@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ let mark_visited summary node =
else Summary . Stats . add_visited_re stats node_id
let forward_tabulate exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl =
let forward_tabulate summary exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name ( ProcCfg . Exceptional . proc_desc proc_cfg ) in
let handle_exn_node curr_node exn =
Exceptions . print_exception_html " Failure of symbolic execution: " exn ;
@ -432,9 +432,9 @@ let forward_tabulate exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl =
let print_node_preamble curr_node session pathset_todo =
let log_string proc_name =
let summary = Summary . get_unsafe proc_name in
let phase_string =
BiabductionSummary . ( summary . payloads . biabduction | > opt_get_phase | > string_of_phase_short )
let open BiabductionSummary in
summary . Summary . payloads . biabduction | > opt_get_phase | > string_of_phase_short
let status = Summary . get_status summary in
F . sprintf " [%s:%s] %s " phase_string ( Summary . Status . to_string status )
@ -501,7 +501,6 @@ let forward_tabulate exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl =
while not ( Worklist . is_empty wl ) do
let curr_node = Worklist . remove wl in
let summary = Summary . get_unsafe pname in
mark_visited summary curr_node ;
(* mark nodes visited in fp and re phases *)
let session = incr summary . Summary . sessions ; ! ( summary . Summary . sessions ) in
@ -749,7 +748,7 @@ let initial_prop_from_pre tenv curr_f pre =
(* * Re-execute one precondition and return some spec if there was no re-execution error. *)
let execute_filter_prop exe_env wl tenv proc_cfg init_node
let execute_filter_prop summary exe_env wl tenv proc_cfg init_node
( precondition : Prop . normal BiabductionSummary . Jprop . t )
: Prop . normal BiabductionSummary . spec option =
let pdesc = ProcCfg . Exceptional . proc_desc proc_cfg in
@ -771,7 +770,7 @@ let execute_filter_prop exe_env wl tenv proc_cfg init_node
Worklist . add wl init_node ;
ignore ( path_set_put_todo wl init_node init_edgeset ) ;
forward_tabulate exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl ;
forward_tabulate summary exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl ;
do_before_node 0 init_node ;
L . d_strln_color Green
( " #### Finished: RE-execution for " ^ Typ . Procname . to_string pname ^ " #### " ) ;
@ -853,7 +852,7 @@ let perform_analysis_phase exe_env tenv (summary: Summary.t) (proc_cfg: ProcCfg.
L . d_decrease_indent 1 ;
Worklist . add wl start_node ;
ignore ( path_set_put_todo wl start_node init_edgeset ) ;
forward_tabulate exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl
forward_tabulate summary exe_env tenv proc_cfg wl
let get_results ( wl : Worklist . t ) () =
State . process_execution_failures Reporting . log_warning_deprecated pname ;
@ -883,7 +882,7 @@ let perform_analysis_phase exe_env tenv (summary: Summary.t) (proc_cfg: ProcCfg.
let go () =
let filter p =
let wl = path_set_create_worklist proc_cfg in
let speco = execute_filter_prop exe_env wl tenv proc_cfg start_node p in
let speco = execute_filter_prop summary exe_env wl tenv proc_cfg start_node p in
( match speco with None -> () | Some spec -> valid_specs := ! valid_specs @ [ spec ] ) ;