@ -18,49 +18,60 @@ let module L = Logging;
let module F = Format;
type java_type = (option string, string); /* e.g. ("", "int") for primitive types or ("java.io", "PrintWriter") for objects */
/* e.g. ("", "int") for primitive types or ("java.io", "PrintWriter") for objects */
type java_type = (option string, string);
/* compare in inverse order */
let compare_java_type (p1, c1) (p2, c2) => [%compare : (string, option string)] (c1, p1) (c2, p2);
type method_kind =
| Non_Static /* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface */
| Static /* in Java, procedures called with invokestatic */
| Non_Static /* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface */;
[@@deriving compare];
/** Type of java procedure names. */
type java = {
class_name: java_type,
return_type: option java_type, /* option because constructors have no return type */
method_name: string,
parameters: list java_type,
class_name: java_type,
return_type: option java_type, /* option because constructors have no return type */
kind: method_kind
[@@deriving compare];
/** Type of c procedure names. */
type c = (string, option string);
type c = (string, option string) [@@deriving compare];
type objc_cpp_method_kind =
| CPPMethod (option string) /** with mangling */
| CPPConstructor (option string) /** with mangling */
| ObjCClassMethod
| ObjCInstanceMethod
| ObjCInternalMethod
| ObjCClassMethod;
[@@deriving compare];
/** Type of Objective C and C++ procedure names: method signatures. */
type objc_cpp = {class_name: string, method_name: string, kind: objc_cpp_method_kind};
type objc_cpp = {method_name: string, class_name: string, kind: objc_cpp_method_kind}
[@@deriving compare];
/** Type of Objective C block names. */
type block = string;
type block = string [@@deriving compare];
/** Type of procedure names. */
type t =
| Java java
| C c
| ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp
| Linters_dummy_method
| Block block
| Linters_dummy_method;
| ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp
[@@deriving compare];
let equal pn1 pn2 => compare pn1 pn2 == 0;
/** Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. */
@ -80,23 +91,6 @@ let is_verbose v =>
| _ => false
type proc_name = t;
let mangled_compare so1 so2 =>
switch (so1, so2) {
| (None, None) => 0
| (None, Some _) => (-1)
| (Some _, None) => 1
| (Some s1, Some s2) => string_compare s1 s2
let method_kind_compare k0 k1 =>
switch (k0, k1) {
| _ when k0 == k1 => 0
| (Static, _) => 1
| (Non_Static, _) => (-1)
/** A type is a pair (package, type_name) that is translated in a string package.type_name */
let java_type_to_string_verbosity p verbosity =>
@ -130,58 +124,6 @@ let java_return_type_to_string j verbosity =>
| Some typ => java_type_to_string_verbosity typ verbosity
let java_type_compare (p1, c1) (p2, c2) => string_compare c1 c2 |> next mangled_compare p1 p2;
let rec java_type_list_compare jt1 jt2 =>
switch (jt1, jt2) {
| ([], []) => 0
| ([], _) => (-1)
| (_, []) => 1
| ([x1, ...rest1], [x2, ...rest2]) =>
java_type_compare x1 x2 |> next java_type_list_compare rest1 rest2
let java_return_type_compare jr1 jr2 =>
switch (jr1, jr2) {
| (None, None) => 0
| (None, Some _) => (-1)
| (Some _, None) => 1
| (Some jt1, Some jt2) => java_type_compare jt1 jt2
/** Compare java procedure names. */
let java_compare (j1: java) (j2: java) =>
string_compare j1.method_name j2.method_name |>
next java_type_list_compare j1.parameters j2.parameters |>
next java_type_compare j1.class_name j2.class_name |>
next java_return_type_compare j1.return_type j2.return_type |>
next method_kind_compare j1.kind j2.kind;
let objc_cpp_method_kind_compare k1 k2 =>
switch (k1, k2) {
| (CPPMethod mangled1, CPPMethod mangled2) => mangled_compare mangled1 mangled2
| (CPPMethod _, _) => (-1)
| (_, CPPMethod _) => 1
| (CPPConstructor mangled1, CPPConstructor mangled2) => mangled_compare mangled1 mangled2
| (CPPConstructor _, _) => (-1)
| (_, CPPConstructor _) => 1
| (ObjCClassMethod, ObjCClassMethod) => 0
| (ObjCClassMethod, _) => (-1)
| (_, ObjCClassMethod) => 1
| (ObjCInstanceMethod, ObjCInstanceMethod) => 0
| (ObjCInstanceMethod, _) => (-1)
| (_, ObjCInstanceMethod) => 1
| (ObjCInternalMethod, ObjCInternalMethod) => 0
/** Compare c_method signatures. */
let c_meth_sig_compare osig1 osig2 =>
string_compare osig1.method_name osig2.method_name |>
next string_compare osig1.class_name osig2.class_name |>
next objc_cpp_method_kind_compare osig1.kind osig2.kind;
/** Given a package.class_name string, it looks for the latest dot and split the string
in two (package, class_name) */
@ -595,56 +537,22 @@ let to_filename proc_name =>
let pp f pn => F.fprintf f "%s" (to_string pn);
/** Compare function for Procname.t types.
These rules create an ordered set of procnames grouped with the following
priority (lowest to highest): */
let compare pn1 pn2 =>
switch (pn1, pn2) {
| (Java j1, Java j2) => java_compare j1 j2
| (Java _, _) => (-1)
| (_, Java _) => 1
| (
C (c1, c2), /* Compare C_function types */
C (c3, c4)
) =>
string_compare c1 c3 |> next mangled_compare c2 c4
| (C _, _) => (-1)
| (_, C _) => 1
| (
Block s1, /* Compare ObjC_block types */
Block s2
) =>
string_compare s1 s2
| (
Linters_dummy_method, /* Compare fake methods used in linters */
) => 0
| (Linters_dummy_method, _) => (-1)
| (_, Linters_dummy_method) => 1
| (Block _, _) => (-1)
| (_, Block _) => 1
| (ObjC_Cpp osig1, ObjC_Cpp osig2) => c_meth_sig_compare osig1 osig2
let equal pn1 pn2 => compare pn1 pn2 == 0;
/** hash function for procname */
let hash_pname = Hashtbl.hash;
let module Hash = Hashtbl.Make {
type t = proc_name;
type nonrec t = t;
let equal = equal;
let hash = hash_pname;
let module Map = Map.Make {
type t = proc_name;
type nonrec t = t;
let compare = compare;
let module Set = Set.Make {
type t = proc_name;
type nonrec t = t;
let compare = compare;