[thread-safety] use id map to decompile tmp vars into access paths

Summary: This is required to maintain a set of owned access paths in a subsequent diff.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D4318859

fbshipit-source-id: bd1a9fa
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent a11446ea96
commit 8e212f0468

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ type payload =
(** Proc location and blame_range info for crashcontext analysis *)
quandary : QuandarySummary.t option;
siof : SiofDomain.astate option;
threadsafety : ThreadSafetyDomain.astate option;
threadsafety : ThreadSafetyDomain.summary option;
type summary =
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ let pp_payload pe fmt { preposts; typestate; crashcontext_frame; quandary; siof;
(pp_opt Crashcontext.pp_stacktree) crashcontext_frame
(pp_opt QuandarySummary.pp) quandary
(pp_opt SiofDomain.pp) siof
(pp_opt ThreadSafetyDomain.pp) threadsafety
(pp_opt ThreadSafetyDomain.pp_summary) threadsafety
let pp_summary_text ~whole_seconds fmt summary =

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ type payload =
(** Procedure location and blame_range info for crashcontext analysis *)
quandary : QuandarySummary.t option;
siof : SiofDomain.astate option;
threadsafety : ThreadSafetyDomain.astate option;
threadsafety : ThreadSafetyDomain.summary option;
(** Procedure summary *)

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ module L = Logging
module Summary = Summary.Make (struct
type summary = ThreadSafetyDomain.astate
type summary = ThreadSafetyDomain.summary
let update_payload astate payload =
{ payload with Specs.threadsafety = Some astate }
let update_payload summary payload =
{ payload with Specs.threadsafety = Some summary }
let read_from_payload payload =
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type lock_model =
| Lock
| Unlock
| None
| NoEffect
let get_lock_model = function
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
@ -67,24 +67,35 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
"unlock" ->
| _ ->
| pname when Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__set_locked_attribute ->
| pname when Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__delete_locked_attribute ->
| _ ->
let add_path_to_state exp typ loc path_state =
let resolve_id (id_map : IdAccessPathMapDomain.astate) id =
try Some (IdAccessPathMapDomain.find id id_map)
with Not_found -> None
let add_path_to_state exp typ loc path_state id_map =
let f_resolve_id = resolve_id id_map in
(fun acc rawpath ->
ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.add_sink (ThreadSafetyDomain.make_access rawpath loc) acc)
(AccessPath.of_exp exp typ ~f_resolve_id:(fun _ -> None))
(AccessPath.of_exp exp typ ~f_resolve_id)
let analyze_id_assignment lhs_id rhs_exp rhs_typ { ThreadSafetyDomain.id_map; } =
let f_resolve_id = resolve_id id_map in
match AccessPath.of_lhs_exp rhs_exp rhs_typ ~f_resolve_id with
| Some rhs_access_path -> IdAccessPathMapDomain.add lhs_id rhs_access_path id_map
| None -> id_map
let exec_instr
({ ThreadSafetyDomain.locks; reads; writes; } as astate)
({ ThreadSafetyDomain.locks; reads; writes; id_map; } as astate)
{ ProcData.pdesc; tenv; } _ =
let is_unprotected is_locked =
@ -98,11 +109,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{ astate with locks = true; }
| Unlock ->
{ astate with locks = false; }
| None ->
| NoEffect ->
match Summary.read_summary pdesc pn with
| Some callee_astate ->
let locks' = callee_astate.locks || locks in
| Some (callee_locks, callee_reads, callee_writes) ->
let locks' = callee_locks || locks in
let astate' =
(* TODO (14842325): report on constructors that aren't threadsafe
(e.g., constructors that access static fields) *)
@ -111,13 +122,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
not (is_call_to_builder_class_method pn)
let call_site = CallSite.make pn loc in
let callee_reads =
ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.with_callsite callee_astate.reads call_site in
let callee_writes =
ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.with_callsite callee_astate.writes call_site in
let callee_astate' =
{ callee_astate with ThreadSafetyDomain.reads = callee_reads; writes = callee_writes; } in
ThreadSafetyDomain.join callee_astate' astate
let reads' =
ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.with_callsite callee_reads call_site
|> ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.join reads in
let writes' =
ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.with_callsite callee_writes call_site
|> ThreadSafetyDomain.PathDomain.join writes in
{ astate with reads = reads'; writes = writes'; }
astate in
{ astate' with locks = locks' }
@ -126,10 +137,14 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar lhs_pvar, lhs_typ, rhs_exp, _) when Pvar.is_frontend_tmp lhs_pvar ->
let id_map' = analyze_id_assignment (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) rhs_exp lhs_typ astate in
{ astate with id_map = id_map'; }
| Sil.Store ((Lfield ( _, _, typ) as lhsfield) , _, _, loc) ->
if is_unprotected locks (* abstracts no lock being held *)
let writes' = add_path_to_state lhsfield typ loc writes in
let writes' = add_path_to_state lhsfield typ loc writes id_map in
{ astate with writes = writes'; }
@ -139,14 +154,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Sil.Store (_, _, Lfield _, _) ->
failwith "Unexpected store instruction with rhs field"
| Sil.Load (_, (Lfield ( _, _, typ) as rhsfield) , _, loc) ->
if is_unprotected locks (* abstracts no lock being held *)
let reads' = add_path_to_state rhsfield typ loc reads in
{ astate with reads = reads'; }
| Sil.Load (lhs_id, rhs_exp, rhs_typ, loc) ->
let id_map' = analyze_id_assignment (Var.of_id lhs_id) rhs_exp rhs_typ astate in
let reads' =
match rhs_exp with
| Lfield ( _, _, typ) when is_unprotected locks ->
add_path_to_state rhs_exp typ loc reads id_map
| _ ->
reads in
{ astate with Domain.reads = reads'; id_map = id_map'; }
| _ ->
@ -159,26 +175,19 @@ module Analyzer =
module Interprocedural = AbstractInterpreter.Interprocedural (Summary)
(* convert the abstract state to a summary by dropping the id map *)
let compute_post pdesc =
match Analyzer.compute_post pdesc with
| Some { locks; reads; writes; } -> Some (locks, reads, writes)
| None -> None
(*This is a "checker"*)
let method_analysis callback =
let proc_desc = callback.Callbacks.proc_desc in
let opost =
callback in
match opost with
| Some post -> (* I am printing to commandline and out to cater to javac and buck*)
(L.stdout "\n Procedure: %s@ "
(Procname.to_string (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) )
L.stdout "\n POST: %a\n" ThreadSafetyDomain.pp post;
(L.out "\n Procedure: %s@ "
(Procname.to_string (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) )
L.out "\n POST: %a\n" ThreadSafetyDomain.pp post
| None -> ()
|> ignore
(* a results table is a Map where a key is an a procedure environment,
i.e., something of type Idenv.t * Tenv.t * Procname.t * Procdesc.t
@ -207,11 +216,14 @@ let make_results_table get_proc_desc file_env =
idenv; tenv; proc_name; proc_desc} in
callback_arg with
| Some post -> post
| None -> ThreadSafetyDomain.initial
| None ->
map_post_computation_over_procs compute_post_for_procedure file_env
@ -241,7 +253,7 @@ let report_thread_safety_errors ( _, tenv, pname, pdesc) trace =
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let trace_of_pname callee_pname =
match Summary.read_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some astate -> astate.writes
| Some (_, _, writes) -> writes
| _ -> PathDomain.initial in
let report_one_path ((_, sinks) as path) =
let pp_accesses fmt sink =
@ -278,9 +290,9 @@ let report_thread_safety_errors ( _, tenv, pname, pdesc) trace =
This indicates that the method races with itself. To be refined later. *)
let process_results_table tab =
ResultsTableType.iter (* report errors for each method *)
(fun proc_env (astate : ThreadSafetyDomain.astate) ->
(fun proc_env (_, _, writes) ->
if should_report_on_proc proc_env then
report_thread_safety_errors proc_env astate.writes
report_thread_safety_errors proc_env writes
else ()

@ -55,16 +55,26 @@ module LocksDomain = AbstractDomain.BooleanAnd
module PathDomain = SinkTrace.Make(TraceElem)
type astate =
{ locks : LocksDomain.astate;
locks : LocksDomain.astate;
(** boolean that is true if a lock must currently be held *)
reads : PathDomain.astate;
(** access paths read outside of synchronization *)
writes : PathDomain.astate;
(** access paths written outside of synchronization *)
id_map : IdAccessPathMapDomain.astate;
(** map used to decompile temporary variables into access paths *)
(** same as astate, but without [id_map] (since it's local) *)
type summary = LocksDomain.astate * PathDomain.astate * PathDomain.astate
let initial =
let locks = LocksDomain.initial in
let reads = PathDomain.initial in
let writes = PathDomain.initial in
{ locks; reads; writes; }
let id_map = IdAccessPathMapDomain.initial in
{ locks; reads; writes; id_map; }
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs
@ -72,7 +82,8 @@ let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
LocksDomain.(<=) ~lhs:lhs.locks ~rhs:rhs.locks &&
PathDomain.(<=) ~lhs:lhs.reads ~rhs:rhs.reads &&
PathDomain.(<=) ~lhs:lhs.writes ~rhs:rhs.writes
PathDomain.(<=) ~lhs:lhs.writes ~rhs:rhs.writes &&
IdAccessPathMapDomain.(<=) ~lhs:lhs.id_map ~rhs:rhs.id_map
let join astate1 astate2 =
if phys_equal astate1 astate2
@ -82,7 +93,8 @@ let join astate1 astate2 =
let locks = LocksDomain.join astate1.locks astate2.locks in
let reads = PathDomain.join astate1.reads astate2.reads in
let writes = PathDomain.join astate1.writes astate2.writes in
{ locks; reads; writes; }
let id_map = IdAccessPathMapDomain.join astate1.id_map astate2.id_map in
{ locks; reads; writes; id_map; }
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next
@ -92,9 +104,20 @@ let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let locks = LocksDomain.widen ~prev:prev.locks ~next:next.locks ~num_iters in
let reads = PathDomain.widen ~prev:prev.reads ~next:next.reads ~num_iters in
let writes = PathDomain.widen ~prev:prev.writes ~next:next.writes ~num_iters in
{ locks; reads; writes; }
let id_map = IdAccessPathMapDomain.widen ~prev:prev.id_map ~next:next.id_map ~num_iters in
{ locks; reads; writes; id_map; }
let pp_summary fmt (locks, reads, writes) =
"Locks: %a Reads: %a Writes: %a"
LocksDomain.pp locks
PathDomain.pp reads
PathDomain.pp writes
let pp fmt { locks; reads; writes; } =
let pp fmt { locks; reads; writes; id_map; } =
"Locks: %a Reads: %a Writes: %a" LocksDomain.pp locks PathDomain.pp reads PathDomain.pp writes
"%a Id Map: %a"
pp_summary (locks, reads, writes)
IdAccessPathMapDomain.pp id_map
