@ -175,9 +175,13 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
| ` Both ( d1 , d2 ) -> Some ( Int . max d1 d2 ) )
module PrioQueue : sig
(* * an edge at a depth with the domain and depths state it yielded *)
type elt = { depth : int ; edge : Edge . t ; state : Dom . t ; depths : Depths . t }
module PriorityQueue ( Elt : sig
type t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
val pp : t pp
val joinable : t -> t -> bool
end ) : sig
type elt = Elt . t
(* * a "queue" of elements, which need not be FIFO *)
type t
@ -196,19 +200,11 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
are other elements in [ q ] with the same destination as [ e ] , and
[ q' ] is [ q ] without [ e ] and [ es ] . * )
end = struct
type elt = { depth : int ; edge : Edge . t ; state : Dom . t ; depths : Depths . t }
[ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
module Elt = struct
type t = elt [ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
let pp ppf { depth ; edge } =
Format . fprintf ppf " %i: %a " depth Edge . pp edge
type elt = Elt . t
module Elts = Set . Make ( Elt )
type t = { queue : el t FHeap . t ; removed : Elts . t }
type t = { queue : Elt . t FHeap . t ; removed : Elts . t }
let pp ppf { queue ; removed } =
let rev_elts =
@ -219,7 +215,7 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
( List . rev rev_elts )
let create () =
{ queue = FHeap . create ~ cmp : compare _elt ; removed = Elts . empty }
{ queue = FHeap . create ~ cmp : Elt . compare ; removed = Elts . empty }
let add elt { queue ; removed } =
let removed' = Elts . remove elt removed in
@ -234,21 +230,32 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let elts , removed =
FHeap . fold queue ~ init : ( [] , removed' )
~ f : ( fun ( elts , removed ) elt ->
Llair . Block . equal top . edge . dst elt . edge . dst
&& not ( Elts . mem elt removed )
then ( elt :: elts , Elts . add elt removed )
if Elt . joinable top elt && not ( Elts . mem elt removed ) then
( elt :: elts , Elts . add elt removed )
else ( elts , removed ) )
Some ( top , elts , { queue ; removed } )
module Elt = struct
(* * an edge at a depth with the domain and depths state it yielded *)
type t = { depth : int ; edge : Edge . t ; state : Dom . t ; depths : Depths . t }
[ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
let pp ppf { depth ; edge } =
Format . fprintf ppf " %i: %a " depth Edge . pp edge
let joinable x y = Llair . Block . equal x . edge . dst y . edge . dst
module Queue = PriorityQueue ( Elt )
let enqueue depth edge state depths queue =
[ % Trace . info
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a " depth Edge . pp edge Stack . pp edge . stk
PrioQueue . pp queue ] ;
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a " depth Edge . pp edge Stack . pp edge . stk Queue . pp
queue ] ;
let depths = Depths . add ~ key : edge ~ data : depth depths in
PrioQueue . add { depth ; edge ; state ; depths } queue
Queue. add { depth ; edge ; state ; depths } queue
let prune depth edge queue =
[ % Trace . info " %i: %a " depth Edge . pp edge ] ;
@ -256,19 +263,17 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let dequeue queue =
let + { depth ; edge ; state ; depths } , elts , queue =
PrioQueue . pop queue
let + { depth ; edge ; state ; depths } , elts , queue = Queue . pop queue in
[ % Trace . info
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a " depth Edge . pp edge Stack . pp edge . stk
PrioQueue . pp queue ] ;
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a " depth Edge . pp edge Stack . pp edge . stk Queue . pp
queue ] ;
let state , depths =
List . fold elts ( state , depths ) ~ f : ( fun elt ( state , depths ) ->
( Dom . join elt . state state , Depths . join elt . depths depths ) )
( edge , state , depths , queue )
type t = Prio Queue. t
type t = Queue. t
type x = Depths . t -> t -> t
let skip _ w = w
@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ module Make (Opts : Domain_intf.Opts) (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let init state curr =
add ~ retreating : false Stack . empty state curr Depths . empty
( Prio Queue. create () )
( Queue. create () )
let rec run ~ f queue =
match dequeue queue with