@ -40,14 +40,19 @@ let proc_is_up_to_date gr pname =
| None -> false
| Some summary ->
let filter dependent_proc =
Specs.get_timestamp summary =
Procname.Map.find dependent_proc summary.Specs.dependency_map in
Specs.get_timestamp summary =
Procname.Map.find dependent_proc summary.Specs.dependency_map
with Not_found -> (* can happen in on-demand *)
true in
Procname.Set.for_all filter (Cg.get_defined_children gr pname)
(** Return the list of procedures which should perform a phase
transition from [FOOTPRINT] to [RE_EXECUTION] *)
let should_perform_transition gr proc_name : Procname.t list =
let recursive_dependents = Cg.get_recursive_dependents gr proc_name in
let recursive_dependents =
if !Config.ondemand_enabled then Procname.Set.empty
else Cg.get_recursive_dependents gr proc_name in
let recursive_dependents_plus_self = Procname.Set.add proc_name recursive_dependents in
let should_transition =
Specs.get_phase proc_name == Specs.FOOTPRINT &&