[pulse] monad, monads everywhere

Add let*/+ syntax to `result` types to simplify all the applications of
`>>=`, `>>|` that are followed by a binding (eg `>>= fun x -> ...`) in

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D19940728

fbshipit-source-id: 4df159029
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 72f560036d
commit 826fd8a999

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
module Let_syntax = struct
include Result.Monad_infix
let ( let+ ) x f = Result.map x ~f
let ( let* ) x f = Result.bind x ~f

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
module Let_syntax : sig
include module type of Result.Monad_infix
val ( let+ ) : ('ok, 'err) result -> ('ok -> 'okk) -> ('okk, 'err) result
val ( let* ) : ('ok, 'err) result -> ('ok -> ('okk, 'err) result) -> ('okk, 'err) result

@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
open Result.Monad_infix
open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
let report summary diagnostic =
@ -72,22 +73,21 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
let exec_object_out_of_scope call_loc (pvar, typ) astate =
let gone_out_of_scope = Invalidation.GoneOutOfScope (pvar, typ) in
(* invalidate [&x] *)
PulseOperations.eval call_loc (Exp.Lvar pvar) astate
>>= fun (astate, out_of_scope_base) ->
let* astate, out_of_scope_base = PulseOperations.eval call_loc (Exp.Lvar pvar) astate in
PulseOperations.invalidate call_loc gone_out_of_scope out_of_scope_base astate
let dispatch_call tenv summary ret call_exp actuals call_loc flags get_formals astate =
(* evaluate all actuals *)
List.fold_result actuals ~init:(astate, [])
~f:(fun (astate, rev_func_args) (actual_exp, actual_typ) ->
PulseOperations.eval call_loc actual_exp astate
>>| fun (astate, actual_evaled) ->
( astate
, ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.
{exp= actual_exp; arg_payload= actual_evaled; typ= actual_typ}
:: rev_func_args ) )
>>= fun (astate, rev_func_args) ->
let* astate, rev_func_args =
List.fold_result actuals ~init:(astate, [])
~f:(fun (astate, rev_func_args) (actual_exp, actual_typ) ->
let+ astate, actual_evaled = PulseOperations.eval call_loc actual_exp astate in
( astate
, ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.
{exp= actual_exp; arg_payload= actual_evaled; typ= actual_typ}
:: rev_func_args ) )
let func_args = List.rev rev_func_args in
let model =
match proc_name_of_call call_exp with
@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
match get_out_of_scope_object call_exp actuals flags with
| Some pvar_typ ->
L.d_printfln "%a is going out of scope" Pvar.pp_value (fst pvar_typ) ;
>>= fun posts ->
let* posts = posts in
List.map posts ~f:(fun astate -> exec_object_out_of_scope call_loc pvar_typ astate)
|> Result.all
| None ->
@ -134,22 +133,21 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| Load {id= lhs_id; e= rhs_exp; loc} ->
(* [lhs_id := *rhs_exp] *)
let result =
PulseOperations.eval_deref loc rhs_exp astate
>>| fun (astate, rhs_addr_hist) -> PulseOperations.write_id lhs_id rhs_addr_hist astate
let+ astate, rhs_addr_hist = PulseOperations.eval_deref loc rhs_exp astate in
PulseOperations.write_id lhs_id rhs_addr_hist astate
[check_error summary result]
| Store {e1= lhs_exp; e2= rhs_exp; loc} ->
(* [*lhs_exp := rhs_exp] *)
let event = ValueHistory.Assignment loc in
let result =
PulseOperations.eval loc rhs_exp astate
>>= fun (astate, (rhs_addr, rhs_history)) ->
PulseOperations.eval loc lhs_exp astate
>>= fun (astate, lhs_addr_hist) ->
PulseOperations.write_deref loc ~ref:lhs_addr_hist
~obj:(rhs_addr, event :: rhs_history)
>>= fun astate ->
let* astate, (rhs_addr, rhs_history) = PulseOperations.eval loc rhs_exp astate in
let* astate, lhs_addr_hist = PulseOperations.eval loc lhs_exp astate in
let* astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref loc ~ref:lhs_addr_hist
~obj:(rhs_addr, event :: rhs_history)
match lhs_exp with
| Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_return pvar ->
PulseOperations.check_address_escape loc summary.Summary.proc_desc rhs_addr

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ module Stack = struct
module AddressAttributes = struct
open Result.Monad_infix
open IResult.Let_syntax
(** if [address] is in [pre] then add the attribute [attr] *)
let abduce_attribute address attribute astate =
@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ module AddressAttributes = struct
let check_valid access_trace addr astate =
BaseAddressAttributes.check_valid addr (astate.post :> base_domain).attrs
>>| fun () ->
let+ () = BaseAddressAttributes.check_valid addr (astate.post :> base_domain).attrs in
(* if [address] is in [pre] and it should be valid then that fact goes in the precondition *)
abduce_attribute addr (MustBeValid access_trace) astate
@ -559,11 +558,9 @@ module PrePost = struct
[call_state.astate] *)
let materialize_pre_from_actual callee_proc_name call_location ~pre ~formal ~actual call_state =
L.d_printfln "Materializing PRE from [%a <- %a]" Var.pp formal AbstractValue.pp (fst actual) ;
(let open Option.Monad_infix in
BaseStack.find_opt formal pre.BaseDomain.stack
>>= fun (addr_formal_pre, _) ->
BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference pre.BaseDomain.heap
>>| fun (formal_pre, _) ->
(let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* addr_formal_pre, _ = BaseStack.find_opt formal pre.BaseDomain.stack in
let+ formal_pre, _ = BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference pre.BaseDomain.heap in
materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location ~pre ~addr_pre:formal_pre
~addr_hist_caller:actual call_state)
|> function Some result -> result | None -> Ok call_state
@ -724,7 +721,7 @@ module PrePost = struct
let materialize_pre callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals call_state =
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"pulse call pre" ())) ;
let r =
let open Result.Monad_infix in
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
(* first make as large a mapping as we can between callee values and caller values... *)
materialize_pre_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~formals ~actuals
@ -814,10 +811,11 @@ module PrePost = struct
let attrs =
let written_to =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
BaseAddressAttributes.find_opt addr_caller attrs
>>= (fun attrs -> Attributes.get_written_to attrs)
|> fun written_to_callee_opt ->
let written_to_callee_opt =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* attrs = BaseAddressAttributes.find_opt addr_caller attrs in
Attributes.get_written_to attrs
let callee_trace =
match written_to_callee_opt with
| None ->
@ -872,12 +870,14 @@ module PrePost = struct
L.d_printfln_escaped "Recording POST from [%a] <-> %a" Var.pp formal AbstractValue.pp
(fst actual) ;
let open Option.Monad_infix in
BaseStack.find_opt formal (pre_post.pre :> BaseDomain.t).BaseDomain.stack
>>= fun (addr_formal_pre, _) ->
BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference
(pre_post.pre :> BaseDomain.t).BaseDomain.heap
>>| fun (formal_pre, _) ->
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* addr_formal_pre, _ =
BaseStack.find_opt formal (pre_post.pre :> BaseDomain.t).BaseDomain.stack
let+ formal_pre, _ =
BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference
(pre_post.pre :> BaseDomain.t).BaseDomain.heap
record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post ~addr_callee:formal_pre
~addr_hist_caller:actual call_state
@ -1060,9 +1060,8 @@ module PrePost = struct
| Ok call_state -> (
L.d_printfln "Pre applied successfully. call_state=%a" pp_call_state call_state ;
let open Result.Monad_infix in
check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state
>>| fun astate ->
let open IResult.Let_syntax in
let+ astate = check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state in
(* reset [visited] *)
let call_state = {call_state with astate; visited= AddressSet.empty} in
(* apply the postcondition *)

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open Result.Monad_infix
open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ module Misc = struct
let shallow_copy model_desc dest_pointer_hist src_pointer_hist : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model model_desc; location; in_call= []} in
PulseOperations.eval_access location src_pointer_hist Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, obj) ->
PulseOperations.shallow_copy location obj astate
>>= fun (astate, obj_copy) ->
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:dest_pointer_hist
~obj:(fst obj_copy, event :: snd obj_copy)
>>| fun astate -> [PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
let* astate, obj = PulseOperations.eval_access location src_pointer_hist Dereference astate in
let* astate, obj_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location obj astate in
let+ astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:dest_pointer_hist
~obj:(fst obj_copy, event :: snd obj_copy)
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
let early_exit : model = fun ~caller_summary:_ _ ~ret:_ _ -> Ok []
@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ module C = struct
if is_known_zero then (* freeing 0 is a no-op *)
Ok [astate]
PulseOperations.invalidate location Invalidation.CFree deleted_access astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location Invalidation.CFree deleted_access astate in
module Cplusplus = struct
@ -113,35 +113,35 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let load_backing_int location this astate =
PulseOperations.eval_access location this Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, obj) ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location obj (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
>>= fun (astate, int_addr) ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location int_addr Dereference astate
>>| fun (astate, int_val) -> (astate, int_addr, int_val)
let* astate, obj = PulseOperations.eval_access location this Dereference astate in
let* astate, int_addr =
PulseOperations.eval_access location obj (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
let+ astate, int_val = PulseOperations.eval_access location int_addr Dereference astate in
(astate, int_addr, int_val)
let constructor this_address init_value : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::atomic()"; location; in_call= []} in
let this = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [event]) in
PulseOperations.eval_access location this (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
>>= fun (astate, int_field) ->
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_field ~obj:init_value astate
>>= fun astate ->
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:this_address ~obj:this astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let* astate, int_field =
PulseOperations.eval_access location this (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
let* astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_field ~obj:init_value astate in
let+ astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:this_address ~obj:this astate in
let arith_bop prepost location event ret_id bop this operand astate =
load_backing_int location this astate
>>= fun (astate, int_addr, (old_int, old_int_hist)) ->
let* astate, int_addr, (old_int, old_int_hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
let astate, (new_int, hist) =
PulseOperations.eval_binop location bop (AbstractValueOperand old_int) operand old_int_hist
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_addr ~obj:(new_int, event :: hist) astate
>>| fun astate ->
let+ astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_addr ~obj:(new_int, event :: hist) astate
let ret_int = match prepost with `Pre -> new_int | `Post -> old_int in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_int, event :: hist) astate
@ -149,22 +149,30 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let fetch_add this (increment, _) _memory_ordering : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::fetch_add()"; location; in_call= []} in
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment)
let fetch_sub this (increment, _) _memory_ordering : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::fetch_sub()"; location; in_call= []} in
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment)
let operator_plus_plus_pre this : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::operator++()"; location; in_call= []} in
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
let operator_plus_plus_post this _int : model =
@ -172,15 +180,19 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let event =
ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic<T>::operator++(T)"; location; in_call= []}
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
let operator_minus_minus_pre this : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::operator--()"; location; in_call= []} in
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
let operator_minus_minus_post this _int : model =
@ -188,15 +200,16 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let event =
ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic<T>::operator--(T)"; location; in_call= []}
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
let load_instr model_desc this _memory_ordering_opt : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model model_desc; location; in_call= []} in
load_backing_int location this astate
>>| fun (astate, _int_addr, (int, hist)) ->
let+ astate, _int_addr, (int, hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
[PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (int, event :: hist) astate]
@ -205,27 +218,26 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let operator_t = load_instr "std::atomic<T>::operator_T()"
let store_backing_int location this_address new_value astate =
PulseOperations.eval_access location this_address Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, this) ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location this (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
>>= fun (astate, int_field) ->
let* astate, this = PulseOperations.eval_access location this_address Dereference astate in
let* astate, int_field =
PulseOperations.eval_access location this (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_field ~obj:new_value astate
let store this_address (new_value, new_hist) _memory_ordering : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::store()"; location; in_call= []} in
store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate
>>| fun astate -> [astate]
let+ astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
let exchange this_address (new_value, new_hist) _memory_ordering : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::exchange()"; location; in_call= []} in
load_backing_int location this_address astate
>>= fun (astate, _int_addr, (old_int, old_hist)) ->
store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate
>>| fun astate -> [PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (old_int, event :: old_hist) astate]
let* astate, _int_addr, (old_int, old_hist) = load_backing_int location this_address astate in
let+ astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
[PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (old_int, event :: old_hist) astate]
module StdBasicString = struct
@ -244,10 +256,10 @@ module StdBasicString = struct
let data this_hist : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::basic_string::data()"; location; in_call= []} in
to_internal_string location this_hist astate
>>= fun (astate, string_addr_hist) ->
PulseOperations.eval_access location string_addr_hist Dereference astate
>>| fun (astate, (string, hist)) ->
let* astate, string_addr_hist = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let+ astate, (string, hist) =
PulseOperations.eval_access location string_addr_hist Dereference astate
[PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (string, event :: hist) astate]
@ -255,12 +267,11 @@ module StdBasicString = struct
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let model = CallEvent.Model "std::basic_string::~basic_string()" in
let call_event = ValueHistory.Call {f= model; location; in_call= []} in
to_internal_string location this_hist astate
>>= fun (astate, (string_addr, string_hist)) ->
let* astate, (string_addr, string_hist) = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let string_addr_hist = (string_addr, call_event :: string_hist) in
PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate
>>= fun astate ->
PulseOperations.invalidate location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate >>| fun astate -> [astate]
let* astate = PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate in
let+ astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate in
module StdFunction = struct
@ -270,10 +281,10 @@ module StdFunction = struct
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::function::operator()"; location; in_call= []} in
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
PulseOperations.eval_access location lambda_ptr_hist Dereference astate
>>= fun (astate, (lambda, _)) ->
PulseOperations.Closures.check_captured_addresses location lambda astate
>>= fun astate ->
let* astate, (lambda, _) =
PulseOperations.eval_access location lambda_ptr_hist Dereference astate
let* astate = PulseOperations.Closures.check_captured_addresses location lambda astate in
match AddressAttributes.get_closure_proc_name lambda astate with
| None ->
(* we don't know what proc name this lambda resolves to *) Ok (havoc_ret ret astate)
@ -300,16 +311,14 @@ module StdVector = struct
let element_of_internal_array location vector index astate =
to_internal_array location vector astate
>>= fun (astate, vector_internal_array) ->
let* astate, vector_internal_array = to_internal_array location vector astate in
PulseOperations.eval_access location vector_internal_array
(ArrayAccess (Typ.void, index))
let reallocate_internal_array trace vector vector_f location astate =
to_internal_array location vector astate
>>= fun (astate, array_address) ->
let* astate, array_address = to_internal_array location vector astate in
PulseOperations.invalidate_array_elements location (StdVector vector_f) array_address astate
>>= PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location (StdVector vector_f) array_address
>>= PulseOperations.havoc_field location vector internal_array trace
@ -329,8 +338,7 @@ module StdVector = struct
let at ~desc vector index : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
element_of_internal_array location vector (fst index) astate
>>| fun (astate, (addr, hist)) ->
let+ astate, (addr, hist) = element_of_internal_array location vector (fst index) astate in
[PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (addr, event :: hist) astate]
@ -358,13 +366,16 @@ module JavaCollection = struct
let set coll index new_elem : model =
fun ~caller_summary:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Collection.set"; location; in_call= []} in
StdVector.element_of_internal_array location coll (fst index) astate
>>= fun (astate, ((old_addr, old_hist) as old_elem)) ->
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:new_elem
~obj:(old_addr, ValueHistory.Assignment location :: old_hist)
>>= PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location (StdVector Assign) old_elem
>>| fun astate -> [PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (old_addr, event :: old_hist) astate]
let* astate, ((old_addr, old_hist) as old_elem) =
StdVector.element_of_internal_array location coll (fst index) astate
let+ astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:new_elem
~obj:(old_addr, ValueHistory.Assignment location :: old_hist)
>>= PulseOperations.invalidate_deref location (StdVector Assign) old_elem
[PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (old_addr, event :: old_hist) astate]
module StringSet = Caml.Set.Make (String)

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
module L = Logging
open Result.Monad_infix
open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
@ -55,17 +55,20 @@ module Closures = struct
| None ->
Ok astate
| Some (edges, attributes) ->
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:Attributes.fold attributes ~f:(function
| Attribute.Closure _ ->
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold) edges
~f:(fun (access, addr_trace) ->
if is_captured_fake_access access then
check_addr_access action addr_trace astate >>| fun _ -> ()
else Ok () )
| _ ->
Ok () )
>>| fun () -> astate
let+ () =
IContainer.iter_result ~fold:Attributes.fold attributes ~f:(function
| Attribute.Closure _ ->
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~fold:Memory.Edges.fold) edges
~f:(fun (access, addr_trace) ->
if is_captured_fake_access access then
let+ _ = check_addr_access action addr_trace astate in
else Ok () )
| _ ->
Ok () )
let record location pname captured astate =
@ -92,8 +95,8 @@ end
let eval_var var astate = Stack.eval var astate
let eval_access location addr_hist access astate =
check_addr_access location addr_hist astate
>>| fun astate -> Memory.eval_edge addr_hist access astate
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_hist astate in
Memory.eval_edge addr_hist access astate
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of AbstractValue.t
@ -180,29 +183,25 @@ let eval location exp0 astate =
| Lvar pvar ->
Ok (eval_var [ValueHistory.VariableAccessed (pvar, location)] (Var.of_pvar pvar) astate)
| Lfield (exp', field, _) ->
eval exp' astate
>>= fun (astate, addr_hist) ->
check_addr_access location addr_hist astate
>>| fun astate -> Memory.eval_edge addr_hist (FieldAccess field) astate
let* astate, addr_hist = eval exp' astate in
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_hist astate in
Memory.eval_edge addr_hist (FieldAccess field) astate
| Lindex (exp', exp_index) ->
eval exp_index astate
>>= fun (astate, addr_hist_index) ->
eval exp' astate
>>= fun (astate, addr_hist) ->
check_addr_access location addr_hist astate
>>| fun astate ->
let* astate, addr_hist_index = eval exp_index astate in
let* astate, addr_hist = eval exp' astate in
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_hist astate in
Memory.eval_edge addr_hist (ArrayAccess (Typ.void, fst addr_hist_index)) astate
| Closure {name; captured_vars} ->
List.fold_result captured_vars ~init:(astate, [])
~f:(fun (astate, rev_captured) (capt_exp, captured_as, _) ->
eval capt_exp astate
>>| fun (astate, addr_trace) ->
let mode =
(* HACK: the frontend follows this discipline *)
match (capt_exp : Exp.t) with Lvar _ -> `ByReference | _ -> `ByValue
(astate, (captured_as, addr_trace, mode) :: rev_captured) )
>>| fun (astate, rev_captured) ->
let+ astate, rev_captured =
List.fold_result captured_vars ~init:(astate, [])
~f:(fun (astate, rev_captured) (capt_exp, captured_as, _) ->
let+ astate, addr_trace = eval capt_exp astate in
let mode =
(* HACK: the frontend follows this discipline *)
match (capt_exp : Exp.t) with Lvar _ -> `ByReference | _ -> `ByValue
(astate, (captured_as, addr_trace, mode) :: rev_captured) )
Closures.record location name (List.rev rev_captured) astate
| Cast (_, exp') ->
eval exp' astate
@ -220,15 +219,16 @@ let eval location exp0 astate =
Ok (astate, (addr, []))
| UnOp (unop, exp, _typ) ->
eval exp astate >>| fun (astate, (addr, hist)) -> eval_unop location unop addr hist astate
let+ astate, (addr, hist) = eval exp astate in
eval_unop location unop addr hist astate
| BinOp (bop, e_lhs, e_rhs) ->
eval e_lhs astate
>>= fun (astate, (addr_lhs, hist_lhs)) ->
eval e_rhs astate
>>| fun ( astate
, ( addr_rhs
, (* NOTE: arbitrarily track only the history of the lhs, maybe not the brightest idea *)
_ ) ) ->
let* astate, (addr_lhs, hist_lhs) = eval e_lhs astate in
let+ ( astate
, ( addr_rhs
, (* NOTE: arbitrarily track only the history of the lhs, maybe not the brightest idea *)
_ ) ) =
eval e_rhs astate
eval_binop location bop (AbstractValueOperand addr_lhs) (AbstractValueOperand addr_rhs)
hist_lhs astate
| Const _ | Sizeof _ | Exn _ ->
@ -248,8 +248,7 @@ let eval_arith location exp astate =
, Trace.Immediate {location; history= [ValueHistory.Assignment location]} )
, Itv.ItvPure.of_int_lit i )
| exp ->
eval location exp astate
>>| fun (astate, (value, _)) ->
let+ astate, (value, _) = eval location exp astate in
( astate
, Some value
, AddressAttributes.get_arithmetic value astate
@ -296,10 +295,12 @@ let prune ~is_then_branch if_kind location ~condition astate =
let rec prune_aux ~negated exp astate =
match (exp : Exp.t) with
| BinOp (bop, exp_lhs, exp_rhs) -> (
eval_arith location exp_lhs astate
>>= fun (astate, value_lhs_opt, arith_lhs_opt, bo_itv_lhs) ->
eval_arith location exp_rhs astate
>>| fun (astate, value_rhs_opt, arith_rhs_opt, bo_itv_rhs) ->
let* astate, value_lhs_opt, arith_lhs_opt, bo_itv_lhs =
eval_arith location exp_lhs astate
let+ astate, value_rhs_opt, arith_rhs_opt, bo_itv_rhs =
eval_arith location exp_rhs astate
Arithmetic.abduce_binop_is_true ~negated bop (Option.map ~f:fst arith_lhs_opt)
(Option.map ~f:fst arith_rhs_opt)
@ -340,10 +341,9 @@ let prune ~is_then_branch if_kind location ~condition astate =
let eval_deref location exp astate =
eval location exp astate
>>= fun (astate, addr_hist) ->
check_addr_access location addr_hist astate
>>| fun astate -> Memory.eval_edge addr_hist Dereference astate
let* astate, addr_hist = eval location exp astate in
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_hist astate in
Memory.eval_edge addr_hist Dereference astate
let realloc_pvar pvar location astate =
@ -387,8 +387,7 @@ let invalidate_deref location cause ref_addr_hist astate =
let invalidate_array_elements location cause addr_trace astate =
check_addr_access location addr_trace astate
>>| fun astate ->
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_trace astate in
match Memory.find_opt (fst addr_trace) astate with
| None ->
@ -404,8 +403,7 @@ let invalidate_array_elements location cause addr_trace astate =
let shallow_copy location addr_hist astate =
check_addr_access location addr_hist astate
>>| fun astate ->
let+ astate = check_addr_access location addr_hist astate in
let cell =
match AbductiveDomain.find_post_cell_opt (fst addr_hist) astate with
| None ->
@ -458,7 +456,8 @@ let check_address_escape escape_location proc_desc address history astate =
(Diagnostic.StackVariableAddressEscape {variable; location= escape_location; history}) )
else Ok () )
check_address_of_cpp_temporary () >>= check_address_of_stack_variable >>| fun () -> astate
let+ () = check_address_of_cpp_temporary () >>= check_address_of_stack_variable in
let mark_address_of_cpp_temporary history variable address astate =
