@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ let builtin_get_array_length =
let create_sil_deref exp typ loc =
let no_id = Ident.create_none () in
Sil.Letderef (no_id, exp, typ, loc)
Sil.Load (no_id, exp, typ, loc)
(** translate an expression used as an r-value *)
let rec expression context pc expr =
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ let rec expression context pc expr =
let type_of_expr = JTransType.expr_type context expr in
let trans_var pvar =
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let sil_instr = Sil.Letderef (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, type_of_expr, loc) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, type_of_expr, loc) in
([sil_instr], Exp.Var id, type_of_expr) in
match expr with
| JBir.Var (_, var) ->
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ let rec expression context pc expr =
let array_typ = Typ.Tarray (type_of_expr, None) in
let deref_array_instr = create_sil_deref sil_ex1 array_typ loc in
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let letderef_instr =
Sil.Letderef (id, Exp.Lindex (sil_ex1, sil_ex2), type_of_expr, loc) in
let instrs = (instrs1 @ (deref_array_instr :: instrs2)) @ [letderef_instr] in
let load_instr =
Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lindex (sil_ex1, sil_ex2), type_of_expr, loc) in
let instrs = (instrs1 @ (deref_array_instr :: instrs2)) @ [load_instr] in
instrs, Exp.Var id, type_of_expr
| other_binop ->
let sil_binop = get_binop other_binop in
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ let rec expression context pc expr =
let sil_type = JTransType.get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn in
let sil_expr = Exp.Lfield (sil_expr, field_name, sil_type) in
let tmp_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let lderef_instr = Sil.Letderef (tmp_id, sil_expr, sil_type, loc) in
let lderef_instr = Sil.Load (tmp_id, sil_expr, sil_type, loc) in
(instrs @ [lderef_instr], Exp.Var tmp_id, type_of_expr)
| JBir.StaticField (cn, fs) ->
let class_exp =
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ let rec expression context pc expr =
let sil_expr = Exp.Lfield (sil_expr, field_name, sil_type) in
let tmp_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let lderef_instr = Sil.Letderef (tmp_id, sil_expr, sil_type, loc) in
let lderef_instr = Sil.Load (tmp_id, sil_expr, sil_type, loc) in
(instrs @ [lderef_instr], Exp.Var tmp_id, type_of_expr)
let method_invocation context loc pc var_opt cn ms sil_obj_opt expr_list invoke_code method_kind =
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ let method_invocation context loc pc var_opt cn ms sil_obj_opt expr_list invoke_
let call_ret_instrs sil_var =
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let call_instr = Sil.Call ([ret_id], callee_fun, call_args, loc, call_flags) in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar sil_var, return_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar sil_var, return_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
(instrs @ [call_instr; set_instr]) in
match var_opt with
| None ->
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
| JBir.AffectVar (var, expr) ->
let (stml, sil_expr, sil_type) = expression context pc expr in
let pvar = (JContext.set_pvar context var sil_type) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar pvar, sil_type, sil_expr, loc) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar pvar, sil_type, sil_expr, loc) in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "method_body" in
let node = create_node node_kind (stml @ [sil_instr]) in
Instr node
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
| Some expr ->
let (stml, sil_expr, _) = expression context pc expr in
let sil_instrs =
let return_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_expr, loc) in
let return_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_expr, loc) in
if return_not_null () then
[assume_not_null loc sil_expr; return_instr]
@ -833,7 +833,8 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
and (instrs_value, sil_expr_value, _) = expression context pc value_ex in
let arr_type_np = JTransType.extract_cn_type_np arr_type in
let sil_instr =
Sil.Set (Exp.Lindex (sil_expr_array, sil_expr_index), arr_type_np, sil_expr_value, loc) in
Sil.Store (
Exp.Lindex (sil_expr_array, sil_expr_index), arr_type_np, sil_expr_value, loc) in
let final_instrs = instrs_array @ instrs_index @ instrs_value @ [sil_instr] in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "method_body" in
let node = create_node node_kind final_instrs in
@ -845,7 +846,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
let type_of_the_surrounding_class = JTransType.get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn in
let type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs = type_of_the_surrounding_class in
let expr_off = Exp.Lfield(sil_expr_lhs, field_name, type_of_the_surrounding_class) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Set (expr_off, type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs, sil_expr_rhs, loc) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Store (expr_off, type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs, sil_expr_rhs, loc) in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "method_body" in
let node = create_node node_kind (stml1 @ stml2 @ [sil_instr]) in
Instr node
@ -860,7 +861,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
let type_of_the_surrounding_class = JTransType.get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn in
let type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs = type_of_the_surrounding_class in
let expr_off = Exp.Lfield(sil_expr_lhs, field_name, type_of_the_surrounding_class) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Set (expr_off, type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs, sil_expr_rhs, loc) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Store (expr_off, type_of_the_root_of_e_lhs, sil_expr_rhs, loc) in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "method_body" in
let node = create_node node_kind (stml1 @ stml2 @ [sil_instr]) in
Instr node
@ -892,7 +893,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
| JBir.Throw expr ->
let (instrs, sil_expr, _) = expression context pc expr in
let sil_exn = Exp.Exn sil_expr in
let sil_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let sil_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let node = create_node Cfg.Node.throw_kind (instrs @ [sil_instr]) in
JContext.add_goto_jump context pc JContext.Exit;
Instr node
@ -910,7 +911,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
context loc pc None cn constr_ms ret_opt constr_arg_list I_Special Procname.Non_Static in
let pvar = JContext.set_pvar context var class_type in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar pvar, class_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar pvar, class_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
let instrs = (new_instr :: call_instrs) @ [set_instr] in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node ("Call "^(Procname.to_string constr_procname)) in
let node = create_node node_kind instrs in
@ -926,7 +927,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
let call_args = [(array_size, array_type)] in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let call_instr = Sil.Call([ret_id], builtin_new_array, call_args, loc, CallFlags.default) in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar array_name, array_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar array_name, array_type, Exp.Var ret_id, loc) in
let node_kind = Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "method_body" in
let node = create_node node_kind (instrs @ [call_instr; set_instr]) in
Instr node
@ -1023,7 +1024,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
let ret_opt = Some (Exp.Var ret_id, class_type) in
method_invocation context loc pc None npe_cn constr_ms ret_opt [] I_Special Procname.Static in
let sil_exn = Exp.Exn (Exp.Var ret_id) in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let npe_instrs = instrs @ [sil_prune_null] @ (new_instr :: call_instrs) @ [set_instr] in
create_node npe_kind npe_instrs in
Prune (not_null_node, throw_npe_node)
@ -1077,7 +1078,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
context loc pc None out_of_bound_cn constr_ms
(Some (Exp.Var ret_id, class_type)) [] I_Special Procname.Static in
let sil_exn = Exp.Exn (Exp.Var ret_id) in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let out_of_bound_instrs =
instrs @ [sil_assume_out_of_bound] @ (new_instr :: call_instrs) @ [set_instr] in
create_node out_of_bound_node_kind out_of_bound_instrs in
@ -1115,7 +1116,7 @@ let rec instruction context pc instr : translation =
method_invocation context loc pc None cce_cn constr_ms
(Some (Exp.Var ret_id, class_type)) [] I_Special Procname.Static in
let sil_exn = Exp.Exn (Exp.Var ret_id) in
let set_instr = Sil.Set (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let set_instr = Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar ret_var, ret_type, sil_exn, loc) in
let cce_instrs =
instrs @ [call; asssume_not_instance_of] @ (new_instr :: call_instrs) @ [set_instr] in
create_node throw_cast_exception_kind cce_instrs in