Extend Inferprint with a command --issues-tests to print issues in a format suitable for tests

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D3750938

fbshipit-source-id: 4b90bfa
Cristiano Calcagno 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 4
parent a31c5416b1
commit a6254f6b73

@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ let module IssuesCsv = {
/** Write bug report in csv format */
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ file_opt procname err_log => {
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ proc_loc_opt procname err_log => {
let pp x => F.fprintf fmt x;
let pp_row (_, node_key) loc _ ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr _ eclass => {
let source_file =
switch file_opt {
| Some file => file
switch proc_loc_opt {
| Some proc_loc => proc_loc.Location.file
| None => loc.Location.file
if (in_footprint && error_filter source_file error_desc error_name) {
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ let module IssuesJson = {
/** Write bug report in JSON format */
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ file_opt procname err_log => {
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ proc_loc_opt procname err_log => {
let pp x => F.fprintf fmt x;
let pp_row
(_, node_key)
@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ let module IssuesJson = {
eclass => {
let source_file =
switch file_opt {
| Some file => file
switch proc_loc_opt {
| Some proc_loc => proc_loc.Location.file
| None => loc.Location.file
if (in_footprint && error_filter source_file error_desc error_name) {
@ -472,13 +472,40 @@ let module IssuesJson = {
let module IssuesTests = {
/** Write bug report in a format suitable for tests on analysis results. */
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ proc_loc_opt proc_name err_log => {
let pp_row _ loc _ _ in_footprint error_name error_desc _ _ _ _ => {
let (source_file, line_offset) =
switch proc_loc_opt {
| Some proc_loc =>
let line_offset = loc.Location.line - proc_loc.Location.line;
(proc_loc.Location.file, line_offset)
| None => (loc.Location.file, 0)
if (in_footprint && error_filter source_file error_desc error_name) {
"%s, %a, %d, %a@."
(DB.source_file_to_string source_file)
Errlog.iter pp_row err_log
let module IssuesTxt = {
/** Write bug report in text format */
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ file_opt _ err_log => {
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter _ proc_loc_opt _ err_log => {
let pp_row (node_id, node_key) loc _ ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc _ _ _ _ => {
let source_file =
switch file_opt {
| Some file => file
switch proc_loc_opt {
| Some proc_loc => proc_loc.Location.file
| None => loc.Location.file
if (in_footprint && error_filter source_file error_desc error_name) {
@ -528,7 +555,7 @@ let module IssuesXml = {
/** print issues from summary in xml */
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter linereader file_opt proc_name err_log => {
let pp_issues_of_error_log fmt error_filter linereader proc_loc_opt proc_name err_log => {
let do_row
(_, node_key)
@ -542,8 +569,8 @@ let module IssuesXml = {
eclass => {
let source_file =
switch file_opt {
| Some file => file
switch proc_loc_opt {
| Some proc_loc => proc_loc.Location.file
| None => loc.Location.file
if (in_footprint && error_filter source_file error_desc error_name) {
@ -932,67 +959,71 @@ let error_filter filters proc_name file error_desc error_name => {
type report_kind = | Issues | Procs | Stats | Calls | Summary;
type bug_format =
| Json of outfile | Csv of outfile | Text of outfile | Xml of outfile | Latex of outfile;
type bug_format_kind = | Json | Csv | Tests | Text | Xml | Latex;
let pp_issues_in_format format =>
switch format {
| Json outf => IssuesJson.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Csv outf => IssuesCsv.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Text outf => IssuesTxt.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Xml outf => IssuesXml.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Latex _ => failwith "Printing issues in latex is not implemented"
type bug_format = (bug_format_kind, outfile);
let pp_procs_in_format format =>
switch format {
| Csv outf => ProcsCsv.pp_summary outf.fmt
| Xml outf => ProcsXml.pp_proc outf.fmt
| Json _
| Latex _
| Text _ => failwith "Printing procs in json/latex/text is not implemented"
let pp_issues_in_format (format_kind, outf) =>
switch format_kind {
| Json => IssuesJson.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Csv => IssuesCsv.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Tests => IssuesTests.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Text => IssuesTxt.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Xml => IssuesXml.pp_issues_of_error_log outf.fmt
| Latex => failwith "Printing issues in latex is not implemented"
let pp_calls_in_format format =>
switch format {
| Csv outf => CallsCsv.pp_calls outf.fmt
| Json _
| Text _
| Xml _
| Latex _ => failwith "Printing calls in json/text/xml/latex is not implemented"
let pp_procs_in_format (format_kind, outf) =>
switch format_kind {
| Csv => ProcsCsv.pp_summary outf.fmt
| Xml => ProcsXml.pp_proc outf.fmt
| Json
| Latex
| Tests
| Text => failwith "Printing procs in json/latex/tests/text is not implemented"
let pp_stats_in_format format =>
switch format {
| Csv _ => Stats.process_summary
| Json _
| Text _
| Xml _
| Latex _ => failwith "Printing stats in json/text/xml/latex is not implemented"
let pp_calls_in_format (format_kind, outf) =>
switch format_kind {
| Csv => CallsCsv.pp_calls outf.fmt
| Json
| Tests
| Text
| Xml
| Latex => failwith "Printing calls in json/tests/text/xml/latex is not implemented"
let pp_summary_in_format format =>
switch format {
| Latex outfile => Summary.write_summary_latex outfile.fmt
| Json _
| Csv _
| Text _
| Xml _ => failwith "Printing summary in json/csv/text/xml is not implemented"
let pp_stats_in_format (format_kind, _) =>
switch format_kind {
| Csv => Stats.process_summary
| Json
| Tests
| Text
| Xml
| Latex => failwith "Printing stats in json/tests/text/xml/latex is not implemented"
let pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader file_opt procname err_log bug_format_list => {
let pp_issues_in_format format => {
let pp_issues = pp_issues_in_format format;
pp_issues error_filter linereader file_opt procname err_log
let pp_summary_in_format (format_kind, outf) =>
switch format_kind {
| Latex => Summary.write_summary_latex outf.fmt
| Json
| Csv
| Tests
| Text
| Xml => failwith "Printing summary in json/csv/tests/text/xml is not implemented"
let pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader proc_loc_opt procname err_log bug_format_list => {
let pp_issues_in_format format =>
pp_issues_in_format format error_filter linereader proc_loc_opt procname err_log;
IList.iter pp_issues_in_format bug_format_list
let pp_issues error_filter linereader summary bug_format_list => {
let err_log = summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.err_log;
let procname = Specs.get_proc_name summary;
let file = summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.Location.file;
pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader (Some file) procname err_log bug_format_list
let loc = summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.loc;
pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader (Some loc) procname err_log bug_format_list
let pp_procs top_proc_set summary procs_format_list => {
@ -1217,46 +1248,49 @@ let register_perf_stats_report () => {
PerfStats.register_report_at_exit stats_file
let mk_format format_kind out_file => [(format_kind, out_file)];
let init_issues_format_list () => {
let csv_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Csv out_file]) [] Config.bugs_csv;
let json_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Json out_file]) [] Config.bugs_json;
let txt_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Text out_file]) [] Config.bugs_txt;
let xml_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Xml out_file]) [] Config.bugs_xml;
csv_format @ json_format @ txt_format @ xml_format
let csv_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Csv) [] Config.bugs_csv;
let json_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Json) [] Config.bugs_json;
let tests_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Tests) [] Config.bugs_tests;
let txt_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Text) [] Config.bugs_txt;
let xml_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Xml) [] Config.bugs_xml;
csv_format @ json_format @ tests_format @ txt_format @ xml_format
let init_procs_format_list () => {
let csv_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Csv out_file]) [] Config.procs_csv;
let xml_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Xml out_file]) [] Config.procs_xml;
let csv_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Csv) [] Config.procs_csv;
let xml_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Xml) [] Config.procs_xml;
csv_format @ xml_format
let init_calls_format_list () => {
let csv_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Csv out_file]) [] Config.calls_csv;
let csv_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Csv) [] Config.calls_csv;
let init_stats_format_list () => {
let csv_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Csv out_file]) [] Config.report;
let csv_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Csv) [] Config.report;
let init_summary_format_list () => {
let latex_format = Option.map_default (fun out_file => [Latex out_file]) [] Config.latex;
let latex_format = Option.map_default (mk_format Latex) [] Config.latex;
let init_files format_list_by_kind => {
let init_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) => {
let init_files_of_format format =>
switch (format, report_kind) {
| (Csv outfile, Stats) => Report.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| (Csv outfile, Issues) => IssuesCsv.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| (Json outfile, Issues) => IssuesJson.pp_json_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml outfile, Issues) => IssuesXml.pp_issues_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml outfile, Procs) => ProcsXml.pp_procs_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Latex outfile, Summary) => begin_latex_file outfile.fmt
| _ => ()
let init_files_of_format (format_kind, outfile) =>
switch (format_kind, report_kind) {
| (Csv, Stats) => Report.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| (Csv, Issues) => IssuesCsv.pp_header outfile.fmt ()
| (Json, Issues) => IssuesJson.pp_json_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml, Issues) => IssuesXml.pp_issues_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml, Procs) => ProcsXml.pp_procs_open outfile.fmt ()
| (Latex, Summary) => begin_latex_file outfile.fmt
| (Csv | Json | Latex | Tests | Text | Xml, _) => ()
IList.iter init_files_of_format format_list
@ -1265,31 +1299,24 @@ let init_files format_list_by_kind => {
let finalize_and_close_files format_list_by_kind stats pdflatex => {
let close_files_of_report_kind (report_kind, format_list) => {
let close_files_of_format format =>
switch (format, report_kind) {
| (Csv outfile, Stats) =>
F.fprintf outfile.fmt "%a@?" Report.pp_stats stats;
close_outf outfile
| (Csv outfile, _)
| (Text outfile, _) => close_outf outfile
| (Json outfile, Issues) =>
IssuesJson.pp_json_close outfile.fmt ();
close_outf outfile
| (Xml outfile, Issues) =>
IssuesXml.pp_issues_close outfile.fmt ();
close_outf outfile
| (Xml outfile, Procs) =>
ProcsXml.pp_procs_close outfile.fmt ();
close_outf outfile
| (Latex outfile, Summary) =>
Latex.pp_end outfile.fmt ();
close_outf outfile;
let close_files_of_format (format_kind, outfile) => {
switch (format_kind, report_kind) {
| (Csv, Stats) => F.fprintf outfile.fmt "%a@?" Report.pp_stats stats
| (Json, Issues) => IssuesJson.pp_json_close outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml, Issues) => IssuesXml.pp_issues_close outfile.fmt ()
| (Xml, Procs) => ProcsXml.pp_procs_close outfile.fmt ()
| (Latex, Summary) => Latex.pp_end outfile.fmt ()
| (Csv | Latex | Tests | Text | Xml | Json, _) => ()
close_outf outfile;
if ((format_kind, report_kind) == (Latex, Summary)) {
pdflatex outfile.fname;
let pdf_name = Filename.chop_extension outfile.fname ^ ".pdf";
ignore (Sys.command ("open " ^ pdf_name))
| _ => ()
IList.iter close_files_of_format format_list
IList.iter close_files_of_format format_list;
IList.iter close_files_of_report_kind format_list_by_kind

@ -583,6 +583,11 @@ and bugs_json =
~meta:"file" "Create a file containing a list of issues in JSON format"
and bugs_tests =
CLOpt.mk_option ~long:"issues-tests" ~f:create_outfile
~meta:"file" "Create a file containing issues in a format suitable for tests"
and bugs_txt =
CLOpt.mk_option ~deprecated:["bugs_txt"] ~long:"issues-txt" ~f:create_outfile
@ -1316,6 +1321,7 @@ and buck_build_args = !buck_build_args
and buck_out = !buck_out
and bugs_csv = !bugs_csv
and bugs_json = !bugs_json
and bugs_tests = !bugs_tests
and bugs_txt = !bugs_txt
and bugs_xml = !bugs_xml
and changed_files_index = !changed_files_index

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ val buck_build_args : string list
val buck_out : string option
val bugs_csv : outfile option
val bugs_json : outfile option
val bugs_tests : outfile option
val bugs_txt : outfile option
val bugs_xml : outfile option
val changed_files_index : string option
