@ -19,21 +19,26 @@ module Predsym = Ses.Predsym
(** Terms, denoting functions from structures to values, built from
variables and applications of function symbols from various theories. *)
type trm =
(* variables *)
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
(* arithmetic *)
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Neg of trm
| Add of trm * trm
| Sub of trm * trm
| Mulq of Q.t * trm
(* sequences (of non-fixed size) *)
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
(* records (with fixed indices) *)
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
(* uninterpreted *)
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
@ -87,21 +92,26 @@ let _Apply f es = Apply (f, es)
first-order logic connectives. *)
module Fml : sig
type fml = private
(* propositional constants *)
| Tt
| Ff
(* equality *)
| Eq of trm * trm
| Dq of trm * trm
(* arithmetic *)
| Eq0 of trm (** [Eq0(x)] iff x = 0 *)
| Dq0 of trm (** [Dq0(x)] iff x ≠ 0 *)
| Gt0 of trm (** [Gt0(x)] iff x > 0 *)
| Ge0 of trm (** [Ge0(x)] iff x ≥ 0 *)
| Lt0 of trm (** [Lt0(x)] iff x < 0 *)
| Le0 of trm (** [Le0(x)] iff x ≤ 0 *)
(* propositional connectives *)
| And of fml * fml
| Or of fml * fml
| Iff of fml * fml
| Xor of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
(* uninterpreted literals *)
| UPosLit of Predsym.t * trm array
| UNegLit of Predsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]