@ -296,14 +296,19 @@ module SinkKind = struct
| "curl_easy_setopt"
-> (
(* magic constant for setting request URL *)
let curlopt_url = 10002 in
let controls_request = function
| 10002 (* CURLOPT_URL *) | 10015 (* CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS *) ->
| _ ->
(* first two actuals are curl object + integer code for data kind. *)
match List.nth actuals 1 with
| Some exp -> (
match HilExp.eval exp with
| Some Const.Cint i ->
(* check if the data kind might be CURLOPT_URL *)
if Int.equal (IntLit.to_int i) curlopt_url then taint_after_nth 1 Network actuals
if controls_request (IntLit.to_int i) then taint_after_nth 1 Network actuals
else None
| _ ->
(* can't statically resolve data kind; taint it just in case *)