@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ module P = Printf
(** Describe the origin of values propagated by the checker. *)
module type InstrRefT =
type t
type t [@@deriving compare]
val equal : t -> t -> bool
type generator
val create_generator : Procdesc.Node.t -> generator
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val gen : generator -> t
val get_node : t -> Procdesc.Node.t
val hash : t -> int
@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ end (* InstrRefT *)
(** Per-node instruction reference. *)
module InstrRef : InstrRefT =
type t = Procdesc.Node.t * int
type t = Procdesc.Node.t * int [@@deriving compare]
let equal x y = 0 = compare x y
type generator = Procdesc.Node.t * int ref
let equal (n1, i1) (n2, i2) =
Procdesc.Node.equal n1 n2 && i1 = i2
let hash (n, i) = Hashtbl.hash (Procdesc.Node.hash n, i)
let get_node (n, _) = n
let replace_node (_, i) n' = (n', i)
@ -52,6 +51,9 @@ type origin_descr =
Location.t option *
Annotations.annotated_signature option (* callee signature *)
(* ignore origin descr *)
let compare_origin_descr _ _ = 0
type parameter_not_nullable =
Annotations.annotation *
string * (* description *)
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ type parameter_not_nullable =
Procname.t *
Location.t * (* callee location *)
[@@deriving compare]
(** Instance of an error *)
type err_instance =
@ -75,83 +78,12 @@ type err_instance =
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent of parameter_not_nullable
| Return_annotation_inconsistent of Annotations.annotation * Procname.t * origin_descr
| Return_over_annotated of Procname.t
[@@deriving compare]
module H = Hashtbl.Make(struct
type t = err_instance * InstrRef.t option
let err_instance_equal x y = match x, y with
| Condition_redundant (b1, so1, nn1), Condition_redundant (b2, so2, nn2) ->
bool_equal b1 b2 &&
(opt_equal string_equal) so1 so2 &&
bool_equal nn1 nn2
| Condition_redundant _, _
| _, Condition_redundant _ -> false
| Field_not_initialized (fn1, pn1), Field_not_initialized (fn2, pn2) ->
Ident.equal_fieldname fn1 fn2 &&
Procname.equal pn1 pn2
| Field_not_initialized (_, _), _
| _, Field_not_initialized (_, _) -> false
| Field_not_mutable (fn1, _), Field_not_mutable (fn2, _) ->
Ident.equal_fieldname fn1 fn2
| Field_not_mutable _, _
| _, Field_not_mutable _ -> false
| Field_annotation_inconsistent (ann1, fn1, _),
Field_annotation_inconsistent (ann2, fn2, _) ->
ann1 = ann2 &&
Ident.equal_fieldname fn1 fn2
| Field_annotation_inconsistent _, _
| _, Field_annotation_inconsistent _ -> false
| Field_over_annotated (fn1, pn1), Field_over_annotated (fn2, pn2) ->
Ident.equal_fieldname fn1 fn2 &&
Procname.equal pn1 pn2
| Field_over_annotated (_, _), _
| _, Field_over_annotated (_, _) -> false
| Null_field_access (so1, fn1, _, ii1), Null_field_access (so2, fn2, _, ii2) ->
(opt_equal string_equal) so1 so2 &&
Ident.equal_fieldname fn1 fn2 &&
bool_equal ii1 ii2
| Null_field_access _, _
| _, Null_field_access _ -> false
| Call_receiver_annotation_inconsistent (ann1, so1, pn1, _),
Call_receiver_annotation_inconsistent (ann2, so2, pn2, _) ->
ann1 = ann2 &&
(opt_equal string_equal) so1 so2 &&
Procname.equal pn1 pn2
| Call_receiver_annotation_inconsistent _, _
| _, Call_receiver_annotation_inconsistent _ -> false
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent (ann1, s1, n1, pn1, cl1, _),
Parameter_annotation_inconsistent (ann2, s2, n2, pn2, cl2, _) ->
ann1 = ann2 &&
string_equal s1 s2 &&
int_equal n1 n2 &&
Procname.equal pn1 pn2 &&
Location.equal cl1 cl2
| Parameter_annotation_inconsistent _, _
| _, Parameter_annotation_inconsistent _ -> false
| Return_annotation_inconsistent (ann1, pn1, _),
Return_annotation_inconsistent (ann2, pn2, _) ->
ann1 = ann2 && Procname.equal pn1 pn2
| Return_annotation_inconsistent _, _
| _, Return_annotation_inconsistent _ -> false
| Return_over_annotated pn1, Return_over_annotated pn2 ->
Procname.equal pn1 pn2
| Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation (pn1, spn1),
Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation (pn2, spn2) ->
if Procname.equal pn1 pn2 then true
else Procname.equal spn1 spn2
| Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation (param_name_1, pos_1, pn_1, overriden_pn_1),
Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation (param_name_2, pos_2, pn_2, overriden_pn_2) ->
string_equal param_name_1 param_name_2 &&
int_equal pos_1 pos_2 &&
Procname.equal pn_1 pn_2 &&
Procname.equal overriden_pn_1 overriden_pn_2
| Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation _, _
| _, Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation _ -> false
| Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation _, _
| _, Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation _ -> false
let equal (err_inst1, instr_ref_opt1) (err_inst2, instr_ref_opt2) =
err_instance_equal err_inst1 err_inst2 &&
opt_equal InstrRef.equal instr_ref_opt1 instr_ref_opt2
type t = err_instance * InstrRef.t option [@@deriving compare]
let equal x y = 0 = compare x y
let err_instance_hash x =
let string_hash s = Hashtbl.hash s in