@ -1970,23 +1970,8 @@ and pp_const pe f = function
and pp_typ pe f te =
if !Config.print_types then pp_typ_full pe f te else ()
(** Pretty print a type declaration.
pp_base prints the variable for a declaration, or can be skip to print only the type
pp_size prints the expression for the array size *)
and pp_type_decl pe pp_base pp_size f = function
| Tvar tname -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (Typename.to_string tname) pp_base ()
| Tint ik -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (ikind_to_string ik) pp_base ()
| Tfloat fk -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (fkind_to_string fk) pp_base ()
| Tvoid -> F.fprintf f "void %a" pp_base ()
| Tfun false -> F.fprintf f "_fn_ %a" pp_base ()
| Tfun true -> F.fprintf f "_fn_noreturn_ %a" pp_base ()
| Tptr ((Tarray _ | Tfun _) as typ, pk) ->
let pp_base' fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "(%s%a)" (ptr_kind_string pk) pp_base () in
pp_type_decl pe pp_base' pp_size f typ
| Tptr (typ, pk) ->
let pp_base' fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (ptr_kind_string pk) pp_base () in
pp_type_decl pe pp_base' pp_size f typ
| Tstruct ({struct_name = Some name} as struct_typ) when false ->
and pp_struct_typ pe pp_base f struct_typ = match struct_typ.struct_name with
| Some name when false ->
(* remove "when false" to print the details of struct *)
F.fprintf f "%s %a {%a} %a"
(Csu.name struct_typ.csu)
@ -1996,12 +1981,12 @@ and pp_type_decl pe pp_base pp_size f = function
(pp_typ_full pe) t
Ident.pp_fieldname fld)) struct_typ.instance_fields
pp_base ()
| Tstruct ({struct_name = Some name} as struct_typ) ->
| Some name ->
F.fprintf f "%s %a %a"
(Csu.name struct_typ.csu)
Mangled.pp name
pp_base ()
| Tstruct ({struct_name = None} as struct_typ) ->
| None ->
F.fprintf f "%s {%a} %a"
(Csu.name struct_typ.csu)
(pp_seq (fun f (fld, t, _) ->
@ -2009,6 +1994,24 @@ and pp_type_decl pe pp_base pp_size f = function
(pp_typ_full pe) t
Ident.pp_fieldname fld)) struct_typ.instance_fields
pp_base ()
(** Pretty print a type declaration.
pp_base prints the variable for a declaration, or can be skip to print only the type
pp_size prints the expression for the array size *)
and pp_type_decl pe pp_base pp_size f = function
| Tvar tname -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (Typename.to_string tname) pp_base ()
| Tint ik -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (ikind_to_string ik) pp_base ()
| Tfloat fk -> F.fprintf f "%s %a" (fkind_to_string fk) pp_base ()
| Tvoid -> F.fprintf f "void %a" pp_base ()
| Tfun false -> F.fprintf f "_fn_ %a" pp_base ()
| Tfun true -> F.fprintf f "_fn_noreturn_ %a" pp_base ()
| Tptr ((Tarray _ | Tfun _) as typ, pk) ->
let pp_base' fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "(%s%a)" (ptr_kind_string pk) pp_base () in
pp_type_decl pe pp_base' pp_size f typ
| Tptr (typ, pk) ->
let pp_base' fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (ptr_kind_string pk) pp_base () in
pp_type_decl pe pp_base' pp_size f typ
| Tstruct struct_typ -> pp_struct_typ pe pp_base f struct_typ
| Tarray (typ, size) ->
let pp_base' fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" pp_base () (pp_size pe) size in
pp_type_decl pe pp_base' pp_size f typ
@ -3756,7 +3759,7 @@ module TypenameHash =
(** Type for type environment. *)
type tenv = typ TypenameHash.t
type tenv = struct_typ TypenameHash.t
(** Create a new type environment. *)
let create_tenv () = TypenameHash.create 1000
@ -3767,14 +3770,14 @@ let tenv_mem tenv name =
(** Look up a name in the global type environment. *)
let tenv_lookup tenv name =
try Some (TypenameHash.find tenv name)
try Some (Tstruct (TypenameHash.find tenv name))
with Not_found -> None
(** Add a (name,type) pair to the global type environment. *)
let tenv_add tenv name typ =
match typ with
| Tvar _ -> assert false
| _ -> TypenameHash.replace tenv name typ
| Tstruct struct_typ -> TypenameHash.replace tenv name struct_typ
| _ -> assert false
(** expand a type if it is a typename by looking it up in the type environment *)
let expand_type tenv typ =
@ -3783,7 +3786,6 @@ let expand_type tenv typ =
match tenv_lookup tenv tname with
| None -> assert false
| Some (Tvar _) -> assert false
| Some typ' -> typ'
| _ -> typ
@ -3818,7 +3820,7 @@ let pp_tenv f (tenv : tenv) =
(fun name typ ->
Format.fprintf f "@[<6>NAME: %s@." (Typename.to_string name);
Format.fprintf f "@[<6>TYPE: %a@." (pp_typ_full pe_text) typ)
Format.fprintf f "@[<6>TYPE: %a@." (pp_struct_typ pe_text (fun _ () -> ())) typ)
(** {2 Functions for constructing or destructing entities in this module} *)