@ -604,14 +604,18 @@ let prop_iter_add_hpred_footprint_to_prop pname tenv prop (lexp, typ) inst =
(** If [lexp] is an access to a field that is annotated with @GuardedBy, add constraints to [prop]
expressing the safety conditions for the access. Complain if these conditions cannot be met. *)
let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
let excluded_guardedby_string str =
str = "ui_thread" in (* don't warn on @GuardedBy("ui_thread") *)
let sigma = Prop.get_sigma prop in
let extract_guarded_by_str item_annot =
let annot_extract_guarded_by_str (annot, _) =
if Annotations.annot_ends_with annot Annotations.guarded_by
match annot.Sil.parameters with
| [guarded_by_str] -> Some guarded_by_str
| _ -> None
| [guarded_by_str] when not (excluded_guardedby_string guarded_by_str) ->
Some guarded_by_str
| _ ->
None in
IList.find_map_opt annot_extract_guarded_by_str item_annot in