diff --git a/infer/src/IR/DecompiledExp.ml b/infer/src/IR/DecompiledExp.ml
index df28e6b29..117c18a0c 100644
--- a/infer/src/IR/DecompiledExp.ml
+++ b/infer/src/IR/DecompiledExp.ml
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let pp_vpath pe fmt vpath =
let pp fmt = function Some de -> pp fmt de | None -> () in
if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then
let pp f vpath = F.fprintf f "{vpath: %a}" pp vpath in
- Io_infer.Html.with_color Orange pp fmt vpath
+ Pp.html_with_color Orange pp fmt vpath
else pp fmt vpath
diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.ml b/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.ml
index 1308253ae..e05bbe0bb 100644
--- a/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.ml
+++ b/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.ml
@@ -98,10 +98,6 @@ h1 { font-size:14pt }
(** Print a horizontal line *)
let pp_hline fmt () = F.pp_print_string fmt "\n
- let with_color color pp f x =
- F.fprintf f "%a" (Pp.color_string color) pp x
let pp_link ?(name = None) ?(pos = None) ~path fmt text =
let link_str =
let escaped_path = List.map ~f:Escape.escape_url path in
diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.mli b/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.mli
index c9cd6688e..39e60f5d5 100644
--- a/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.mli
+++ b/infer/src/IR/Io_infer.mli
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ module Html : sig
-> int * int * int
-> unit
(** Print an html link given node id and session *)
- val with_color : Pp.color -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
- (** Print using color *)
(** Create and print xml trees *)
diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Sil.ml b/infer/src/IR/Sil.ml
index 02825595f..c4a07b9db 100644
--- a/infer/src/IR/Sil.ml
+++ b/infer/src/IR/Sil.ml
@@ -232,36 +232,11 @@ end)
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)
-let color_wrapper pe ppf x ~f =
- if Config.print_using_diff && pe.Pp.kind <> Pp.TEXT then
- let color = pe.Pp.cmap_norm (Obj.repr x) in
- if color <> pe.Pp.color then
- let pe' =
- if Pp.equal_color color Pp.Red then
- (* All subexpressions red *)
- Pp.{pe with cmap_norm= colormap_red; color= Red}
- else Pp.{pe with color}
- in
- Io_infer.Html.with_color color (f pe') ppf x
- else f pe ppf x
- else f pe ppf x
+let color_wrapper ~f = if Config.print_using_diff then Pp.color_wrapper ~f else f
-(** Print a sequence with difference mode if enabled. *)
-let pp_seq_diff pp pe0 f =
- if not Config.print_using_diff then Pp.comma_seq pp f
- else
- let rec doit = function
- | [] ->
- ()
- | [x] ->
- color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp)
- | x :: l ->
- color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp) ;
- F.pp_print_string f ", " ;
- doit l
- in
- doit
+let pp_seq_diff pp print_env fmt l =
+ if Config.print_using_diff then Pp.comma_seq_diff pp print_env fmt l
+ else Pp.comma_seq ~print_env pp fmt l
(** Pretty print an expression. *)
@@ -803,7 +778,7 @@ let update_inst inst_old inst_new =
(** describe an instrumentation with a string *)
let pp_inst_if_trace pe f inst =
if Config.trace_error then
- if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then Io_infer.Html.with_color Orange pp_inst f inst
+ if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then Pp.html_with_color Orange pp_inst f inst
else F.fprintf f "%s%a%s" (Binop.str pe Lt) pp_inst inst (Binop.str pe Gt)
diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Sil.mli b/infer/src/IR/Sil.mli
index 66d770828..e29cf2219 100644
--- a/infer/src/IR/Sil.mli
+++ b/infer/src/IR/Sil.mli
@@ -259,9 +259,6 @@ val add_with_block_parameters_flag : instr -> instr
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)
-val color_wrapper : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> f:(Pp.env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
-(** Wraps a printing function with an updated printenv when using diff printing *)
val pp_exp_printenv : ?print_types:bool -> Pp.env -> F.formatter -> Exp.t -> unit
(** Pretty print an expression. *)
diff --git a/infer/src/backend/Summary.ml b/infer/src/backend/Summary.ml
index b515af5d0..5972f2eb6 100644
--- a/infer/src/backend/Summary.ml
+++ b/infer/src/backend/Summary.ml
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let pp_text fmt summary =
let pp_html source fmt summary =
F.pp_force_newline fmt () ;
- Io_infer.Html.with_color Black pp_no_stats_specs fmt summary ;
+ Pp.html_with_color Black pp_no_stats_specs fmt summary ;
F.fprintf fmt "
@\n" Stats.pp summary.stats ;
Errlog.pp_html source [] fmt (get_err_log summary) ;
Io_infer.Html.pp_hline fmt () ;
diff --git a/infer/src/biabduction/BiabductionSummary.ml b/infer/src/biabduction/BiabductionSummary.ml
index d31feaf09..43b6c57fc 100644
--- a/infer/src/biabduction/BiabductionSummary.ml
+++ b/infer/src/biabduction/BiabductionSummary.ml
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ let pp_spec0 pe num_opt fmt spec =
F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %a ---------------------------@\n" pp_num_opt
num_opt ;
F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n" ;
- Io_infer.Html.with_color Blue (Prop.pp_prop (Pp.html Blue)) fmt pre ;
+ Pp.html_with_color Blue (Prop.pp_prop (Pp.html Blue)) fmt pre ;
F.pp_force_newline fmt () ;
Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true) fmt post_list ;
F.pp_print_string fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------"
diff --git a/infer/src/biabduction/Prop.ml b/infer/src/biabduction/Prop.ml
index fafa56fa5..d7772848f 100644
--- a/infer/src/biabduction/Prop.ml
+++ b/infer/src/biabduction/Prop.ml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ let pp_texp_simple pe =
(** Pretty print a pointsto representing a stack variable as an equality *)
let pp_hpred_stackvar =
- Sil.color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f (hpred : Sil.hpred) ->
+ Pp.color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f (hpred : Sil.hpred) ->
match hpred with
| Hpointsto (Exp.Lvar pvar, se, te) ->
let pe' =
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let pp_sub pe f sub =
let d_sub (sub : Sil.subst) = L.d_pp_with_pe pp_sub sub
let pp_sub_entry =
- Sil.color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f entry ->
+ Pp.color_wrapper ~f:(fun pe f entry ->
let x, e = entry in
F.fprintf f "%a = %a" Ident.pp x (Sil.pp_exp_printenv pe) e )
@@ -313,11 +313,7 @@ let pp_prop pe0 f prop =
F.fprintf f "%a%a%a%a" pp_pure () (pp_sigma_simple pe env) prop.sigma
(pp_footprint_simple pe env) prop pp_predicates ()
- match pe0.Pp.kind with
- | Pp.HTML ->
- Io_infer.Html.with_color Blue do_print f ()
- | TEXT ->
- do_print f ()
+ match pe0.Pp.kind with HTML -> Pp.html_with_color Blue do_print f () | TEXT -> do_print f ()
let pp_prop_with_typ pe f p = pp_prop {pe with opt= SIM_WITH_TYP} f p
diff --git a/infer/src/istd/Pp.ml b/infer/src/istd/Pp.ml
index f387acc12..eda525c4e 100644
--- a/infer/src/istd/Pp.ml
+++ b/infer/src/istd/Pp.ml
@@ -100,6 +100,25 @@ let color_string = function
+let html_with_color color pp f x =
+ F.fprintf f "%a" (color_string color) pp x
+let color_wrapper pe ppf x ~f =
+ match pe.kind with
+ | HTML when pe.cmap_norm (Obj.repr x) <> pe.color ->
+ let color = pe.cmap_norm (Obj.repr x) in
+ let pe' =
+ if equal_color color Red then
+ (* All subexpressions red *)
+ {pe with cmap_norm= colormap_red; color= Red}
+ else {pe with color}
+ in
+ html_with_color color (f pe') ppf x
+ | _ ->
+ f pe ppf x
let seq ?(print_env = text) ?sep:(sep_text = " ") ?(sep_html = sep_text) pp =
let rec aux f = function
| [] ->
@@ -118,6 +137,20 @@ let comma_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"," pp f l
let semicolon_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"; " pp f l
+let comma_seq_diff pp pe0 f =
+ let rec doit = function
+ | [] ->
+ ()
+ | [x] ->
+ color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp)
+ | x :: l ->
+ color_wrapper pe0 f x ~f:(fun _pe -> pp) ;
+ F.pp_print_string f ", " ;
+ doit l
+ in
+ doit
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let current_time f () =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
diff --git a/infer/src/istd/Pp.mli b/infer/src/istd/Pp.mli
index 3e9931498..21304c19e 100644
--- a/infer/src/istd/Pp.mli
+++ b/infer/src/istd/Pp.mli
@@ -45,12 +45,11 @@ val set_obj_sub : env -> ('a -> 'a) -> env
(** Set the object substitution, which is supposed to preserve the type. Currently only used for a
map from (identifier) expressions to the program var containing them *)
-val colormap_red : colormap
-(** red colormap *)
val extend_colormap : env -> Obj.t -> color -> env
(** Extend the normal colormap for the given object with the given color *)
+val color_wrapper : env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> f:(env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
val text : env
(** Default text print environment *)
@@ -63,6 +62,8 @@ val html : color -> env
val color_string : color -> string
(** string representation of colors *)
+val html_with_color : color -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val option : (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
val cli_args : F.formatter -> string list -> unit
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ val seq :
val comma_seq : ?print_env:env -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a comma-separated sequence. *)
+val comma_seq_diff : (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> env -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
val semicolon_seq : ?print_env:env -> (F.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
(** Pretty print a ;-separated sequence *)