@ -7,14 +7,27 @@
(** Frame Inference Solver over Symbolic Heaps *)
(** Excision judgment
∀us. Common ❮ Minuend ⊢ ∃xs. Subtrahend ❯ ∃zs. Remainder
is valid iff
Common * Minuend ⊧ ∃xs. Common * Subtrahend * ∃zs. Remainder
is universally valid semantically.
Terminology analogous to arithmetic subtraction is used: "minuend" is a
formula from which another, the subtrahend, is to be subtracted; and
"subtrahend" is a formula to be subtracted from another, the minuend. *)
type judgment =
{ us: Var.Set.t (** (universal) vocabulary of entire judgment *)
; com: Sh.t (** common star-conjunct of minuend and subtrahend *)
; min: Sh.t (** minuend, cong strengthened by pure_approx (com * min) *)
; xs: Var.Set.t (** existentials over subtrahend and remainder *)
; sub: Sh.t (** subtrahend, with cong strengthened by min.cong *)
; sub: Sh.t (** subtrahend, cong strengthened by min.cong *)
; zs: Var.Set.t (** existentials over remainder *)
; pgs: bool (** flag indicating whether progress has been made *) }
; pgs: bool (** indicates whether a deduction rule has been applied *) }
let pp_xs fs xs =
if not (Set.is_empty xs) then
@ -34,30 +47,40 @@ let fresh_var name vs zs ~wrt =
let v = Exp.var v in
(v, vs, zs, wrt)
let excise_exp {min} (us, witnesses, xs, pure, pgs) exp =
type occurrences = Zero | One of Var.t | Many
let single_existential_occurrence xs exp =
let exception Multiple_existential_occurrences in
Exp.fold_vars exp ~init:Zero ~f:(fun seen var ->
if not (Set.mem xs var) then seen
match seen with
| Zero -> One var
| _ -> raise Multiple_existential_occurrences )
with Multiple_existential_occurrences -> Many
let excise_exp ({us; min; xs} as goal) pure exp =
let exp' = Congruence.normalize min.cong exp in
if Exp.is_true exp' then Some (us, witnesses, xs, pure, true)
else if Set.disjoint (Exp.fv exp') xs then None
if Exp.is_true exp' then Some ({goal with pgs= true}, pure)
match exp' with
| App {op= App {op= Eq; arg= Var _ as x}}
when Set.is_subset (Exp.fv x) ~of_:xs ->
let vs = Exp.fv x in
Some (Set.union us vs, exp' :: witnesses, Set.diff xs vs, pure, true)
| App {op= App {op= Eq}; arg= Var _ as x}
when Set.is_subset (Exp.fv x) ~of_:xs ->
let vs = Exp.fv x in
Some (Set.union us vs, exp' :: witnesses, Set.diff xs vs, pure, true)
| _ -> Some (us, witnesses, xs, exp' :: pure, pgs)
match single_existential_occurrence xs exp' with
| Zero -> None
| One x ->
( { goal with
us= Set.add us x
; min= Sh.and_ exp' min
; xs= Set.remove xs x
; pgs= true }
, pure )
| Many -> Some (goal, exp' :: pure)
let excise_pure ({us; min; xs; sub; pgs} as goal) =
let excise_pure ({sub} as goal) =
[%Trace.info "@[<2>excise_pure@ %a@]" pp goal] ;
List.fold_option sub.pure ~init:(us, [], xs, [], pgs)
~f:(fun (us, witnesses, xs, pure, pgs) exp ->
excise_exp goal (us, witnesses, xs, pure, pgs) exp )
>>| fun (us, witnesses, xs, pure, pgs) ->
let min = List.fold_right witnesses ~init:min ~f:Sh.and_ in
{goal with us; min; xs; sub= Sh.with_pure pure sub; pgs}
List.fold_option sub.pure ~init:(goal, []) ~f:(fun (goal, pure) exp ->
excise_exp goal pure exp )
>>| fun (goal, pure) -> {goal with sub= Sh.with_pure pure sub}
(* [k; o)
* ⊢ [l; n)