[inferbo] Add mli files

Summary: All files in inferbo has mli files now.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D19094964

fbshipit-source-id: 9e9172013
Sungkeun Cho 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 396d1d20ce
commit 822ea72978

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type t = BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.no_oenv_t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type t = BufferOverrunProofObligations.ConditionSet.summary_t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val pp :
pp_lhs:(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
-> sep:string
-> Format.formatter
-> 'a
-> Typ.Fieldname.t
-> unit
(** A parameterized pretty printer for field appended values *)
val get_type : Typ.Fieldname.t -> Typ.t option
(** Get type of field that is constructed in this module. This does not work in Java at the moment. *)
val c_strlen : unit -> Typ.Fieldname.t
(** Field for C string's length *)
val cpp_vector_elem : vec_typ:Typ.t -> elt_typ:Typ.t -> Typ.Fieldname.t
(** Field for C++ vector's elements *)
val java_collection_internal_array : Typ.Fieldname.t
(** Field for Java collection's elements *)
val is_cpp_vector_elem : Typ.Fieldname.t -> bool
(** Check if the field is for C++ vector's elements *)
val is_java_collection_internal_array : Typ.Fieldname.t -> bool
(** Check if the field is for Java collection's elements *)

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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(* Type of abstract semantic function of execution *)
type exec_fun =
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
(* Type of checking function *)
type check_fun =
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> BufferOverrunProofObligations.ConditionSet.checked_t
-> BufferOverrunProofObligations.ConditionSet.checked_t
type model = {exec: exec_fun; check: check_fun}
module Collection : sig
val create_collection :
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> length:Itv.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
(** Create a collection value with the [length] and assign it to [ret] *)
val eval_collection_length : Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Evaluate length of Java collection *)
module JavaString : sig
val get_length :
-> Exp.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Get length of Java string *)
val constructor_from_char_ptr :
-> AbsLoc.PowLoc.t
-> Exp.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
(** Construct Java string from constant string *)
module Call : sig
val dispatch : (Tenv.t, model, unit) ProcnameDispatcher.Call.dispatcher

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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Environment for on-demand symbol evaluation *)
type t =
{ tenv: Tenv.t (** type environment *)
; typ_of_param_path: Symb.SymbolPath.partial -> Typ.t option (** type of parameter *)
; may_last_field: Symb.SymbolPath.partial -> bool
(** if the path is a last field of a class in C++ *)
; entry_location: Location.t (** location of entry node *)
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t (** bit sizes of integer types *) }
val mk : Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> t

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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val is_stack_exp : Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> bool
(** Check if an expression is a stack variable such as [n$0] or local variable for C array *)
val eval : Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Evalute an expression *)
val eval_locs : Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> AbsLoc.PowLoc.t
(** [eval_locs exp mem] is like [eval exp mem |> Val.get_all_locs] but takes some shortcuts to avoid
computing useless and/or problematic intermediate values *)
val eval_arr :
Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Return the array value of the input expression. For example, when [x] is a program variable,
[eval_arr x] returns array blocks the [x] is pointing to, on the other hand, [eval x] returns
the abstract location of [x]. *)
val eval_lindex :
Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Evaluate array location with index, i.e.,
[eval_lindex integer_type_widths array_exp index_exp mem] *)
val eval_array_locs_length :
AbsLoc.PowLoc.t -> _ BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t0 -> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Evaluate length of array locations *)
val conservative_array_length :
-> AbsLoc.PowLoc.t
-> _ BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t0
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Val.t
(** Evaluate the array length conservatively, which is useful when there are multiple array
locations and their lengths are joined to top. For example, if the [arr_locs] points to two
arrays [a] and [b] and if their lengths are [a.length] and [b.length], this function evaluates
its length as [\[0, a.length.ub + b.length.ub\]]. *)
(** Several modes of ondemand evaluations *)
type eval_mode =
| EvalNormal
(** Given a symbolic value of an unknown function [Symb.SymbolPath.Callsite], it returns a
symbolic interval value. *)
| EvalPOCond
(** Given a symbolic value of an unknown function, it returns the top interval value. This is
used when substituting condition expressions of proof obligations. *)
| EvalPOReachability
(** This is similar to [EvalPOCond], but it returns the bottom location, instead of the
unknown location, when a location to substitute is not found. This is used when
substituting reachabilities of proof obligations. *)
| EvalCost
(** This is similar to [EvalNormal], but it is designed to be used in substitutions of the
cost results, avoiding precision loss by joining of symbolic values. Normal join of two
different symbolic values, [s1] and [s2], becomes top due to the limitation of our domain.
On the other hand, in this mode, it returns an upperbound [s1+s2] for the case, because
the cost values only care about the upperbounds. *)
val mk_eval_sym_trace :
-> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list
-> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> mode:eval_mode
-> BufferOverrunDomain.eval_sym_trace
(** Make [eval_sym] function for on-demand symbol evaluation *)
val mk_eval_sym_cost :
-> (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list
-> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
-> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
-> Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
(** Make [eval_sym] function of [EvalCost] mode for on-demand symbol evaluation *)
module Prune : sig
val prune : Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> Exp.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t -> BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.t
(** Prune memory with the given condition expression *)

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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Library function names that may be risky *)
type lib_fun = Snprintf | Strndup | Vsnprintf
val snprintf : lib_fun
val strndup : lib_fun
val vsnprintf : lib_fun
(** Final unknown function in trace *)
type final = UnknownFrom of Typ.Procname.t option
(** Trace elements *)
type elem =
| ArrayDeclaration
| JavaIntDecleration
| Assign of AbsLoc.PowLoc.t
| Global of AbsLoc.Loc.t
| Parameter of AbsLoc.Loc.t
| Through of {risky_fun: lib_fun option}
val through : risky_fun:lib_fun option -> elem
module Set : sig
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom
val singleton : Location.t -> elem -> t
val singleton_final : Location.t -> final -> t
val add_elem : Location.t -> elem -> t -> t
val call : Location.t -> traces_caller:t -> traces_callee:t -> t
(** Merge traces of [traces_caller] and [traces_callee] *)
(** Trace set with issue information *)
module Issue : sig
include PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType
type binary = ArrayAccess | Binop
val binary : Location.t -> binary -> Set.t -> Set.t -> t
(** Construct issue trace of binary operation. When [binary] is [ArrayAccess], the former [Set.t]
typed parameter is [offset] and the latter is [length] of array access. *)
val alloc : Location.t -> Set.t -> t
(** Construct issue trace of allocation *)
val call : Location.t -> Set.t -> t -> t
(** Merge caller's trace set and callee's issue, i.e., [call location caller callee] *)
val has_risky : t -> bool
(** Check if the issue trace includes risky function calls by [Through] *)
val has_unknown : t -> bool
(** Check if the issue trace includes unknown function calls *)
val exists_str : f:(string -> bool) -> t -> bool
(** Check if the issue trace includes an abstract location that satisfies [f] *)
val make_err_trace : description:string -> t -> (string * Errlog.loc_trace) list
(** Convert to the common [Errlog] format. The return value is a list of labelled
[Errlog.loc_trace]s. *)

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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type typ_model =
| CArray of {element_typ: Typ.t; deref_kind: Symb.SymbolPath.deref_kind; length: IntLit.t}
| CppStdVector
| JavaCollection
| JavaInteger
val dispatch : (Tenv.t, typ_model, unit) ProcnameDispatcher.TypName.dispatcher