[buck] Unify buck command line arguments recognition, buck query invocation, and support target patterns and aliases

Make both buck capture and compilation database handle buck command line arguments and invoke buck query the same way.
Plus allow:
- target patterns `//some/dir:` and `//some/dir/...`. However since `//some/dir:#flavor` and `//some/dir/...#flavor` are not supported, they need to be expanded before adding the infer flavor.
- target aliases (defined in `.buckconfig`)
- shortcuts `//some/dir` rewritten to `//some/dir:dir`
- relative path `some/dir:name` rewritten to `//some/dir:name`

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D5321087

fbshipit-source-id: 48876d4
Mehdi Bouaziz 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 6c9cee700b
commit a2f69050ac

@ -129,3 +129,5 @@ let escape_filename s =
escape_map map s
let escape_double_quotes s = escape_map (function '"' -> Some "\\\"" | _ -> None) s

@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ val escape_url : string -> string
val escape_filename : string -> string
(** escape a string to be used as a file name *)
val escape_double_quotes : string -> string
(** replaces double-quote with backslash double-quote *)

@ -221,13 +221,46 @@ let with_process_in command read =
do_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally
let shell_escape_command cmd =
let escape arg =
(* ends on-going single quote, output single quote inside double quotes, then open a new single
let shell_escape_command =
let no_quote_needed = Str.regexp "^[A-Za-z0-9-_%/:,.]+$" in
let easy_single_quotable = Str.regexp "^[^']+$" in
let easy_double_quotable = Str.regexp "^[^$`\\!]+$" in
let escape = function
| "" ->
| arg ->
if Str.string_match no_quote_needed arg 0 then arg
else if Str.string_match easy_single_quotable arg 0 then F.sprintf "'%s'" arg
else if Str.string_match easy_double_quotable arg 0 then arg |> Escape.escape_double_quotes
|> F.sprintf "\"%s\""
(* ends on-going single quote, output single quote inside double quotes, then open a new single
quote *)
Escape.escape_map (function '\'' -> Some "'\"'\"'" | _ -> None) arg |> Printf.sprintf "'%s'"
arg |> Escape.escape_map (function '\'' -> Some "'\"'\"'" | _ -> None)
|> F.sprintf "'%s'"
List.map ~f:escape cmd |> String.concat ~sep:" "
fun cmd -> List.map ~f:escape cmd |> String.concat ~sep:" "
let with_process_lines ~(debug: ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a) ~cmd ~tmp_prefix ~f =
let shell_cmd = shell_escape_command cmd in
let verbose_err_file = Filename.temp_file tmp_prefix ".err" in
let shell_cmd_redirected = Printf.sprintf "%s 2>'%s'" shell_cmd verbose_err_file in
debug "Trying to execute: %s@\n%!" shell_cmd_redirected ;
let input_lines chan = In_channel.input_lines ~fix_win_eol:true chan in
let res = with_process_in shell_cmd_redirected input_lines in
let verbose_errlog = with_file_in verbose_err_file ~f:In_channel.input_all in
if not (String.equal verbose_errlog "") then
debug "@\nlog:@\n<<<<<<@\n%s@\n>>>>>>@\n%!" verbose_errlog ;
match res with
| lines, Ok () ->
f lines
| lines, (Error _ as err) ->
let output = String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines in
L.(die ExternalError)
"*** Failed to execute: %s@\n*** Command: %s@\n*** Output:@\n%s@."
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum err)
shell_cmd output
(** Create a directory if it does not exist already. *)

@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ val with_process_in : string -> (In_channel.t -> 'a) -> 'a * Unix.Exit_or_signal
val shell_escape_command : string list -> string
val with_process_lines :
debug:((string -> unit, Format.formatter, unit) format -> string -> unit) -> cmd:string list
-> tmp_prefix:string -> f:(string list -> 'res) -> 'res
(** Runs the command [cmd] and calls [f] on the output lines. Uses [debug] to print debug
information, and [tmp_prefix] as a prefix for temporary files. *)
val create_dir : string -> unit
(** create a directory if it does not exist already *)

@ -8,96 +8,174 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type target = {name: string; flavors: string list}
let target_of_string target =
match String.split target ~on:'#' with
| [name; flavors_string] ->
let flavors = String.split flavors_string ~on:',' in
{name; flavors}
| [name] ->
{name; flavors= []}
| _ ->
L.(die ExternalError) "cannot parse target %s" target
let string_of_target {name; flavors} =
let pp_string fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s in
Format.asprintf "%s#%a" name (Pp.comma_seq pp_string) flavors
module Target = struct
type t = {name: string; flavors: string list}
let of_string target =
match String.split target ~on:'#' with
| [name; flavors_string] ->
let flavors = String.split flavors_string ~on:',' in
{name; flavors}
| [name] ->
{name; flavors= []}
| _ ->
L.(die ExternalError) "cannot parse target %s" target
let is_target_string =
let target_regexp = Str.regexp "[^/]*//[^/]+.*:.*" in
fun s -> Str.string_match target_regexp s 0
let to_string {name; flavors} = F.asprintf "%s#%a" name (Pp.comma_seq Pp.string) flavors
let no_targets_found_error_and_exit buck_cmd =
"No targets found in Buck command %s.@\nOnly fully qualified Buck targets are supported. In particular, aliases are not allowed.@."
(String.concat ~sep:" " buck_cmd)
let add_flavor_to_target target =
let add flavor =
let add_flavor_internal target flavor =
if List.mem ~equal:String.equal target.flavors flavor then
(* there's already an infer flavor associated to the target, do nothing *)
else {target with flavors= flavor :: target.flavors}
match (Config.buck_compilation_database, Config.analyzer) with
| Some _, _ ->
add "compilation-database"
| None, CompileOnly ->
| None, (BiAbduction | CaptureOnly | Checkers | Linters) ->
add "infer-capture-all"
| None, Crashcontext ->
L.(die UserError)
"Analyzer %s is Java-only; not supported with Buck flavors"
(Config.string_of_analyzer Config.analyzer)
let add_flavors_to_buck_command build_cmd =
let add_infer_if_target s (cmd, found_one_target) =
if not (is_target_string s) then (s :: cmd, found_one_target)
else (string_of_target (add_flavor_to_target (target_of_string s)) :: cmd, true)
let cmd', found_one_target =
List.fold_right build_cmd ~f:add_infer_if_target ~init:([], false)
if not found_one_target then no_targets_found_error_and_exit build_cmd ;
let get_dependency_targets_and_add_flavors targets ~depth =
let build_deps_string targets =
List.map targets ~f:(fun target ->
match depth with
| None (* full depth *) ->
Printf.sprintf "deps('%s')" target
| Some n ->
Printf.sprintf "deps('%s', %d)" target n )
|> String.concat ~sep:" union "
let add_flavor ~extra_flavors target =
let target = List.fold_left ~f:add_flavor_internal ~init:target extra_flavors in
match (Config.buck_compilation_database, Config.analyzer) with
| Some _, _ ->
add_flavor_internal target "compilation-database"
| None, CompileOnly ->
| None, (BiAbduction | CaptureOnly | Checkers | Linters) ->
add_flavor_internal target "infer-capture-all"
| None, Crashcontext ->
L.(die UserError)
"Analyzer %s is Java-only; not supported with Buck flavors"
(Config.string_of_analyzer Config.analyzer)
let parse_target_string =
let alias_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/:]+\\(#.*\\)?$" in
let pattern_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//\\(\\.\\.\\.\\|.*\\(:\\|/\\.\\.\\.\\)\\)$" in
let normal_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//[^/].*:.+$" in
let noname_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//.*$" in
let parse_with_retry s ~retry =
(* do not consider --buck-options as targets *)
if String.equal s "" || Char.equal s.[0] '-' || Char.equal s.[0] '@' then `NotATarget s
else if Str.string_match alias_target_regexp s 0 then `AliasTarget s
else if Str.string_match pattern_target_regexp s 0 then `PatternTarget s
else if Str.string_match normal_target_regexp s 0 then `NormalTarget s
else if Str.string_match noname_target_regexp s 0 then
let name = String.split s ~on:'/' |> List.last_exn in
`NormalTarget (F.sprintf "%s:%s" s name)
else retry s
let buck_query =
[ "buck"
; "query"
; "\"kind('(apple_binary|apple_library|apple_test|cxx_binary|cxx_library|cxx_test)', "
^ build_deps_string targets ^ ")\"" ]
fun s ->
parse_with_retry s ~retry:(fun s ->
parse_with_retry ("//" ^ s) ~retry:(fun s ->
L.(die InternalError) "Do not know how to parse buck command line argument '%s'" s ) )
module Query = struct
type expr =
| Deps of {depth: int option; expr: expr}
| Kind of {pattern: string; expr: expr}
| Set of string list
| Target of string
| Union of expr list
exception NotATarget
let quote_if_needed =
let no_quote_needed_regexp = Str.regexp "^[a-zA-Z0-9/:_*][a-zA-Z0-9/:.-_*]*$" in
fun s ->
if Str.string_match no_quote_needed_regexp s 0 then s
else s |> Escape.escape_double_quotes |> F.sprintf "\"%s\""
let target string = Target (quote_if_needed string)
let kind ~pattern expr = Kind {pattern= quote_if_needed pattern; expr}
let deps ?depth expr = Deps {depth; expr}
let set exprs =
match List.rev_map exprs ~f:(function Target t -> t | _ -> raise NotATarget) with
| targets ->
Set targets
| exception NotATarget ->
Union exprs
let rec pp fmt = function
| Target s ->
Pp.string fmt s
| Kind {pattern; expr} ->
F.fprintf fmt "kind(%s, %a)" pattern pp expr
| Deps {depth= None; expr} ->
F.fprintf fmt "deps(%a)" pp expr (* full depth *)
| Deps {depth= Some depth; expr} ->
F.fprintf fmt "deps(%a, %d)" pp expr depth
| Set sl ->
F.fprintf fmt "set(%a)" (Pp.seq Pp.string) sl
| Union exprs ->
Pp.seq ~sep:" + " pp fmt exprs
let exec expr =
let query = F.asprintf "%a" pp expr in
let cmd = ["buck"; "query"; query] in
let tmp_prefix = "buck_query_" in
let debug = L.(debug Capture Medium) in
Utils.with_process_lines ~debug ~cmd ~tmp_prefix ~f:Fn.id
let accepted_buck_commands = ["build"]
let parameters_with_argument =
["--build-report"; "--config"; "-j"; "--num-threads"; "--out"; "-v"; "--verbose"]
let accepted_buck_kinds_pattern = "(apple|cxx)_(binary|library|test)"
let max_command_line_length = 50
let die_if_empty f = function [] -> f L.(die UserError) | l -> l
let resolve_pattern_targets ~filter_kind ~dep_depth targets =
targets |> List.rev_map ~f:Query.target |> Query.set
|> (match dep_depth with None -> Fn.id | Some depth -> Query.deps ?depth)
|> (if filter_kind then Query.kind ~pattern:accepted_buck_kinds_pattern else Fn.id) |> Query.exec
|> die_if_empty (fun die -> die "*** buck query returned no targets.")
let resolve_alias_targets aliases =
let debug = L.(debug Capture Medium) in
(* we could use buck query to resolve aliases but buck targets --resolve-alias is faster *)
let cmd = "buck" :: "targets" :: "--resolve-alias" :: aliases in
let tmp_prefix = "buck_targets_" in
let on_result_lines =
die_if_empty (fun die ->
die "*** No alias found for: '%a'." (Pp.seq ~sep:"', '" Pp.string) aliases )
let buck_query_cmd = String.concat buck_query ~sep:" " in
Logging.(debug Linters Quiet) "*** Executing command:@\n*** %s@." buck_query_cmd ;
let output, exit_or_signal = Utils.with_process_in buck_query_cmd In_channel.input_lines in
match exit_or_signal with
| Error _ as status ->
Logging.(die ExternalError)
"*** command failed:@\n*** %s@\n*** %s@." buck_query_cmd
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)
| Ok () ->
List.map output ~f:(fun name ->
string_of_target (add_flavor_to_target {name; flavors= Config.append_buck_flavors}) )
Utils.with_process_lines ~debug ~cmd ~tmp_prefix ~f:on_result_lines
type parsed_args =
{ rev_not_targets': string list
; normal_targets: string list
; alias_targets: string list
; pattern_targets: string list }
let empty_parsed_args =
{rev_not_targets'= []; normal_targets= []; alias_targets= []; pattern_targets= []}
let split_buck_command buck_cmd =
match buck_cmd with
| command :: args when List.mem ~equal:String.equal accepted_buck_commands command ->
(command, args)
| _ ->
L.(die UserError)
"ERROR: cannot parse buck command `%a`. Expected %a." (Pp.seq Pp.string) buck_cmd
(Pp.seq ~sep:" or " Pp.string) accepted_buck_commands
(** Given a list of arguments return the extended list of arguments where
@ -120,12 +198,72 @@ let inline_argument_files buck_args =
List.concat_map ~f:expand_buck_arg buck_args
let store_targets_in_file buck_targets =
let file = Filename.temp_file "buck_targets_" ".txt" in
let write_args outc = Out_channel.output_string outc (String.concat ~sep:"\n" buck_targets) in
Utils.with_file_out file ~f:write_args |> ignore ;
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Buck targets options stored in file '%s'@\n" file ;
Printf.sprintf "@%s" file
type flavored_arguments = {command: string; rev_not_targets: string list; targets: string list}
let add_flavors_to_buck_arguments ~filter_kind ~dep_depth ~extra_flavors original_buck_args =
let expanded_buck_args = inline_argument_files original_buck_args in
let command, args = split_buck_command expanded_buck_args in
let rec parse_cmd_args parsed_args = function
| [] ->
| param :: arg :: args when List.mem ~equal:String.equal parameters_with_argument param ->
{parsed_args with rev_not_targets'= arg :: param :: parsed_args.rev_not_targets'} args
| target :: args ->
let parsed_args =
match parse_target_string target with
| `NotATarget s ->
{parsed_args with rev_not_targets'= s :: parsed_args.rev_not_targets'}
| `NormalTarget t ->
{parsed_args with normal_targets= t :: parsed_args.normal_targets}
| `AliasTarget a ->
{parsed_args with alias_targets= a :: parsed_args.alias_targets}
| `PatternTarget p ->
{parsed_args with pattern_targets= p :: parsed_args.pattern_targets}
parse_cmd_args parsed_args args
let parsed_args = parse_cmd_args empty_parsed_args args in
let targets =
match (filter_kind, dep_depth, parsed_args) with
| false, None, {pattern_targets= []; alias_targets= []; normal_targets} ->
| false, None, {pattern_targets= []; alias_targets; normal_targets} ->
alias_targets |> resolve_alias_targets |> List.rev_append normal_targets
| _, _, {pattern_targets; alias_targets; normal_targets} ->
pattern_targets |> List.rev_append alias_targets |> List.rev_append normal_targets
|> resolve_pattern_targets ~filter_kind ~dep_depth
match targets with
| [] ->
L.(die UserError)
"ERROR: no targets found in Buck command `%a`." (Pp.seq Pp.string) original_buck_args
| _ ->
let rev_not_targets = parsed_args.rev_not_targets' in
let targets =
List.rev_map targets ~f:(fun t ->
Target.(t |> of_string |> add_flavor ~extra_flavors |> to_string) )
{command; rev_not_targets; targets}
let rec exceed_length ~max = function
| _ when max < 0 ->
| [] ->
| h :: t ->
exceed_length ~max:(max - String.length h) t
let store_args_in_file args =
if exceed_length ~max:max_command_line_length args then
let file = Filename.temp_file "buck_targets_" ".txt" in
let write_args outc = Out_channel.output_string outc (String.concat ~sep:"\n" args) in
let () = Utils.with_file_out file ~f:write_args in
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Buck targets options stored in file '%s'@\n" file ;
[Printf.sprintf "@%s" file]
else args
let filter_compatible subcommand args =

@ -9,30 +9,20 @@
open! IStd
val is_target_string : string -> bool
(** is this a Buck target string, eg //foo/bar:baz or boo//foo/bar:baz *)
type flavored_arguments = {command: string; rev_not_targets: string list; targets: string list}
val no_targets_found_error_and_exit : string list -> unit
(** prints an error that no Buck targets were identified in the given list, and exits *)
val add_flavors_to_buck_command : string list -> string list
(** Add infer flavors to the targets in the given buck command, depending on the infer analyzer. For
val add_flavors_to_buck_arguments :
filter_kind:bool -> dep_depth:int option option -> extra_flavors:string list -> string list
-> flavored_arguments
(** Add infer flavors to the targets in the given buck arguments, depending on the infer analyzer. For
instance, in capture mode, the buck command:
buck build //foo/bar:baz#some,flavor
build //foo/bar:baz#some,flavor
buck build //foo/bar:baz#infer-capture-all,some,flavor
build //foo/bar:baz#infer-capture-all,some,flavor
val get_dependency_targets_and_add_flavors : string list -> depth:int option -> string list
(** Runs buck query to get the dependency targets of the given targets
[get_dependency_targets args] = targets with dependent targets, other args *)
val inline_argument_files : string list -> string list
(** Given a list of arguments to buck, return the extended list of arguments where
the args in a file have been extracted *)
val store_targets_in_file : string list -> string
(** Given a list of buck targets, stores them in a file and returns the file name *)
val store_args_in_file : string list -> string list
(** Given a list of arguments, stores them in a file if needed and returns the new command line *)
val filter_compatible : [> `Targets] -> string list -> string list
(** keep only the options compatible with the given Buck subcommand *)

@ -90,45 +90,36 @@ let run_compilation_database compilation_database should_capture_file =
(** Computes the compilation database files. *)
let get_compilation_database_files_buck ~prog ~args =
let all_buck_args = Buck.inline_argument_files args in
let targets, no_targets = List.partition_tf ~f:Buck.is_target_string all_buck_args in
let targets =
match Config.buck_compilation_database with
| Some Deps depth ->
Buck.get_dependency_targets_and_add_flavors targets ~depth
| _ ->
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_command targets
let dep_depth =
match Config.buck_compilation_database with Some Deps depth -> Some depth | _ -> None
match no_targets with
| "build" :: no_targets_no_build
-> (
let targets_in_file = Buck.store_targets_in_file targets in
let build_args = no_targets @ ["--config"; "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false"; targets_in_file] in
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_arguments ~filter_kind:true ~dep_depth
~extra_flavors:Config.append_buck_flavors args
| {command= "build" as command; rev_not_targets; targets} ->
let targets_args = Buck.store_args_in_file targets in
let build_args =
:: List.rev_append rev_not_targets
("--config" :: "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false" :: targets_args)
Logging.(debug Linters Quiet)
"Processed buck command is : 'buck %s'@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " build_args) ;
"Processed buck command is: 'buck %a'@\n" (Pp.seq Pp.string) build_args ;
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args:build_args ;
let buck_targets_shell =
Buck.filter_compatible `Targets no_targets_no_build
|> List.append [prog; "targets"; "--show-output"; targets_in_file]
|> Utils.shell_escape_command
let output, exit_or_signal =
Utils.with_process_in buck_targets_shell In_channel.input_lines
:: "targets"
:: List.rev_append
(Buck.filter_compatible `Targets rev_not_targets)
("--show-output" :: targets_args)
match exit_or_signal with
| Error _ as status ->
L.(die ExternalError)
"*** command failed:@\n*** %s@\n*** %s@." buck_targets_shell
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)
| Ok () ->
match output with
let on_target_lines = function
| [] ->
L.external_error "There are no files to process, exiting@." ;
L.exit 0
L.(die ExternalError) "There are no files to process, exiting"
| lines ->
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Reading compilation database from:@\n%s@\n" (String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines) ;
"Reading compilation database from:@\n%a@\n" (Pp.seq ~sep:"\n" Pp.string) lines ;
(* this assumes that flavors do not contain spaces *)
let split_regex = Str.regexp "#[^ ]* " in
let scan_output compilation_database_files line =
@ -139,11 +130,14 @@ let get_compilation_database_files_buck ~prog ~args =
L.(die ExternalError)
"Failed to parse `buck targets --show-output ...` line of output:@\n%s" line
List.fold ~f:scan_output ~init:[] lines )
List.fold ~f:scan_output ~init:[] lines
~debug:L.(debug Capture Quiet)
~cmd:buck_targets_shell ~tmp_prefix:"buck_targets_" ~f:on_target_lines
| _ ->
let cmd = String.concat ~sep:" " (prog :: args) in
Process.print_error_and_exit "Incorrect buck command: %s. Please use buck build <targets>"
Process.print_error_and_exit "Incorrect buck command: %s %a. Please use buck build <targets>"
prog (Pp.seq Pp.string) args
(** Compute the compilation database files. *)

@ -287,16 +287,15 @@ let capture ~changed_files mode =
(Option.to_list (Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var) @ ["--buck"])
Unix.putenv ~key:CLOpt.args_env_var ~data:infer_args_with_buck ;
let all_buck_args = Buck.inline_argument_files build_cmd in
let targets, no_targets =
List.partition_tf ~f:Buck.is_target_string all_buck_args
let prog, buck_args = IList.uncons_exn build_cmd in
let {Buck.command; rev_not_targets; targets} =
Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_arguments ~filter_kind:false ~dep_depth:None
~extra_flavors:[] buck_args
let targets_with_flavor = Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_command targets in
let targets_in_file = Buck.store_targets_in_file targets_with_flavor in
let updated_buck_cmd = no_targets @ [targets_in_file] in
let all_args = List.rev_append rev_not_targets targets in
let updated_buck_cmd = prog :: command :: Buck.store_args_in_file all_args in
Logging.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Processed buck command '%s'@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " updated_buck_cmd) ;
"Processed buck command '%a'@\n" (Pp.seq Pp.string) updated_buck_cmd ;
else build_cmd ) )

@ -100,3 +100,5 @@ let to_string f l =
let rec aux l = match l with [] -> "" | [s] -> f s | s :: rest -> f s ^ ", " ^ aux rest in
"[" ^ aux l ^ "]"
let uncons_exn = function [] -> failwith "uncons_exn" | hd :: tl -> (hd, tl)

@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ val inter : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
(** [inter cmp xs ys] are the elements in both [xs] and [ys], sorted according to [cmp]. *)
val to_string : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
val uncons_exn : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
(** deconstruct a list, like hd_exn and tl_exn *)

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ infer-out/report.json: $(CLANG_DEPS) $(SOURCES)
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) --stats $(INFER_OPTIONS) -o $(CURDIR)/$(@D) \
--buck-compilation-database no-deps \
-- $(BUCK) build --no-cache '//clang_compilation_database:Hel lo#x86_64' @clang_compilation_database/buck_target_hello_test.txt)
-- $(BUCK) build --no-cache '//clang_compilation_database:Hel lo#default' @clang_compilation_database/buck_target_hello_test.txt)
