[erl-frontend] Extract helper methods for blocks

Summary: Extract helper methods related to block creation into a module.

Reviewed By: rgrig

Differential Revision: D29436139

fbshipit-source-id: 92f9466d3
Akos Hajdu 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 0a5323160f
commit 98c32643fa

@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ end
type module_name = string [@@deriving sexp_of]
type block = {start: Procdesc.Node.t; exit_success: Procdesc.Node.t; exit_failure: Procdesc.Node.t}
type environment =
{ current_module: module_name (** used to qualify function names *)
; exports: UnqualifiedFunction.Set.t (** used to determine public/private access *)
@ -128,66 +126,87 @@ module Node = struct
make_throw env crash_instruction
let make_block_success env =
let exit_success, exit_failure = (Node.make_nop env, Node.make_nop env) in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_block_failure env =
let exit_success, exit_failure = (Node.make_nop env, Node.make_nop env) in
{start= exit_failure; exit_success; exit_failure}
(** Makes one block of a list of blocks. Meant to be used only by the functions [all_blocks] and
[any_block] defined immediately below. If [b] comes before [c] in the list [blocks], then an
edge is added from [continue b] to [c.start]. For all blocks [b] in the list [blocks], an edge
is added from [stop b] to [new_stop], where [new_stop] is a new node of type join. If there is
only one block, then it is returned with no modification.*)
let sequence_blocks ~(continue : block -> Procdesc.Node.t) ~(stop : block -> Procdesc.Node.t) env
(blocks : block list) =
match blocks with
| [] ->
L.die InternalError "blocks should not be empty"
| [one_block] ->
(one_block.start, continue one_block, stop one_block)
| first_block :: next_blocks ->
let continue_node =
let f previous b =
previous |~~> [b.start] ;
continue b
(** Groups several helpers used to create blocks. *)
module Block = struct
type t = {start: Procdesc.Node.t; exit_success: Procdesc.Node.t; exit_failure: Procdesc.Node.t}
let make_success env =
let exit_success, exit_failure = (Node.make_nop env, Node.make_nop env) in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_failure env =
let exit_success, exit_failure = (Node.make_nop env, Node.make_nop env) in
{start= exit_failure; exit_success; exit_failure}
(** Makes one block of a list of blocks. Meant to be used only by the functions [all_blocks] and
[any_block] defined immediately below. If [b] comes before [c] in the list [blocks], then an
edge is added from [continue b] to [c.start]. For all blocks [b] in the list [blocks], an edge
is added from [stop b] to [new_stop], where [new_stop] is a new node of type join. If there is
only one block, then it is returned with no modification.*)
let sequence ~(continue : t -> Procdesc.Node.t) ~(stop : t -> Procdesc.Node.t) env
(blocks : t list) =
match blocks with
| [] ->
L.die InternalError "blocks should not be empty"
| [one_block] ->
(one_block.start, continue one_block, stop one_block)
| first_block :: next_blocks ->
let continue_node =
let f previous b =
previous |~~> [b.start] ;
continue b
List.fold ~f ~init:(continue first_block) next_blocks
List.fold ~f ~init:(continue first_block) next_blocks
let new_stop = Node.make_join env in
List.iter ~f:(fun b -> stop b |~~> [new_stop]) blocks ;
(first_block.start, continue_node, new_stop)
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a conjunctive style: a failure in any block leads to a global
failure, and successes lead to the next block. *)
let all_blocks env (blocks : block list) : block =
match blocks with
| [] ->
make_block_success env
| _ ->
let continue b = b.exit_success in
let stop b = b.exit_failure in
let start, exit_success, exit_failure = sequence_blocks ~continue ~stop env blocks in
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
let new_stop = Node.make_join env in
List.iter ~f:(fun b -> stop b |~~> [new_stop]) blocks ;
(first_block.start, continue_node, new_stop)
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a disjunctive style: a success in any block leads to a global
success, and failures lead to the next block. *)
let any_block env (blocks : block list) : block =
match blocks with
| [] ->
make_block_failure env
| _ ->
let continue b = b.exit_failure in
let stop b = b.exit_success in
let start, exit_failure, exit_success = sequence_blocks ~continue ~stop env blocks in
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a conjunctive style: a failure in any block leads to a
global failure, and successes lead to the next block. *)
let all env (blocks : t list) : t =
match blocks with
| [] ->
make_success env
| _ ->
let continue b = b.exit_success in
let stop b = b.exit_failure in
let start, exit_success, exit_failure = sequence ~continue ~stop env blocks in
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a disjunctive style: a success in any block leads to a
global success, and failures lead to the next block. *)
let any env (blocks : t list) : t =
match blocks with
| [] ->
make_failure env
| _ ->
let continue b = b.exit_failure in
let stop b = b.exit_success in
let start, exit_failure, exit_success = sequence ~continue ~stop env blocks in
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_instruction env instructions =
let exit_success = Node.make_stmt env ~kind:ErlangExpression instructions in
let exit_failure = Node.make_nop env in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_load env id e typ =
let procdesc = Option.value_exn env.procdesc in
let procname = Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc in
let temp_pvar = Pvar.mk_tmp "LoadBlock" procname in
let instructions =
[ Sil.Store {e1= Lvar temp_pvar; e2= e; root_typ= typ; typ; loc= env.location}
; Sil.Load {id; e= Lvar temp_pvar; root_typ= typ; typ; loc= env.location} ]
make_instruction env instructions
let has_type env ~result ~value (name : ErlangTypeName.t) : Sil.instr =
let fun_exp : Exp.t = Const (Cfun BuiltinDecl.__instanceof) in
@ -206,7 +225,7 @@ let has_type env ~result ~value (name : ErlangTypeName.t) : Sil.instr =
(** If the pattern-match succeeds, then the [exit_success] node is reached and the pattern variables
are storing the corresponding values; otherwise, the [exit_failure] node is reached. *)
let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} : Block.t =
let env = update_location line env in
let any = typ_of_name Any in
let procdesc = Option.value_exn env.procdesc in
@ -234,7 +253,7 @@ let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let unpack_node = Node.make_stmt env [head_load; tail_load] in
let head_matcher = translate_pattern env head_value head in
let tail_matcher = translate_pattern env tail_value tail in
let submatcher = all_blocks env [head_matcher; tail_matcher] in
let submatcher = Block.all env [head_matcher; tail_matcher] in
let exit_failure = Node.make_nop env in
start |~~> [right_type_node; wrong_type_node] ;
right_type_node |~~> [unpack_node] ;
@ -258,7 +277,7 @@ let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
start |~~> [exit_success; exit_failure] ;
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
| Variable vname when String.equal vname "_" ->
make_block_success env
Block.make_success env
| Variable vname ->
let store : Sil.instr =
let e1 : Exp.t = Lvar (Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string vname) procname) in
@ -272,24 +291,7 @@ let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
(* TODO: Cover all cases. *)
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslator.translate_pattern %s@."
(Sexp.to_string (Ast.sexp_of_simple_expression e)) ;
make_block_failure env
let make_instruction_block env instructions =
let exit_success = Node.make_stmt env ~kind:ErlangExpression instructions in
let exit_failure = Node.make_nop env in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_load_block env id e typ =
let procdesc = Option.value_exn env.procdesc in
let procname = Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc in
let temp_pvar = Pvar.mk_tmp "LoadBlock" procname in
let instructions =
[ Sil.Store {e1= Lvar temp_pvar; e2= e; root_typ= typ; typ; loc= env.location}
; Sil.Load {id; e= Lvar temp_pvar; root_typ= typ; typ; loc= env.location} ]
make_instruction_block env instructions
Block.make_failure env
let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let ret_var =
match env.result with Some (Var ret_var) -> ret_var | _ -> Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal
let expression_block =
let expression_block : Block.t =
match simple_expression with
| Call
{ module_= None
@ -333,14 +335,14 @@ let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let call_instruction =
Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args_ids_and_types, env.location, CallFlags.default)
let call_block = make_instruction_block env [call_instruction] in
all_blocks env (args_blocks @ [call_block])
let call_block = Block.make_instruction env [call_instruction] in
Block.all env (args_blocks @ [call_block])
| Case {expression; cases} ->
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let expr_block = translate_expression {env with result= Some (Var id)} expression in
let blocks = any_block env (List.map ~f:(translate_case_clause env [id]) cases) in
let blocks = Block.any env (List.map ~f:(translate_case_clause env [id]) cases) in
let crash_node = Node.make_pattern_fail env in
let {start; exit_success; exit_failure} = all_blocks env [expr_block; blocks] in
let {Block.start; exit_success; exit_failure} = Block.all env [expr_block; blocks] in
blocks.exit_failure |~~> [crash_node] ;
crash_node |~~> [Procdesc.get_exit_node procdesc] ;
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let call_instruction =
Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args, env.location, CallFlags.default)
all_blocks env [head_block; tail_block; make_instruction_block env [call_instruction]]
Block.all env [head_block; tail_block; Block.make_instruction env [call_instruction]]
| Literal (Atom atom) ->
let hash =
(* With this hack, an atom may accidentaly be considered equal to an unrelated integer.
@ -362,24 +364,24 @@ let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
String.hash atom lsl 16
let e = Exp.Const (Cint (IntLit.of_int hash)) in
make_load_block env ret_var e any
Block.make_load env ret_var e any
| Literal (Int i) ->
let e = Exp.Const (Cint (IntLit.of_string i)) in
make_load_block env ret_var e any
Block.make_load env ret_var e any
| Literal (String s) ->
let e = Exp.Const (Cstr s) in
make_load_block env ret_var e any
Block.make_load env ret_var e any
| Nil ->
let fun_exp = Exp.Const (Cfun BuiltinDecl.__erlang_make_nil) in
let instruction = Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, [], env.location, CallFlags.default) in
make_instruction_block env [instruction]
Block.make_instruction env [instruction]
| Variable vname ->
let e = Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string vname) procname) in
make_load_block env ret_var e any
Block.make_load env ret_var e any
| todo ->
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslator.translate_expression %s@."
(Sexp.to_string (Ast.sexp_of_simple_expression todo)) ;
make_block_success env
Block.make_success env
(* Add extra nodes/instructions to store return value if needed *)
match env.result with
@ -389,11 +391,11 @@ let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let store_instr =
Sil.Store {e1= result; root_typ= any; typ= any; e2= Var ret_var; loc= env.location}
let store_block = make_instruction_block env [store_instr] in
all_blocks env [expression_block; store_block]
let store_block = Block.make_instruction env [store_instr] in
Block.all env [expression_block; store_block]
and translate_body env body : block =
and translate_body env body : Block.t =
let blocks =
let f rev_blocks one_expression =
let env = {env with result= None} in
@ -402,17 +404,17 @@ and translate_body env body : block =
let f_last rev_blocks one_expression = translate_expression env one_expression :: rev_blocks in
List.rev (IList.fold_last body ~init:[] ~f ~f_last)
all_blocks env blocks
Block.all env blocks
(** Assumes that the values on which patterns should be matched have been loaded into the
identifiers listed in [values]. *)
and translate_case_clause env (values : Ident.t list) {Ast.line= _; patterns; guards= _; body} :
block =
Block.t =
let matchers_block =
let f (one_value, one_pattern) = translate_pattern env one_value one_pattern in
let matchers = List.map ~f (List.zip_exn values patterns) in
all_blocks env matchers
Block.all env matchers
let body_block = translate_body env body in
(* TODO: Evaluate the guards. *)
@ -458,9 +460,9 @@ let translate_one_function env cfg function_ clauses =
List.unzip (List.map ~f:load attributes.formals)
let {start; exit_success; exit_failure} =
let ({start; exit_success; exit_failure} : Block.t) =
let blocks = List.map ~f:(translate_case_clause env idents) clauses in
any_block env blocks
Block.any env blocks
let () =
(* Add a node that loads all values on which we pattern-match into idents. *)
