@ -600,14 +600,75 @@ let prop_iter_add_hpred_footprint_to_prop pname tenv prop (lexp, typ) inst =
let offsets_default = Sil . exp_get_offsets lexp in
Prop . prop_iter_set_state iter offsets_default
(* TODO: have to call this on both reads and writes *)
let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp =
let sigma = Prop . get_sigma prop in
(* * if [fld] is annotated with @GuardedBy ( "mLock" ) , return mLock *)
let get_guarded_by_fld_str fld typ =
let extract_guarded_by_str ( annot , _ ) =
if Annotations . annot_ends_with annot Annotations . guarded_by
match annot . Sil . parameters with
| [ guarded_by_str ] -> Some guarded_by_str
| _ -> None
None in
match Annotations . get_field_type_and_annotation fld typ with
| Some ( _ , item_annot ) -> IList . find_map_opt extract_guarded_by_str item_annot
| _ -> None in
(* find A.guarded_by_fld_str |-> B and return Some B, or None if there is no such hpred *)
let find_guarded_by_exp fld typ sigma =
match get_guarded_by_fld_str fld typ with
| Some guarded_by_fld_str ->
let extract_guarded_by_strexp ( fld , strexp ) =
(* this comparison needs to be somewhat fuzzy, since programmers are free to write
@ GuardedBy ( " mLock " ) , @ GuardedBy ( " MyClass.mLock " ) , or use other conventions * )
if Ident . fieldname_to_flat_string fld = guarded_by_fld_str | |
Ident . fieldname_to_string fld = guarded_by_fld_str
then Some strexp
else None in
IList . find_map_opt
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , Estruct ( flds , _ ) , _ ) ->
IList . find_map_opt extract_guarded_by_strexp flds
| _ ->
None )
| None ->
None in
let check_fld_locks typ prop_acc ( fld , strexp ) = match strexp with
| Sil . Eexp ( exp , _ ) when Sil . exp_equal exp lexp ->
match find_guarded_by_exp fld typ sigma with
| Some guarded_by_strexp ->
L . stderr " Got guarded_by_exp %a@. " ( Sil . pp_sexp pe_text ) guarded_by_strexp ;
(* TODO: check if the lock is held, act accordingly *)
| None ->
(* field not guarded; proceed with abduction as we normally would *)
| _ ->
prop_acc in
let hpred_check_flds prop_acc = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , Estruct ( flds , _ ) , Sizeof ( typ , _ ) ) ->
IList . fold_left ( check_fld_locks typ ) prop_acc flds
| _ ->
prop_acc in
IList . fold_left hpred_check_flds prop sigma
(* * Add a pointsto for [root ( lexp ) : typ] to the iterator and to the
footprint , if it's compatible with the allowed footprint
variables . This function ensures that [ root ( lexp ) : typ ] is the
current hpred of the iterator . typ is the type of the root of lexp . * )
let prop_iter_add_hpred_footprint pname tenv orig_prop iter ( lexp , typ ) inst =
let orig_prop' =
if Config . csl_analysis && Procname . is_java pname
then add_guarded_by_constraints orig_prop lexp
else orig_prop in
let max_stamp = fav_max_stamp ( Prop . prop_iter_footprint_fav iter ) in
let ptsto , ptsto_foot , atoms =
mk_ptsto_exp_footprint pname tenv orig_prop ( lexp , typ ) max_stamp inst in
mk_ptsto_exp_footprint pname tenv orig_prop ' ( lexp , typ ) max_stamp inst in
L . d_strln " ++++ Adding footprint frame " ;
Prop . d_prop ( Prop . prop_hpred_star Prop . prop_emp ptsto ) ;
L . d_ln () ; L . d_ln () ;