Remove analyze_ondemand from Ondemand.callbacks

Currently, `Callbacks.analyze_procedures` creates a function to call the method `Callbacks.iterate_procedure_callbacks`. This is supplied as an argument to functions in ``, so that it can be invoked. This is done to avoid a cyclic dependancy.

This diff moves the functions that `` needs to call into ``, avoiding the need to supply them as arguments.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D16028836

fbshipit-source-id: 16ae27a3e
Phoebe Nichols 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent fc6aee2d06
commit a4013bdbe9

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let analyze_target : Tasks.doer =
if Topl.is_active () then DB.Results_dir.init (Topl.sourcefile ()) ;
DB.Results_dir.init source_file ;
L.task_progress SourceFile.pp source_file ~f:(fun () ->
Callbacks.analyze_file exe_env source_file ;
Ondemand.analyze_file exe_env source_file ;
if Topl.is_active () && Config.debug_mode then
Dotty.print_icfg_dotty (Topl.sourcefile ()) (Topl.cfg ()) ;
if Config.write_html then Printer.write_all_html_files source_file )
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let analyze_target : Tasks.doer =
L.log_task "Analysing block of %d procs, starting with %a@."
per_procedure_logging_granularity Typ.Procname.pp proc_name ;
procs_left := per_procedure_logging_granularity ) ;
Callbacks.analyze_proc_name exe_env proc_name
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name_toplevel exe_env proc_name
fun target ->
if Config.memcached then Memcached.connect () ;

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Module to register and invoke callbacks *)
@ -102,64 +101,3 @@ let iterate_cluster_callbacks all_procs exe_env source_file =
~f:(fun {language; callback} -> if language_matches language then callback environment)
let dump_duplicate_procs source_file procs =
let duplicate_procs =
List.filter_map procs ~f:(fun pname ->
match Attributes.load pname with
| Some
{ is_defined=
(* likely not needed: if [pname] is part of [procs] then it *is* defined, so we
expect the attribute to be defined too *)
; translation_unit
; loc }
when (* defined in another file *)
(not (SourceFile.equal source_file translation_unit))
&& (* really defined in that file and not in an include *)
SourceFile.equal translation_unit loc.file ->
Some (pname, translation_unit)
| _ ->
None )
let output_to_file duplicate_procs =
Out_channel.with_file (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.duplicates_filename)
~append:true ~perm:0o666 ~f:(fun outc ->
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
List.iter duplicate_procs ~f:(fun (pname, source_captured) ->
F.fprintf fmt "DUPLICATE_SYMBOLS source:%a source_captured:%a pname:%a@\n"
SourceFile.pp source_file SourceFile.pp source_captured Typ.Procname.pp pname ) ;
F.pp_print_flush fmt () )
if not (List.is_empty duplicate_procs) then output_to_file duplicate_procs
let create_perf_stats_report source_file =
PerfStats.register_report PerfStats.TimeAndMemory (PerfStats.Backend source_file) ;
PerfStats.get_reporter (PerfStats.Backend source_file) ()
let analyze_procedures exe_env procs_to_analyze source_file_opt =
let saved_language = !Language.curr_language in
Option.iter source_file_opt ~f:(fun source_file ->
if Config.dump_duplicate_symbols then dump_duplicate_procs source_file procs_to_analyze ) ;
let analyze_ondemand summary proc_desc = iterate_procedure_callbacks exe_env summary proc_desc in
Ondemand.set_callbacks {Ondemand.exe_env; analyze_ondemand} ;
let analyze_proc_name pname = ignore (Ondemand.analyze_proc_name pname : Summary.t option) in
List.iter ~f:analyze_proc_name procs_to_analyze ;
Option.iter source_file_opt ~f:(fun source_file ->
iterate_cluster_callbacks procs_to_analyze exe_env source_file ;
create_perf_stats_report source_file ) ;
Ondemand.unset_callbacks () ;
Language.curr_language := saved_language
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
let analyze_file (exe_env : Exe_env.t) source_file =
let procs_to_analyze = SourceFiles.proc_names_of_source source_file in
analyze_procedures exe_env procs_to_analyze (Some source_file)
(** Invoke procedure callbacks on a given environment. *)
let analyze_proc_name (exe_env : Exe_env.t) proc_name = analyze_procedures exe_env [proc_name] None

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ val register_procedure_callback :
val register_cluster_callback : name:string -> Language.t -> cluster_callback_t -> unit
(** register a cluster callback *)
val analyze_file : Exe_env.t -> SourceFile.t -> unit
(** Invoke all the registered callbacks on the given file. *)
val iterate_procedure_callbacks : Exe_env.t -> Summary.t -> Procdesc.t -> Summary.t
(** Invoke all registered procedure callbacks on the given procedure. *)
val analyze_proc_name : Exe_env.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> unit
(** Invoke all the registered callbacks on the given procedure. *)
val iterate_cluster_callbacks : Typ.Procname.t sexp_list -> Exe_env.t -> SourceFile.t -> unit
(** Invoke all registered cluster callbacks on a cluster of procedures. *)

@ -12,17 +12,13 @@ open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
type analyze_ondemand = Summary.t -> Procdesc.t -> Summary.t
type callbacks = {exe_env: Exe_env.t; analyze_ondemand: analyze_ondemand}
let callbacks_ref = ref None
let exe_env_ref = ref None
let cached_results = lazy (Typ.Procname.Hash.create 128)
let set_callbacks (callbacks : callbacks) = callbacks_ref := Some callbacks
let set_exe_env (env : Exe_env.t) = exe_env_ref := Some env
let unset_callbacks () = callbacks_ref := None
let unset_exe_env () = exe_env_ref := None
(* always incremented before use *)
let nesting = ref (-1)
@ -195,7 +191,7 @@ let run_proc_analysis analyze_proc ~caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
match exn with
| SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind ->
(* in production mode, log the timeout/crash and continue with the summary we had before
the failure occurred *)
the failure occurred *)
log_error_and_continue exn initial_summary kind
| _ ->
(* this happens with assert false or some other unrecognized exception *)
@ -215,8 +211,44 @@ let run_proc_analysis analyze_proc ~caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
let dump_duplicate_procs source_file procs =
let duplicate_procs =
List.filter_map procs ~f:(fun pname ->
match Attributes.load pname with
| Some
{ is_defined=
(* likely not needed: if [pname] is part of [procs] then it *is* defined, so we
expect the attribute to be defined too *)
; translation_unit
; loc }
when (* defined in another file *)
(not (SourceFile.equal source_file translation_unit))
&& (* really defined in that file and not in an include *)
SourceFile.equal translation_unit loc.file ->
Some (pname, translation_unit)
| _ ->
None )
let output_to_file duplicate_procs =
Out_channel.with_file (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.duplicates_filename)
~append:true ~perm:0o666 ~f:(fun outc ->
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
List.iter duplicate_procs ~f:(fun (pname, source_captured) ->
F.fprintf fmt "DUPLICATE_SYMBOLS source:%a source_captured:%a pname:%a@\n"
SourceFile.pp source_file SourceFile.pp source_captured Typ.Procname.pp pname ) ;
F.pp_print_flush fmt () )
if not (List.is_empty duplicate_procs) then output_to_file duplicate_procs
let create_perf_stats_report source_file =
PerfStats.register_report PerfStats.TimeAndMemory (PerfStats.Backend source_file) ;
PerfStats.get_reporter (PerfStats.Backend source_file) ()
let analyze_proc ?caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
let callbacks = Option.value_exn !callbacks_ref in
let exe_env = Option.value_exn !exe_env_ref in
(* wrap [callbacks.analyze_ondemand] to update the status bar *)
let analyze_proc summary pdesc =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
@ -231,8 +263,8 @@ let analyze_proc ?caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
current_taskbar_status := Some (t0, status) ;
!ProcessPoolState.update_status t0 status ;
let summary = callbacks.analyze_ondemand summary pdesc in
if Topl.is_active () then Topl.add_errors callbacks.exe_env summary ;
let summary = Callbacks.iterate_procedure_callbacks exe_env summary pdesc in
if Topl.is_active () then Topl.add_errors exe_env summary ;
Some (run_proc_analysis analyze_proc ~caller_pdesc callee_pdesc)
@ -312,3 +344,27 @@ let analyze_proc_name ?caller_pdesc callee_pname =
let clear_cache () = Typ.Procname.Hash.clear (Lazy.force cached_results)
let analyze_procedures exe_env procs_to_analyze source_file_opt =
let saved_language = !Language.curr_language in
Option.iter source_file_opt ~f:(fun source_file ->
if Config.dump_duplicate_symbols then dump_duplicate_procs source_file procs_to_analyze ) ;
set_exe_env exe_env ;
let analyze_proc_name_call pname = ignore (analyze_proc_name pname : Summary.t option) in
List.iter ~f:analyze_proc_name_call procs_to_analyze ;
Option.iter source_file_opt ~f:(fun source_file ->
Callbacks.iterate_cluster_callbacks procs_to_analyze exe_env source_file ;
create_perf_stats_report source_file ) ;
unset_exe_env () ;
Language.curr_language := saved_language
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
let analyze_file (exe_env : Exe_env.t) source_file =
let procs_to_analyze = SourceFiles.proc_names_of_source source_file in
analyze_procedures exe_env procs_to_analyze (Some source_file)
(** Invoke procedure callbacks on a given environment. *)
let analyze_proc_name_toplevel (exe_env : Exe_env.t) proc_name =
analyze_procedures exe_env [proc_name] None

@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ open! IStd
(** Module for on-demand analysis. *)
type analyze_ondemand = Summary.t -> Procdesc.t -> Summary.t
type callbacks = {exe_env: Exe_env.t; analyze_ondemand: analyze_ondemand}
val get_proc_desc : Typ.Procname.t -> Procdesc.t option
(** Find a proc desc for the procedure, perhaps loading it from disk. *)
@ -24,11 +20,14 @@ val analyze_proc_name : ?caller_pdesc:Procdesc.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> Summary.t
(** [analyze_proc_name ~caller_pdesc proc_name] performs an on-demand analysis of proc_name
triggered during the analysis of caller_pdesc *)
val set_callbacks : callbacks -> unit
(** Set the callbacks used to perform on-demand analysis. *)
val unset_callbacks : unit -> unit
(** Unset the callbacks used to perform on-demand analysis. *)
val set_exe_env : Exe_env.t -> unit
(** Set the execution enviroment used during on-demand analysis. *)
val clear_cache : unit -> unit
(** empty the cache of ondemand results *)
val analyze_file : Exe_env.t -> SourceFile.t -> unit
(** Invoke all the callbacks registered in {!Callbacks} on the given file. *)
val analyze_proc_name_toplevel : Exe_env.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> unit
(** Invoke all the callbacks registered in {!Callbacks} on the given procedure. *)

@ -115,10 +115,8 @@ let tests =
make_load_fld ~rhs_typ:( Tvoid) lhs_id_str fld_str (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str))
let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in
(* hack: register an empty analyze_ondemand to prevent a crash because the callback is unset *)
let analyze_ondemand summary _ = summary in
let callbacks = {Ondemand.exe_env= (); analyze_ondemand} in
Ondemand.set_callbacks callbacks ;
let exe_env = () in
Ondemand.set_exe_env exe_env ;
let test_list =
[ ("source recorded", [assign_to_source "ret_id"; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }"])
; ("non-source not recorded", [assign_to_non_source "ret_id"; assert_empty])
