[config] Clean up spec library options

This diff unifies the --specs-library and --zip-specs-library options,
delaying the point where their relative order gets lost to at least
after option parsing.  This also moves the treatment of non-cached jar
libraries from Config to where they are used in ZipLib.  The
implementation of expanding the cached jars is slightly simplified and
untangled from option parsing.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D4100015

fbshipit-source-id: cf840a7
Josh Berdine 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 678d0ff4e9
commit 849799246b

@ -63,13 +63,6 @@ type pattern =
| Source_contains of language * string
type zip_library = {
zip_filename: string;
zip_channel: Zip.in_file Lazy.t;
models: bool;
(** Constant configuration values *)
(** If true, a precondition with e.g. index 3 in an array does not require the caller to
@ -957,7 +950,7 @@ and ml_buckets =
(* Add a zip file containing the Java models *)
and models_file =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~deprecated:["models"] ~long:"models"
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~deprecated:["models"] ~long:"models" ~f:resolve
~meta:"zip file" ""
and models_mode =
@ -1109,11 +1102,10 @@ and spec_abs_level =
- 1 = filter out redundant posts implied by other posts"
and specs_library =
(* Add dir to the list of directories to be searched for .spec files *)
let specs_library =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"specs-library" ~short:"lib" ~f:resolve
"" in
~deprecated:["-zip-specs-library"; "ziplib"]
~meta:"dir|jar" "Search for .spec files in given directory or jar file" in
let _ =
(* Given a filename with a list of paths, convert it into a list of string iff they are
absolute *)
@ -1271,13 +1263,6 @@ and xml_specs =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["xml"] ~long:"xml-specs"
"Export specs into XML files file1.xml ... filen.xml"
(** list of the zip files to search for specs files *)
and zip_libraries : zip_library list ref = ref []
and zip_specs_library =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~long:"zip-specs-library" ~short:"ziplib" ~f:resolve
~meta:"zip file" "Search for .spec files in a zip file"
(** Parse Command Line Args *)
@ -1350,59 +1335,7 @@ let post_parsing_initialization () =
default_symops_timeout, default_seconds_timeout
if !seconds_per_iteration = 0. then seconds_per_iteration := seconds_timeout ;
if !symops_per_iteration = 0 then symops_per_iteration := symops_timeout ;
let add_zip_library zip_filename =
match !infer_cache with
| Some cache_dir when use_jar_cache ->
let mkdir s =
Unix.mkdir s 0o700;
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
let extract_specs dest_dir zip_filename =
let zip_channel = Zip.open_in zip_filename in
let entries = Zip.entries zip_channel in
let extract_entry entry =
let dest_file = dest_dir // (Filename.basename entry.Zip.filename) in
if Filename.check_suffix entry.Zip.filename specs_files_suffix
then Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry dest_file in
IList.iter extract_entry entries;
Zip.close_in zip_channel
let basename = Filename.basename zip_filename in
let key = basename ^ string_crc_hex32 zip_filename in
let key_dir = cache_dir // key in
if (mkdir key_dir)
then extract_specs key_dir zip_filename;
specs_library := !specs_library @ [key_dir]
| _ ->
(* The order matters, the jar files should be added following the order specs files should
be searched in them *)
let zip_library = {
zip_filename = zip_filename;
zip_channel = lazy (Zip.open_in zip_filename);
models = false
} in
zip_libraries := zip_library :: !zip_libraries
IList.iter add_zip_library (IList.rev !zip_specs_library) ;
let zip_models = ref [] in
let add_models zip_filename =
let zip_library = {
zip_filename = zip_filename;
zip_channel = lazy (Zip.open_in zip_filename);
models = true
} in
zip_models := zip_library :: !zip_models
(match !models_file with
| Some file -> add_models (resolve file)
| None -> ());
zip_libraries := IList.rev_append !zip_models (IList.rev !zip_libraries)
if !symops_per_iteration = 0 then symops_per_iteration := symops_timeout
let parse_args_and_return_usage_exit =
@ -1451,20 +1384,9 @@ and changed_files_index = !changed_files_index
and calls_csv = !calls_csv
and check_duplicate_symbols = !check_duplicate_symbols
and checkers = !checkers
and checkers_enabled = not (!eradicate || !crashcontext || !quandary)
and checkers_repeated_calls = !checkers_repeated_calls
and clang_biniou_file = !clang_biniou_file
and clang_compilation_database = !clang_compilation_database
and clang_frontend_do_capture, clang_frontend_do_lint =
match !clang_frontend_action with
| Some `Lint -> false, true (* no capture, lint *)
| Some `Capture -> true, false (* capture, no lint *)
| Some `Lint_and_capture -> true, true (* capture, lint *)
| None ->
match !analyzer with
| Some Linters -> false, true (* no capture, lint *)
| Some Infer -> true, false (* capture, no lint *)
| _ -> true, true (* capture, lint *)
and clang_include_to_override = !clang_include_to_override
and cluster_cmdline = !cluster
and continue_capture = !continue
@ -1478,7 +1400,6 @@ and dependency_mode = !dependencies
and developer_mode = !developer_mode
and disable_checks = !disable_checks
and dotty_cfg_libs = !dotty_cfg_libs
and dynamic_dispatch = if !analyzer = Some Tracing then `Lazy else !dynamic_dispatch
and enable_checks = !enable_checks
and eradicate = !eradicate
and eradicate_condition_redundant = !eradicate_condition_redundant
@ -1551,7 +1472,6 @@ and skip_clang_analysis_in_path = !skip_clang_analysis_in_path
and skip_translation_headers = !skip_translation_headers
and source_file_copy = !source_file_copy
and spec_abs_level = !spec_abs_level
and specs_library = !specs_library
and stacktrace = !stacktrace
and stacktraces_dir = !stacktraces_dir
and stats_mode = !stats
@ -1575,12 +1495,9 @@ and write_dotty = !write_dotty
and write_html = !write_html
and xcode_developer_dir = !xcode_developer_dir
and xml_specs = !xml_specs
and zip_libraries = !zip_libraries
let clang_frontend_action_string =
String.concat " and "
((if clang_frontend_do_capture then ["translating"] else [])
@ (if clang_frontend_do_lint then ["linting"] else []))
(** Configuration values derived from command-line options *)
let analysis_path_regex_whitelist analyzer =
IList.assoc (=) analyzer analysis_path_regex_whitelist_options
@ -1591,6 +1508,26 @@ and analysis_blacklist_files_containing analyzer =
and analysis_suppress_errors analyzer =
IList.assoc (=) analyzer analysis_suppress_errors_options
let checkers_enabled = not (eradicate || crashcontext || quandary)
let clang_frontend_do_capture, clang_frontend_do_lint =
match !clang_frontend_action with
| Some `Lint -> false, true (* no capture, lint *)
| Some `Capture -> true, false (* capture, no lint *)
| Some `Lint_and_capture -> true, true (* capture, lint *)
| None ->
match analyzer with
| Some Linters -> false, true (* no capture, lint *)
| Some Infer -> true, false (* capture, no lint *)
| _ -> true, true (* capture, lint *)
let clang_frontend_action_string =
String.concat " and "
((if clang_frontend_do_capture then ["translating"] else [])
@ (if clang_frontend_do_lint then ["linting"] else []))
let dynamic_dispatch = if analyzer = Some Tracing then `Lazy else !dynamic_dispatch
let patterns_suppress_warnings =
let error msg =
F.eprintf "There was an issue reading the option %s.@\n"
@ -1612,6 +1549,33 @@ let patterns_suppress_warnings =
if CLOpt.(current_exe <> Java) then []
else error ("Error: The option " ^ suppress_warnings_annotations_long ^ " was not provided")
let specs_library =
match infer_cache with
| Some cache_dir when use_jar_cache ->
let add_spec_lib specs_library filename =
let basename = Filename.basename filename in
let key = basename ^ string_crc_hex32 filename in
let key_dir = cache_dir // key in
let extract_specs dest_dir filename =
if Filename.check_suffix filename ".jar" then
match (Unix.mkdir dest_dir 0o700) with
| exception Unix.Unix_error _ ->
| () ->
let zip_channel = Zip.open_in filename in
let entries = Zip.entries zip_channel in
let extract_entry (entry : Zip.entry) =
let dest_file = dest_dir // (Filename.basename entry.filename) in
if Filename.check_suffix entry.filename specs_files_suffix
then Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry dest_file in
IList.iter extract_entry entries;
Zip.close_in zip_channel in
extract_specs key_dir filename;
key_dir :: specs_library in
IList.fold_left add_spec_lib [] !specs_library
| _ ->
(** Global variables *)

@ -46,13 +46,6 @@ type pattern =
| Source_contains of language * string
type zip_library = {
zip_filename : string;
zip_channel : Zip.in_file Lazy.t;
models : bool;
(** Constant configuration values *)
val allow_missing_index_in_proc_call : bool
@ -125,6 +118,7 @@ val taint_analysis : bool
val trace_absarray : bool
val undo_join : bool
val unsafe_unret : string
val use_jar_cache : bool
val weak : string
val whitelisted_cpp_methods : string list list
val wrappers_dir : string
@ -275,7 +269,7 @@ val write_dotty : bool
val write_html : bool
val xcode_developer_dir : string option
val xml_specs : bool
val zip_libraries : zip_library list
(** Global variables *)
@ -298,7 +292,6 @@ val nLOC : int ref
val pp_simple : bool ref
(** Global variables with initial values specified by command-line options *)
val abs_val : int ref

@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ open! Utils
module L = Logging
type zip_library = {
zip_filename: string;
zip_channel: Zip.in_file Lazy.t;
models: bool;
let get_cache_dir infer_cache zip_filename =
let basename = Filename.basename zip_filename in
let key = basename ^ string_crc_hex32 zip_filename in
@ -24,22 +31,22 @@ let load_from_cache serializer zip_path cache_dir zip_library =
if not (Sys.file_exists to_path) then
create_path (Filename.dirname to_path);
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.Config.zip_channel in
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.zip_channel in
let entry = Zip.find_entry zip_channel zip_path in
Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry to_path
DB.filename_from_string to_path in
match deserialize (extract absolute_path) with
| Some data when zip_library.Config.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data when zip_library.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data -> Some (data, DB.Spec_lib)
| None -> None
| exception Not_found -> None
let load_from_zip serializer zip_path zip_library =
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.Config.zip_channel in
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.zip_channel in
let deserialize = Serialization.from_string serializer in
match deserialize (Zip.read_entry zip_channel (Zip.find_entry zip_channel zip_path)) with
| Some data when zip_library.Config.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data when zip_library.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data -> Some (data, DB.Spec_lib)
| None -> None
| exception Not_found -> None
@ -50,9 +57,33 @@ let load_data serializer path zip_library =
| None ->
load_from_zip serializer zip_path zip_library
| Some infer_cache ->
let cache_dir = get_cache_dir infer_cache zip_library.Config.zip_filename in
let cache_dir = get_cache_dir infer_cache zip_library.zip_filename in
load_from_cache serializer zip_path cache_dir zip_library
(** list of the zip files to search for specs files *)
let zip_libraries =
let mk_zip_lib models zip_filename =
{ models; zip_filename; zip_channel = lazy (Zip.open_in zip_filename) } in
let zip_libs =
if Config.use_jar_cache && Config.infer_cache <> None then
(* Order matters, jar files should appear in the order in which they should be searched for
specs files. Config.specs_library is in reverse order of appearance on command line. *)
let add_zip zip_libs fname =
if Filename.check_suffix fname ".jar" then
(* fname is a zip of specs *)
(mk_zip_lib false fname) :: zip_libs
(* fname is a dir of specs *)
zip_libs in
IList.fold_left add_zip [] Config.specs_library in
match Config.models_file with
| None ->
| Some file ->
(mk_zip_lib true file) :: zip_libs
(* Search path in the list of zip libraries and use a cache directory to save already
deserialized data *)
let load serializer path =
@ -62,4 +93,4 @@ let load serializer path =
let opt = load_data serializer path zip_library in
if Option.is_some opt then opt
else loop other_libraries in
loop Config.zip_libraries
loop zip_libraries
