@ -41,31 +41,38 @@ module ConfigChecks = AbstractDomain.SafeInvertedMap (ConfigName) (Branch)
module UncheckedCallee = struct
type t =
| Direct of {callee: Procname.t; location: Location.t}
| Indirect of {callee: Procname.t; location: Location.t}
| Indirect of {callee: Procname.t; location: Location.t; trace: t [@compare.ignore]}
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f = function
| Direct {callee; location} ->
F.fprintf f "%a is called at %a" Procname.pp callee Location.pp location
| Indirect {callee; location} ->
F.fprintf f "%a is indirectly called from %a" Procname.pp callee Location.pp location
let get_location = function Direct {location} | Indirect {location} -> location
let pp_common ~with_location f x =
( match x with
| Direct {callee} ->
F.fprintf f "%a is called" Procname.pp callee
| Indirect {callee} ->
F.fprintf f "%a is indirectly called" Procname.pp callee ) ;
if with_location then F.fprintf f " at %a" Location.pp (get_location x)
let pp f x = pp_common ~with_location:true f x
let pp_without_location f x = pp_common ~with_location:false f x
let replace_location location x =
match x with Direct {callee} | Indirect {callee} -> Indirect {callee; location; trace= x}
let get_location = function Direct {location} | Indirect {location} -> location
let replace_location location = function
| Direct {callee} | Indirect {callee} ->
Indirect {callee; location}
let rec make_err_trace x =
let desc = F.asprintf "%a" pp_without_location x in
let trace_elem = Errlog.make_trace_element 0 (get_location x) desc [] in
match x with Direct _ -> [trace_elem] | Indirect {trace} -> trace_elem :: make_err_trace trace
let report {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} x =
let desc = F.asprintf "%a without config check" pp x in
let trace =
(* TODO *)
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:(get_location x) ~ltr:trace ConfigImpactAnalysis
IssueType.config_impact_analysis desc
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc:(get_location x) ~ltr:(make_err_trace x)
ConfigImpactAnalysis IssueType.config_impact_analysis desc
module UncheckedCallees = struct