[AI][pulse] avoid revisiting disjuncts over and over again

This fixes (if in a hackish way) an inherently quadratic behaviour in
the disjunctive domain when analysing loops: If you start with some
disjuncts `D1 \/ ... \/ Dn` and go once around the loop, you will end up
with disjuncts `(D1 \/ ... \/ Dn) \/ (D1' \/ ... \/ Dn')` assuming that
for all `i`, `{ Di } body of loop { Di' }` (in practice there is the
added difficulty that the post of the body of the loop can be a
disjunction too instead of a single abstract state). Assuming this isn't
a fixpoint, we would then go around the loop again from `D1`, ..., `Dn`,
`D1'`, ..., `Dn'`. However we already know what the posts of `D1` to `Dn`

This attempts to curb duplicate work by marking the disjuncts in `prev`
as "visited" and instructing symbolic execution to skip visited states.
Then, once convergence is detected (from within `widen` for now) we mark
again all states as unvisited so that whatever is after the loop gets
symbolically executed.

This is a hack because ideally the AI scheduler would know about
disjunctive domain and schedule individual disjuncts for analysis.
However that would be a much bigger change. Let's see if the hack is
enough for now.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D14258491

fbshipit-source-id: 21454398c
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 363d69430d
commit a49645ed61

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module type S = sig
module CFG : ProcCfg.S
@ -63,21 +64,30 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
type extras = TransferFunctions.extras
module Disjuncts = struct
type disjunct = TransferFunctions.Domain.t
(* The disjunctive domain transformer should really be part of the Abstract Interpreter instead
of the Transfer Functions as the scheduler needs to know which disjuncts have already been
explored. But for now let's emulate that with a disgusting hack in the transfer functions
that try to skip disjuncts we have already explored, using the [visited] flag. *)
type disjunct = {visited: bool; astate: TransferFunctions.Domain.t}
let pp_disjunct fmt ({visited; astate}[@warning "+9"]) =
F.fprintf fmt "{@[<hv>visited= %b;@;astate= @[%a@]@]}" visited TransferFunctions.Domain.pp
let pp_disjunct fmt astate = TransferFunctions.Domain.pp fmt astate
type t = disjunct list
let mk_disjunct astate = astate
let mk_disjunct astate = {visited= false; astate}
let singleton astate = [mk_disjunct astate]
let elements disjuncts = disjuncts
let elements disjuncts = List.map disjuncts ~f:(fun {astate} -> astate)
let pp f disjuncts = PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:pp_disjunct f disjuncts
type disjunct_t = Disjuncts.disjunct = {visited: bool; astate: TransferFunctions.Domain.t}
module Domain = struct
type t = Disjuncts.t
@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
let s_from_not_in_intos =
List.rev_filter s_froms ~f:(fun s_from ->
List.exists s_intos ~f:(fun s_into ->
TransferFunctions.Domain.( <= ) ~rhs:s_from ~lhs:s_into )
TransferFunctions.Domain.( <= ) ~rhs:s_from.astate ~lhs:s_into.astate )
|> not )
List.rev_append s_from_not_in_intos s_intos
@ -108,6 +118,11 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
join_normalize_into rhs ~into:lhs
let set_visited b disjuncts =
if List.for_all disjuncts ~f:(fun {visited} -> Bool.equal visited b) then disjuncts
else List.map disjuncts ~f:(fun disjunct -> {disjunct with visited= b})
let rec ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then (* also takes care of the case [lhs = rhs = []] *) true
@ -117,7 +132,11 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let (`UnderApproximateAfterNumIterations max_iter) = DConfig.widen_policy in
if phys_equal prev next then prev else if num_iters > max_iter then prev else join prev next
if phys_equal prev next || num_iters > max_iter then set_visited false prev
let prev = set_visited true prev in
let post = join prev next in
if ( <= ) ~lhs:post ~rhs:prev then set_visited false post else post
let pp = Disjuncts.pp
@ -125,8 +144,14 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
let exec_instr pre_disjuncts extras node instr =
List.fold pre_disjuncts ~init:[] ~f:(fun post_disjuncts pre_disjunct ->
let disjuncts' = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre_disjunct extras node instr in
Domain.join post_disjuncts (List.map disjuncts' ~f:Disjuncts.mk_disjunct) )
if pre_disjunct.visited then
(* SUBTLE: ignore pres that we know we have gone through already. This means that the
invariant map at that program point will be junk since they are going to miss some
states, but the overall result will still be ok because the loop heads are ok. *)
let disjuncts' = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre_disjunct.astate extras node instr in
Domain.join post_disjuncts (List.map disjuncts' ~f:Disjuncts.mk_disjunct) )
let pp_session_name node f = TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node f
