@ -296,47 +296,27 @@ module Node = struct
F.pp_print_string fmt "UnaryOperator"
(** Print extended instructions for the node,
highlighting the given subinstruction if present *)
let pp_instrs pe0 ~sub_instrs ~instro fmt node =
if sub_instrs then
let pe =
match instro with None -> pe0 | Some instr -> Pp.extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red
let instrs = get_instrs node in
Instrs.pp pe fmt instrs
let () =
match get_kind node with
| Stmt_node s ->
F.fprintf fmt "statements (%a)" pp_stmt s
| Prune_node (_, _, descr) ->
F.fprintf fmt "assume %s" descr
| Exit_node ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "exit"
| Skip_node s ->
F.fprintf fmt "skip (%s)" s
| Start_node ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "start"
| Join_node ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "join"
F.fprintf fmt " %a " Location.pp (get_loc node)
let pp_instrs ~highlight pe0 f node =
let pe =
match highlight with
| None ->
| Some instr ->
Pp.extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red
Instrs.pp pe f (get_instrs node)
(** Dump extended instructions for the node *)
let d_instrs ~(sub_instrs : bool) (curr_instr : Sil.instr option) (node : t) =
L.d_pp_with_pe ~color:Pp.Green (pp_instrs ~sub_instrs ~instro:curr_instr) node
let d_instrs ~highlight (node : t) = L.d_pp_with_pe ~color:Green (pp_instrs ~highlight) node
(** Return a description of the cfg node *)
let get_description pe node =
let str =
let str_kind =
match get_kind node with
| Stmt_node _ ->
| Prune_node (_, _, descr) ->
"Conditional" ^ " " ^ descr
"Conditional " ^ descr
| Exit_node ->
| Skip_node _ ->
@ -346,8 +326,7 @@ module Node = struct
| Join_node ->
let pp fmt = F.fprintf fmt "%s@.%a" str (pp_instrs pe ~instro:None ~sub_instrs:true) node in
F.asprintf "%t" pp
F.asprintf "%s@\n%a" str_kind (Instrs.pp pe) (get_instrs node)
(** simple key for a node: just look at the instructions *)