@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ open! Utils
module L = Logging
(* * Look up a key in a json file containing a list of strings *)
let lookup_string_list key json =
Yojson . Basic . Util . filter_member key [ json ]
| > Yojson . Basic . Util . flatten
| > Yojson . Basic . Util . filter_string
with Yojson . Basic . Util . Type_error _ -> []
type path_filter = DB . source_file -> bool
type error_filter = Localise . t -> bool
type proc_filter = Procname . t -> bool
@ -365,15 +357,9 @@ let create_filters analyzer =
(* Decide whether a checker or error type is enabled or disabled based on *)
(* white/black listing in .inferconfig and the default value *)
let is_checker_enabled =
let black_listed_checks = lazy (
lookup_string_list " disable_checks " ( Lazy . force Config . inferconfig_json ) ) in
let white_listed_checks = lazy (
lookup_string_list " enable_checks " ( Lazy . force Config . inferconfig_json ) ) in
(* return a closure so that we automatically memoize the json lookups thanks to lazy *)
function checker_name ->
match IList . mem ( = ) checker_name ( Lazy . force black_listed_checks ) ,
IList . mem ( = ) checker_name ( Lazy . force white_listed_checks ) with
let is_checker_enabled checker_name =
match IList . mem ( = ) checker_name Config . disable_checks ,
IList . mem ( = ) checker_name Config . enable_checks with
| false , false -> (* if it's not amond white/black listed then we use default value *)
not ( IList . mem ( = ) checker_name Config . checks_disabled_by_default )
| true , false -> (* if it's blacklisted and not whitelisted then it should be disabled *)