@ -305,7 +305,15 @@ type stats =
call_stats : call_stats ;
type status = ACTIVE | INACTIVE | STALE [ @@ deriving compare ]
type status = Initialized | Active | Analyzed [ @@ deriving compare ]
let string_of_status = function
| Initialized -> " Initialized "
| Active -> " Active "
| Analyzed -> " Analyzed "
let pp_status fmt status =
F . fprintf fmt " %s " ( string_of_status status )
let equal_status = [ % compare . equal : status ]
@ -335,8 +343,7 @@ type summary = {
payload : payload ; (* * payload containing the result of some analysis *)
sessions : int ref ; (* * Session number: how many nodes went trough symbolic execution *)
stats : stats ; (* * statistics: execution time and list of errors *)
status : status ; (* * ACTIVE when the proc is being analyzed *)
timestamp : int ; (* * Timestamp of the specs, >= 0, increased every time the specs change *)
status : status ; (* * Analysis status of the procedure *)
attributes : ProcAttributes . t ; (* * Attributes of the procedure *)
proc_desc_option : Procdesc . t option ;
@ -407,12 +414,6 @@ let pp_specs pe fmt specs =
F . fprintf fmt " \\ subsection*{Spec %d of %d}@ \n \\ (%a \\ )@ \n "
! cnt total ( pp_spec pe None ) spec ) specs
let describe_timestamp summary =
( " Timestamp " , Printf . sprintf " %d " summary . timestamp )
let describe_status summary =
( " Status " , if equal_status summary . status ACTIVE then " ACTIVE " else " INACTIVE " )
let describe_phase summary =
( " Phase " , if equal_phase summary . phase FOOTPRINT then " FOOTPRINT " else " RE_EXECUTION " )
@ -444,8 +445,7 @@ let get_specs_from_payload summary =
let pp_summary_no_stats_specs fmt summary =
let pp_pair fmt ( x , y ) = F . fprintf fmt " %s: %s " x y in
F . fprintf fmt " %s@ \n " ( get_signature summary ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " %a@ \n " pp_pair ( describe_timestamp summary ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " %a@ \n " pp_pair ( describe_status summary ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " %a@ \n " pp_status summary . status ;
F . fprintf fmt " %a@ \n " pp_pair ( describe_phase summary )
let pp_payload pe fmt { preposts ; typestate ; crashcontext_frame ; quandary ; siof ; threadsafety ; buffer_overrun } =
@ -561,8 +561,9 @@ let store_summary pname (summ1: summary) =
{ summ2 with
stats = { summ1 . stats with stats_time = 0 . 0 } } in
let final_summary = { summ3 with status = Analyzed } in
add_summary pname summ3 (* Make sure the summary in memory is identical to the saved one *) ;
Serialization . write_to_file summary_serializer ( res_dir_specs_filename pname ) summ3
Serialization . write_to_file summary_serializer ( res_dir_specs_filename pname ) final_summary
(* * Load procedure summary from the given file *)
let load_summary specs_file =
@ -668,13 +669,7 @@ let get_status summary =
summary . status
let is_active summary =
equal_status ( get_status summary ) ACTIVE
let get_timestamp summary =
summary . timestamp
let increment_timestamp summary =
{ summary with timestamp = summary . timestamp + 1 }
equal_status ( get_status summary ) Active
let get_proc_name summary =
summary . attributes . ProcAttributes . proc_name
@ -746,8 +741,7 @@ let init_summary
sessions = ref 0 ;
payload = empty_payload ;
stats = empty_stats calls in_out_calls_opt ;
status = INACTIVE ;
timestamp = 0 ;
status = Initialized ;
attributes =
{ proc_attributes with
ProcAttributes . proc_flags = proc_flags ; } ;