epilogue \"%s\":@ %a.@ Powering through...@." Pid.pp
(Unix.getpid ()) description Exn.pp exn
let g = !callback_ref in
callback_ref := fun () -> f_no_exn () ; g ()
let register_early ~f ~description = register early_callback ~f ~description
let register_late ~f ~description = register late_callback ~f ~description
let early () = !early_callback ()
let late () = !late_callback ()
(* Run the epilogues when we get SIGINT (Control-C). We do not want to mask SIGINT unless at least
one epilogue has been registered, so make this value lazy. *)
let activate_run_epilogues_on_signal =
(let run_epilogues_on_signal s =
F.eprintf "*** %s: Caught %s, time to die@."
(Filename.basename Sys.executable_name)
(Signal.to_string s) ;
(* Invoke the callback that runs at the end of uncaught_exception_handler *)
late () ;
(* Epilogues are registered with [at_exit] so exiting will make them run. *)
Pervasives.exit 0
Signal.Expert.handle Signal.int run_epilogues_on_signal)
let register ~f desc =
let f_no_exn () =
if not !ProcessPoolState.in_child then
try f () with exn ->
F.eprintf "Error while running epilogue \"%s\":@ %a.@ Powering through...@." desc Exn.pp
let run () = early () ; late ()
(* Run the epilogues when we get SIGINT (Control-C). *)
let () =
let run_epilogues_on_signal s =
F.eprintf "*** %s: Caught %s, time to die@."
(Filename.basename Sys.executable_name)
(Signal.to_string s) ;
run ()
(* We call `exit` in a bunch of places, so register the epilogues with [at_exit]. *)
Pervasives.at_exit f_no_exn ;
(* Register signal masking. *)
Lazy.force activate_run_epilogues_on_signal
Signal.Expert.handle Signal.int run_epilogues_on_signal
let reset () =
(early_callback := fun () -> ()) ;
late_callback := fun () -> ()
let register = register_early

@ -7,10 +7,15 @@
open! IStd
val register : f:(unit -> unit) -> string -> unit
val register : f:(unit -> unit) -> description:string -> unit
(** Register a function to run when the program exits or is interrupted. Registered functions are
run in the reverse order in which they were registered. *)
val register_late : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val register_late : f:(unit -> unit) -> description:string -> unit
(** Register a function to run when the program exits or is interrupted. Registered functions are
run in the reverse order in which they were registered, but *after* the ones registered with
{!register}. *)
val run : unit -> unit
val late : unit -> unit
val reset : unit -> unit

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module IO = struct
List.iter log_files ~f:dump_file_to_stdout
let () = Config.register_late_epilogue close
let () = Epilogues.register_late ~f:close ~description:"closing EventLogger file"
module Random_id : sig

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ let close_logs () =
F.pp_print_flush file_fmt () ; Out_channel.close chan )
let () = Epilogues.register ~f:close_logs "flushing logs and closing log file"
let () = Epilogues.register ~f:close_logs ~description:"flushing logs and closing log file"
let log ~to_console ?(to_file = true) (lazy formatters) =
match (to_console, to_file) with

@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ let fork_child ~child_prelude ~slot (updates_r, updates_w) ~f =
child_loop ~slot send_to_parent receive_from_parent ~f ;
Out_channel.close updates_oc ;
In_channel.close orders_ic ;
Epilogues.run () ;
Pervasives.exit 0
| `In_the_parent pid ->
let[@warning "-26"] to_child_r = Unix.close to_child_r in

@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ let db_canonicalize () =
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"running VACUUM" ~stmt:"VACUUM"
let () = Config.register_late_epilogue db_close
let () = Epilogues.register_late ~f:db_close ~description:"closing database connection"

@ -349,8 +349,8 @@ let rec rmtree name =
let better_hash x = Marshal.to_string x [Marshal.No_sharing] |> Caml.Digest.string
let unlink_file_on_exit temp_file =
"Cleaning temporary file " ^ temp_file
|> Epilogues.register ~f:(fun () -> try Unix.unlink temp_file with _ -> ())
let description = "Cleaning temporary file " ^ temp_file in
Epilogues.register ~description ~f:(fun () -> try Unix.unlink temp_file with _ -> ())
(** drop at most one layer of well-balanced first and last characters satisfying [drop] from the

@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ let add_profile_to_pom_in_directory dir =
Unix.rename ~src:maven_pom_path ~dst:saved_pom_path ;
~f:(fun () -> Unix.rename ~src:saved_pom_path ~dst:maven_pom_path)
"restoring Maven's pom.xml to its original state" ;
~description:"restoring Maven's pom.xml to its original state" ;
Unix.rename ~src:infer_pom_path ~dst:maven_pom_path ;
if Config.debug_mode then
~f:(fun () -> Unix.rename ~src:maven_pom_path ~dst:infer_pom_path)
"saving infer's pom.xml"
~description:"saving infer's pom.xml"
let capture ~prog ~args =
