@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let string_of_build_system build_system =
type driver_mode =
| Analyze
| BuckGenrule of string
| BuckCompilationDB
| BuckCompilationDB of string * string list
| Clang of Clang.compiler * string * string list
| ClangCompilationDB of [ `Escaped of string | `Raw of string ] list
| Javac of Javac.compiler * string * string list
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let pp_driver_mode fmt driver_mode =
with exn ->
F.fprintf fmt " Error reading file '%s':@\n %a@." fname Exn.pp exn in
match driver_mode with
| Analyze | BuckGenrule _ | BuckCompilationDB | ClangCompilationDB _ | PythonCapture (_,_)
| Analyze | BuckGenrule _ | BuckCompilationDB _ | ClangCompilationDB _ | PythonCapture (_,_)
| XcodeXcpretty _ ->
(* these are pretty boring, do not log anything *)
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ let pp_driver_mode fmt driver_mode =
in case nothing got captured. *)
let clean_compilation_command driver_mode =
match driver_mode with
| BuckCompilationDB (prog, _)
| Clang (_, prog, _) ->
Some (prog ^ " clean")
| XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) ->
@ -236,9 +237,9 @@ let capture_with_compilation_database db_files =
let capture = function
| Analyze->
| BuckCompilationDB ->
| BuckCompilationDB (prog, args) ->
L.stdout "Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@\n";
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_buck () in
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_buck ~prog ~args in
capture_with_compilation_database json_cdb
| BuckGenrule path ->
L.stdout "Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@\n";
@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ let driver_mode_of_build_cmd build_cmd =
| BAnalyze ->
| BBuck when Option.is_some Config.buck_compilation_database ->
BuckCompilationDB (prog, List.append args (List.rev Config.buck_build_args))
| BClang ->
Clang (Clang.Clang, prog, args)
| BMake ->