@ -827,7 +827,9 @@ let sym_eval abs e =
| Sil . Lindex ( e1 , e2 ) ->
let e1' = eval e1 in
let e2' = eval e2 in
Sil . Lindex ( e1' , e2' ) in
Sil . Lindex ( e1' , e2' )
| Sil . Attribute _ ->
e in
let e' = eval e in
(* L.d_str "sym_eval "; Sil.d_exp e; L.d_str" --> "; Sil.d_exp e'; L.d_ln ( ) ; *)
@ -1764,8 +1766,8 @@ let prop_reset_inst inst_map prop =
(* * Return the exp and attribute marked in the atom if any, and return None otherwise *)
let atom_get_exp_attribute = function
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) , e )
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) ) -> Some ( e , att )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att , e )
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att ) -> Some ( e , att )
| _ -> None
(* * Check whether an atom is used to mark an attribute *)
@ -1777,8 +1779,8 @@ let get_exp_attributes prop exp =
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let atom_get_attr attributes atom =
match atom with
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) , e ) when Sil . exp_equal e nexp -> att :: attributes
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att , e ) when Sil . exp_equal e nexp -> att :: attributes
| _ -> attributes in
IList . fold_left atom_get_attr [] prop . pi
@ -1835,7 +1837,7 @@ let get_all_attributes prop =
(* * Set an attribute associated to the expression *)
let set_exp_attribute prop exp att =
let exp_att = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) in
let exp_att = Sil . Attribute att in
conjoin_neq exp exp_att prop
(* * Replace an attribute associated to the expression *)
@ -1843,13 +1845,13 @@ let add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attribute_change prop exp a
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let found = ref false in
let atom_map a = match a with
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) , e ) ->
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att_old )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att_old , e ) ->
if Sil . exp_equal nexp e && ( attributes_in_same_category att_old att ) then
found := true ;
check_attribute_change att_old att ;
let e1 , e2 = exp_reorder e ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) ) in
let e1 , e2 = exp_reorder e ( Sil . Attribute att ) in
Sil . Aneq ( e1 , e2 )
else a
@ -1875,8 +1877,8 @@ let mark_vars_as_undefined prop vars_to_mark callee_pname ret_annots loc path_po
(* * Remove an attribute from all the atoms in the heap *)
let remove_attribute att prop =
let atom_remove atom pi = match atom with
| Sil . Aneq ( _ , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) , _ ) ->
| Sil . Aneq ( _ , Sil . Attribute att_old )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att_old , _ ) ->
if Sil . attribute_equal att_old att then
else atom :: pi
@ -1887,8 +1889,8 @@ let remove_attribute att prop =
let remove_attribute_from_exp att prop exp =
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let atom_remove atom pi = match atom with
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) , e ) ->
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att_old )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att_old , e ) ->
if Sil . attribute_equal att_old att && Sil . exp_equal nexp e then
else atom :: pi
@ -1923,8 +1925,8 @@ let rec nullify_exp_with_objc_null prop exp =
(* * Get all the attributes of the prop *)
let get_atoms_with_attribute att prop =
let atom_remove atom autoreleased_atoms = match atom with
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att_old ) , e ) ->
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att_old )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att_old , e ) ->
if Sil . attribute_equal att_old att then
e :: autoreleased_atoms
else autoreleased_atoms
@ -1939,10 +1941,10 @@ let attribute_map_resource prop f =
Sil . Aresource ( f e ra )
| att -> att in
let atom_map a = match a with
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att ) , e ) ->
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Attribute att )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Attribute att , e ) ->
let att' = attribute_map e att in
let e1 , e2 = exp_reorder e ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute att' ) ) in
let e1 , e2 = exp_reorder e ( Sil . Attribute att' ) in
Sil . Aneq ( e1 , e2 )
| _ -> a in
let pi' = IList . map atom_map pi in
@ -1985,7 +1987,8 @@ let find_arithmetic_problem proc_node_session prop exp =
| Sil . Lfield ( e , _ , _ ) -> walk e
| Sil . Lindex ( e1 , e2 ) -> walk e1 ; walk e2
| Sil . Sizeof ( _ , None , _ ) -> ()
| Sil . Sizeof ( _ , Some len , _ ) -> walk len in
| Sil . Sizeof ( _ , Some len , _ ) -> walk len
| Sil . Attribute _ -> () in
walk exp ;
try Some ( Div0 ( IList . find check_zero ! exps_divided ) ) , ! res
with Not_found ->
@ -2280,6 +2283,7 @@ let rec exp_captured_ren ren = function
let e1' = exp_captured_ren ren e1 in
let e2' = exp_captured_ren ren e2 in
Sil . Lindex ( e1' , e2' )
| Sil . Attribute _ as e -> e
let atom_captured_ren ren = function
| Sil . Aeq ( e1 , e2 ) ->