@ -737,99 +737,106 @@ let free pre ~ptr = exec_spec pre (free_spec ptr)
let nondet pre = function Some reg -> kill pre reg | None -> pre
let abort _ = None
let intrinsic ~skip_throw:_ :
let intrinsic ~skip_throw :
-> Var.t option
-> Llair.Intrinsic.t
-> Term.t iarray
-> Sh.t option =
fun pre _areturn intrinsic _actuals ->
match intrinsic with `nop -> Some pre
let intrinsic_func ~skip_throw :
Sh.t -> Var.t option -> string -> Term.t iarray -> Sh.t option option =
fun pre areturn intrinsic actuals ->
let name =
match String.index intrinsic '.' with
| None -> intrinsic
| Some i -> String.take i intrinsic
let skip pre = Some (Some pre) in
( match (areturn, name, IArray.to_array actuals) with
match (areturn, intrinsic, IArray.to_array actuals) with
* cstdlib - memory management
(* void* malloc(size_t size) *)
| Some reg, "malloc", [|size|]
| Some reg, `malloc, [|size|]
(* void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) *)
|Some reg, "aligned_alloc", [|_; size|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (malloc_spec reg size))
|Some reg, `aligned_alloc, [|_; size|] ->
exec_spec pre (malloc_spec reg size)
(* void* calloc(size_t number, size_t size) *)
| Some reg, "calloc", [|number; size|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (calloc_spec reg number size))
| Some reg, `calloc, [|number; size|] ->
exec_spec pre (calloc_spec reg number size)
(* int posix_memalign(void** ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size) *)
| Some reg, "posix_memalign", [|ptr; _; size|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (posix_memalign_spec reg ptr size))
| Some reg, `posix_memalign, [|ptr; _; size|] ->
exec_spec pre (posix_memalign_spec reg ptr size)
(* void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) *)
| Some reg, "realloc", [|ptr; size|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (realloc_spec reg ptr size))
| Some reg, `realloc, [|ptr; size|] ->
exec_spec pre (realloc_spec reg ptr size)
* jemalloc - non-standard API
(* void* mallocx(size_t size, int flags) *)
| Some reg, "mallocx", [|size; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (mallocx_spec reg size))
| Some reg, `mallocx, [|size; _|] -> exec_spec pre (mallocx_spec reg size)
(* void* rallocx(void* ptr, size_t size, int flags) *)
| Some reg, "rallocx", [|ptr; size; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (rallocx_spec reg ptr size))
| Some reg, `rallocx, [|ptr; size; _|] ->
exec_spec pre (rallocx_spec reg ptr size)
(* size_t xallocx(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t extra, int flags) *)
| Some reg, "xallocx", [|ptr; size; extra; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (xallocx_spec reg ptr size extra))
| Some reg, `xallocx, [|ptr; size; extra; _|] ->
exec_spec pre (xallocx_spec reg ptr size extra)
(* size_t sallocx(void* ptr, int flags) *)
| Some reg, "sallocx", [|ptr; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (sallocx_spec reg ptr))
| Some reg, `sallocx, [|ptr; _|] -> exec_spec pre (sallocx_spec reg ptr)
(* void dallocx(void* ptr, int flags) *)
| None, "dallocx", [|ptr; _|]
| None, `dallocx, [|ptr; _|]
(* void sdallocx(void* ptr, size_t size, int flags) *)
|None, "sdallocx", [|ptr; _; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (dallocx_spec ptr))
|None, `sdallocx, [|ptr; _; _|] ->
exec_spec pre (dallocx_spec ptr)
(* size_t nallocx(size_t size, int flags) *)
| Some reg, "nallocx", [|size; _|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (nallocx_spec reg size))
| Some reg, `nallocx, [|size; _|] -> exec_spec pre (nallocx_spec reg size)
(* size_t malloc_usable_size(void* ptr) *)
| Some reg, "malloc_usable_size", [|ptr|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (malloc_usable_size_spec reg ptr))
| Some reg, `malloc_usable_size, [|ptr|] ->
exec_spec pre (malloc_usable_size_spec reg ptr)
(* int mallctl(const char* name, void* oldp, size_t* oldlenp, void* newp,
size_t newlen) *)
| Some _, "mallctl", [|_; oldp; oldlenp; newp; newlen|] ->
Some (exec_specs pre (mallctl_specs oldp oldlenp newp newlen))
| Some _, `mallctl, [|_; oldp; oldlenp; newp; newlen|] ->
exec_specs pre (mallctl_specs oldp oldlenp newp newlen)
(* int mallctlnametomib(const char* name, size_t* mibp, size_t* miblenp) *)
| Some _, "mallctlnametomib", [|_; mibp; miblenp|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (mallctlnametomib_spec mibp miblenp))
| Some _, `mallctlnametomib, [|_; mibp; miblenp|] ->
exec_spec pre (mallctlnametomib_spec mibp miblenp)
(* int mallctlbymib(const size_t* mib, size_t miblen, void* oldp, size_t*
oldlenp, void* newp, size_t newlen); *)
| Some _, "mallctlbymib", [|mib; miblen; oldp; oldlenp; newp; newlen|] ->
(exec_specs pre
(mallctlbymib_specs mib miblen oldp oldlenp newp newlen))
| _, "malloc_stats_print", _ -> skip pre
| Some _, `mallctlbymib, [|mib; miblen; oldp; oldlenp; newp; newlen|] ->
exec_specs pre
(mallctlbymib_specs mib miblen oldp oldlenp newp newlen)
| _, `malloc_stats_print, _ -> Some pre
* cstring
(* size_t strlen (const char* ptr) *)
| Some reg, "strlen", [|ptr|] ->
Some (exec_spec pre (strlen_spec reg ptr))
| Some reg, `strlen, [|ptr|] -> exec_spec pre (strlen_spec reg ptr)
* cxxabi
| Some _, "__cxa_allocate_exception", [|_|] when skip_throw ->
skip (Sh.false_ pre.us)
| Some _, `__cxa_allocate_exception, [|_|] when skip_throw ->
Some (Sh.false_ pre.us)
* folly
(* bool folly::usingJEMalloc() *)
| Some _, "_ZN5folly13usingJEMallocEv", [||] -> skip pre
| _ -> None )
| Some _, `_ZN5folly13usingJEMallocEv, [||] -> Some pre
* signature mismatch
| ( _
, ( `malloc | `aligned_alloc | `calloc | `posix_memalign | `realloc
| `mallocx | `rallocx | `xallocx | `sallocx | `dallocx | `sdallocx
| `nallocx | `malloc_usable_size | `mallctl | `mallctlnametomib
| `mallctlbymib | `strlen | `__cxa_allocate_exception
| `_ZN5folly13usingJEMallocEv )
, _ ) ->
fail "%aintrinsic %a%a;"
(Option.pp "%a := " Var.pp)
areturn Llair.Intrinsic.pp intrinsic (IArray.pp "@ " Term.pp)
actuals ()
let intrinsic_func ~skip_throw:_ :
Sh.t -> Var.t option -> string -> Term.t iarray -> Sh.t option option =
fun pre areturn intrinsic actuals ->
let name =
match String.index intrinsic '.' with
| None -> intrinsic
| Some i -> String.take i intrinsic
(match (areturn, name, IArray.to_array actuals) with _ -> None)
$> function
| None -> ()
| Some _ ->