@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module OndemandEnv = BufferOverrunOndemandEnv
module SPath = Symb.SymbolPath
module SPathSet = Symb.SymbolPathSet
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace.Set
module LoopHeadLoc = Location
@ -83,128 +82,10 @@ module ModeledRange = struct
let of_big_int ~trace z = NonBottom (Bounds.NonNegativeBound.of_big_int ~trace z)
module type TaintS = sig
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom
val compare : t -> t -> int
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val is_tainted : t -> bool
val param_of_path : SPath.partial -> t
val tainted_of_path : SPath.partial -> t
type eval_taint = SPath.partial -> t
val subst : t -> eval_taint -> t
module Taint = struct
module Unit = struct
include AbstractDomain.Empty
let compare _ _ = 0
let bottom = ()
let is_bottom _ = true
let pp _ _ = ()
let is_tainted _ = false
let param_of_path _ = ()
let tainted_of_path _ = ()
type eval_taint = SPath.partial -> t
let subst _ _ = ()
module ServiceHandlerRequest = struct
type t =
| Param of SPathSet.t
| Tainted of SPathSet.t (* The path set of [Tainted] should be non-empty. *)
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f = function
| Param params ->
if SPathSet.is_empty params then F.pp_print_string f "not tainted"
else F.fprintf f "unknown taint from %a" SPathSet.pp params
| Tainted params ->
assert (not (SPathSet.is_empty params)) ;
F.fprintf f "tainted by %a" SPathSet.pp params
let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| Param _, Tainted _ ->
| Tainted _, Param _ ->
| Param params1, Param params2 | Tainted params1, Tainted params2 ->
SPathSet.subset params1 params2
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| Param _, Tainted _ ->
| Tainted _, Param _ ->
| Param params1, Param params2 ->
Param (SPathSet.union params1 params2)
| Tainted params1, Tainted params2 ->
Tainted (SPathSet.union params1 params2)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let bottom = Param SPathSet.empty
let is_bottom = function
| Param paths ->
SPathSet.is_empty paths
| Tainted paths ->
assert (not (SPathSet.is_empty paths)) ;
let is_tainted = function
| Tainted paths ->
assert (not (SPathSet.is_empty paths)) ;
| _ ->
let param_of_path path = Param (SPathSet.singleton path)
let tainted_of_path path = Tainted (SPathSet.singleton path)
type eval_taint = SPath.partial -> t
let subst x eval_taint =
match x with
| Tainted _ ->
| Param params ->
let accum_subst path acc = join acc (eval_taint path) in
SPathSet.fold accum_subst params bottom
include ( val if Config.bo_service_handler_request then (module ServiceHandlerRequest)
else (module Unit) : TaintS )
type eval_sym_trace =
{ eval_sym: Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
; trace_of_sym: Symb.Symbol.t -> Trace.Set.t
; eval_locpath: PowLoc.eval_locpath
; eval_taint: Taint.eval_taint }
; eval_locpath: PowLoc.eval_locpath }
module Val = struct
type t =
@ -212,7 +93,6 @@ module Val = struct
; itv_thresholds: ItvThresholds.t
; itv_updated_by: ItvUpdatedBy.t
; modeled_range: ModeledRange.t
; taint: Taint.t
; powloc: PowLoc.t
; arrayblk: ArrayBlk.t
; traces: TraceSet.t }
@ -222,7 +102,6 @@ module Val = struct
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.empty
; itv_updated_by= ItvUpdatedBy.bottom
; modeled_range= ModeledRange.bottom
; taint= Taint.bottom
; powloc= PowLoc.bot
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.bot
; traces= TraceSet.bottom }
@ -240,16 +119,12 @@ module Val = struct
if not (ModeledRange.is_bottom range) then
F.fprintf fmt " (modeled_range:%a)" ModeledRange.pp range
let taint_pp fmt taint =
if Config.bo_service_handler_request && Config.bo_debug >= 3 then
F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" Taint.pp taint
let trace_pp fmt traces =
if Config.bo_debug >= 3 then F.fprintf fmt ", %a" TraceSet.pp traces
F.fprintf fmt "(%a%a%a%a%a, %a, %a%a)" Itv.pp x.itv itv_thresholds_pp x.itv_thresholds
itv_updated_by_pp x.itv_updated_by modeled_range_pp x.modeled_range taint_pp x.taint PowLoc.pp
x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk trace_pp x.traces
F.fprintf fmt "(%a%a%a%a, %a, %a%a)" Itv.pp x.itv itv_thresholds_pp x.itv_thresholds
itv_updated_by_pp x.itv_updated_by modeled_range_pp x.modeled_range PowLoc.pp x.powloc
ArrayBlk.pp x.arrayblk trace_pp x.traces
let unknown_from : Typ.t -> callee_pname:_ -> location:_ -> t =
@ -260,7 +135,6 @@ module Val = struct
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.empty
; itv_updated_by= ItvUpdatedBy.Top
; modeled_range= ModeledRange.bottom
; taint= Taint.bottom
; powloc= (if is_int then PowLoc.bot else PowLoc.unknown)
; arrayblk= (if is_int then ArrayBlk.bottom else ArrayBlk.unknown)
; traces }
@ -273,7 +147,6 @@ module Val = struct
&& ItvThresholds.leq ~lhs:lhs.itv_thresholds ~rhs:rhs.itv_thresholds
&& ItvUpdatedBy.leq ~lhs:lhs.itv_updated_by ~rhs:rhs.itv_updated_by
&& ModeledRange.leq ~lhs:lhs.modeled_range ~rhs:rhs.modeled_range
&& Taint.leq ~lhs:lhs.taint ~rhs:rhs.taint
&& PowLoc.leq ~lhs:lhs.powloc ~rhs:rhs.powloc
&& ArrayBlk.leq ~lhs:lhs.arrayblk ~rhs:rhs.arrayblk
@ -291,7 +164,6 @@ module Val = struct
ItvUpdatedBy.widen ~prev:prev.itv_updated_by ~next:next.itv_updated_by ~num_iters
; modeled_range=
ModeledRange.widen ~prev:prev.modeled_range ~next:next.modeled_range ~num_iters
; taint= Taint.widen ~prev:prev.taint ~next:next.taint ~num_iters
; powloc= PowLoc.widen ~prev:prev.powloc ~next:next.powloc ~num_iters
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.widen ~prev:prev.arrayblk ~next:next.arrayblk ~num_iters
; traces= TraceSet.join prev.traces next.traces }
@ -305,7 +177,6 @@ module Val = struct
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.join x.itv_thresholds y.itv_thresholds
; itv_updated_by= ItvUpdatedBy.join x.itv_updated_by y.itv_updated_by
; modeled_range= ModeledRange.join x.modeled_range y.modeled_range
; taint= Taint.join x.taint y.taint
; powloc= PowLoc.join x.powloc y.powloc
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.join x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces }
@ -325,11 +196,9 @@ module Val = struct
let get_all_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> PowLoc.join x.powloc (get_array_locs x)
let get_taint : t -> Taint.t = fun x -> x.taint
let get_traces : t -> TraceSet.t = fun x -> x.traces
let of_itv ?(traces = TraceSet.bottom) ?(taint = Taint.bottom) itv = {bot with itv; taint; traces}
let of_itv ?(traces = TraceSet.bottom) itv = {bot with itv; traces}
let of_int n = of_itv (Itv.of_int n)
@ -391,7 +260,6 @@ module Val = struct
let itv_thresholds = ItvThresholds.join x.itv_thresholds y.itv_thresholds in
let itv_updated_by = ItvUpdatedBy.join x.itv_updated_by y.itv_updated_by in
let modeled_range = ModeledRange.join x.modeled_range y.modeled_range in
let taint = Taint.join x.taint y.taint in
let traces =
match f_trace with
| Some f_trace ->
@ -405,7 +273,7 @@ module Val = struct
| true, true | false, false ->
TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces )
{bot with itv; itv_thresholds; itv_updated_by; modeled_range; taint; traces}
{bot with itv; itv_thresholds; itv_updated_by; modeled_range; traces}
let lift_cmp_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Boolean.t) -> Boolean.EqualOrder.t -> t -> t -> t =
@ -579,7 +447,7 @@ module Val = struct
let subst : t -> eval_sym_trace -> Location.t -> t =
fun x {eval_sym; trace_of_sym; eval_locpath; eval_taint} location ->
fun x {eval_sym; trace_of_sym; eval_locpath} location ->
let symbols = get_symbols x in
let traces_caller =
@ -591,7 +459,6 @@ module Val = struct
let powloc_from_arrayblk, arrayblk = ArrayBlk.subst x.arrayblk eval_sym eval_locpath in
{ x with
itv= Itv.subst x.itv eval_sym
; taint= Taint.subst x.taint eval_taint
; powloc= PowLoc.join powloc powloc_from_arrayblk
; arrayblk
; traces }
@ -619,14 +486,14 @@ module Val = struct
fun location ~f v ->
{ v with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.transform_length ~f v.arrayblk
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location (through ~risky_fun:None)) v.traces }
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location Through) v.traces }
let set_array_offset : Location.t -> Itv.t -> t -> t =
fun location offset v ->
{ v with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.set_offset offset v.arrayblk
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location (through ~risky_fun:None)) v.traces }
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location Through) v.traces }
let set_array_stride : Z.t -> t -> t =
@ -646,16 +513,16 @@ module Val = struct
let cast typ v = {v with powloc= PowLoc.cast typ v.powloc}
let of_path tenv ~may_last_field ~is_service_handler integer_type_widths location typ path =
let of_path tenv ~may_last_field integer_type_widths location typ path =
let traces_of_loc l =
let trace = if Loc.is_global l then Trace.Global l else Trace.Parameter l in
TraceSet.singleton location trace
let itv_val ~non_int ~taint =
let itv_val ~non_int =
let l = Loc.of_path path in
let traces = traces_of_loc l in
let unsigned = Typ.is_unsigned_int typ in
of_itv ~traces ~taint (Itv.of_normal_path ~unsigned ~non_int path)
of_itv ~traces (Itv.of_normal_path ~unsigned ~non_int path)
let ptr_to_c_array_alloc deref_path size =
let allocsite = Allocsite.make_symbol deref_path in
@ -667,20 +534,14 @@ module Val = struct
L.d_printfln_escaped "Val.of_path %a : %a%s%s" SPath.pp_partial path (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ
(if may_last_field then ", may_last_field" else "")
(if is_java then ", is_java" else "") ;
let taint =
if (not Config.bo_service_handler_request) || is_java then Taint.bottom
else if Lazy.force_val is_service_handler && SPath.is_request path then
Taint.tainted_of_path path
else Taint.param_of_path path
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tint (IBool | IChar | ISChar | IUChar | IUShort) ->
let v = itv_val ~non_int:is_java ~taint in
let v = itv_val ~non_int:is_java in
if is_java then set_itv_updated_by_unknown v else set_itv_updated_by_addition v
| Tfloat _ | Tfun | TVar _ ->
itv_val ~non_int:true ~taint |> set_itv_updated_by_unknown
itv_val ~non_int:true |> set_itv_updated_by_unknown
| Tint _ | Tvoid ->
itv_val ~non_int:false ~taint |> set_itv_updated_by_addition
itv_val ~non_int:false |> set_itv_updated_by_addition
| Tptr (elt, _) ->
if is_java || SPath.is_this path then
let deref_kind =
@ -730,7 +591,7 @@ module Val = struct
let length = Itv.of_length_path ~is_void:false path in
of_java_array_alloc allocsite ~length ~traces
| Some JavaInteger ->
itv_val ~non_int:false ~taint:Taint.bottom
itv_val ~non_int:false
| None ->
let l = Loc.of_path path in
let traces = traces_of_loc l in
@ -759,14 +620,11 @@ module Val = struct
let on_demand : default:t -> ?typ:Typ.t -> OndemandEnv.t -> Loc.t -> t =
fun ~default ?typ
{tenv; typ_of_param_path; may_last_field; entry_location; integer_type_widths; class_name} l ->
fun ~default ?typ {tenv; typ_of_param_path; may_last_field; entry_location; integer_type_widths}
l ->
let do_on_demand path typ =
let may_last_field = may_last_field path in
let is_service_handler =
lazy (Option.exists class_name ~f:(FbPatternMatch.is_subtype_of_fb_service_handler tenv))
of_path tenv ~may_last_field ~is_service_handler integer_type_widths entry_location typ path
of_path tenv ~may_last_field integer_type_widths entry_location typ path
match Loc.get_literal_string l with
| Some s ->