@ -70,17 +70,21 @@ let stitch_summaries stacktrace_file summary_files out_file =
let collect_all_summaries root_summaries_dir stacktrace_file stacktraces_dir =
let method_summaries =
let path_regexp = Str.regexp ".*crashcontext/.*\\..*\\.json" in
let path_matcher path = Str.string_match path_regexp path 0 in
DB.paths_matching root_summaries_dir path_matcher in
(fun summaries path ->
(* check if the file is a JSON file under the crashcontext dir *)
if not (Sys.is_directory path) && Filename.check_suffix path "json" &&
string_is_suffix "crashcontext" (Filename.dirname path)
then path :: summaries
else summaries)
root_summaries_dir in
let pair_for_stacktrace_file = match stacktrace_file with
| None -> None
| Some file -> begin
let crashcontext_dir =
Config.results_dir // "crashcontext" in
| Some file ->
let crashcontext_dir = Config.results_dir // "crashcontext" in
DB.create_dir crashcontext_dir;
Some (file, crashcontext_dir // "crashcontext.json")
end in
Some (file, crashcontext_dir // "crashcontext.json") in
let trace_file_regexp = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\.json" in
let pairs_for_stactrace_dir = match stacktraces_dir with
| None -> []