[cost] Polynomial domain

Before we were computing the size of an abstract state (`range`) using the `NonNegativeBound` domain but it wasn't able to express product of symbolic values.
This diff introduces a domain for that.
The range of an interval is still computed in `NonNegativeBound` but then the product is done in `TopLiftedPolynomial` so all costs end up being of that type.

The //symbols// of a polynomial are `NonNegativeBound` (so the polynomial only represent non-negative values, perfect for a cost), which handles substitution correctly, i.e. it gives zero instead of negative values.

Reviewed By: ddino

Differential Revision: D7397229

fbshipit-source-id: 6868bb7
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2ee4956c03
commit aaf346d115

@ -319,13 +319,15 @@ module Heap = struct
if is_empty mem then Val.bot else snd (choose mem)
let range : filter_loc:(Loc.t -> bool) -> astate -> Itv.NonNegativeBound.t =
let range : filter_loc:(Loc.t -> bool) -> astate -> Itv.NonNegativePolynomial.astate =
fun ~filter_loc mem ->
(fun loc v acc ->
if filter_loc loc then v |> Val.get_itv |> Itv.range |> Itv.NonNegativeBound.mult acc
if filter_loc loc then
v |> Val.get_itv |> Itv.range |> Itv.ItvRange.to_top_lifted_polynomial
|> Itv.NonNegativePolynomial.mult acc
else acc )
mem Itv.NonNegativeBound.one
mem Itv.NonNegativePolynomial.one
module AliasTarget = struct
@ -766,7 +768,7 @@ module MemReach = struct
fun locs m -> add_from_locs m.heap locs PowLoc.empty
let heap_range : filter_loc:(Loc.t -> bool) -> t -> Itv.NonNegativeBound.t =
let heap_range : filter_loc:(Loc.t -> bool) -> t -> Itv.NonNegativePolynomial.astate =
fun ~filter_loc {heap} -> Heap.range ~filter_loc heap

@ -150,6 +150,89 @@ end = struct
num / den
module Ints : sig
module NonNegativeInt : sig
type t = private int [@@deriving compare]
val zero : t
val one : t
val of_int_exn : int -> t
val is_zero : t -> bool
val is_one : t -> bool
val ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool
val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
val max : t -> t -> t
val min : t -> t -> t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
module PositiveInt : sig
type t = private NonNegativeInt.t [@@deriving compare]
val one : t
val of_int : int -> t option
val succ : t -> t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
end = struct
module NonNegativeInt = struct
type t = int [@@deriving compare]
let zero = 0
let one = 1
let is_zero = function 0 -> true | _ -> false
let is_one = function 1 -> true | _ -> false
let of_int_exn i =
assert (i >= 0) ;
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = Int.(lhs <= rhs)
let ( + ) = Int.( + )
let ( * ) = Int.( * )
let max = Int.max
let min = Int.min
let pp = F.pp_print_int
module PositiveInt = struct
type t = NonNegativeInt.t [@@deriving compare]
let one = 1
let of_int i = if i <= 0 then None else Some i
let succ = Int.succ
let pp = F.pp_print_int
open Ints
module SymLinear = struct
module M = SymbolMap
@ -723,8 +806,6 @@ module Bound = struct
if le y x then x else PInf
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = le lhs rhs
let zero : t = Linear (0, SymLinear.zero)
let one : t = Linear (1, SymLinear.zero)
@ -873,83 +954,313 @@ module Bound = struct
let is_not_infty : t -> bool = function MInf | PInf -> false | _ -> true
type ('c, 's) valclass = Constant of 'c | Symbolic of 's | ValTop
(** A NonNegativeBound is a Bound that is either non-negative or symbolic but will be evaluated to a non-negative value once instantiated *)
module NonNegativeBound = struct
type t = Bound.t [@@deriving compare]
type astate = t
let pp = Bound.pp
let zero = Bound.zero
let one = Bound.one
let top = Bound.PInf
let of_bound b = if Bound.le b Bound.zero then Bound.zero else b
let of_int_exn i =
assert (i >= 0) ;
Bound.of_int i
let is_not_infty = function
let classify = function
| Bound.PInf ->
| Bound.(Linear _ | MinMax _) ->
| Bound.MInf ->
assert false
| b ->
match Bound.is_const b with
| None ->
Symbolic b
| Some c ->
Constant (NonNegativeInt.of_int_exn c)
let is_symbolic = Bound.is_symbolic
let subst b map =
match Bound.subst_ub b map with
| Bottom ->
Constant NonNegativeInt.zero
| NonBottom b ->
of_bound b |> classify
let ( <= ) = Bound.( <= )
module type NonNegativeSymbol = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
(* For now let's check and fail when these operations don't give a non-negative result *)
val subst : t -> Bound.t bottom_lifted SymbolMap.t -> (NonNegativeInt.t, t) valclass
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
module MakePolynomial (S : NonNegativeSymbol) = struct
module M = struct
include Caml.Map.Make (S)
let increasing_union ~f m1 m2 = union (fun _ v1 v2 -> Some (f v1 v2)) m1 m2
let inter ~f m1 m2 =
(fun _ v1_opt v2_opt ->
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with Some v1, Some v2 -> f v1 v2 | _ -> None )
m1 m2
let le ~le_elt m1 m2 =
(fun _ v1_opt v2_opt ->
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| Some _, None ->
raise Exit
| Some lhs, Some rhs when not (le_elt ~lhs ~rhs) ->
raise Exit
| _ ->
None )
m1 m2
| _ ->
| exception Exit ->
(** If x < y < z then
2 + 3 * x + 4 * x ^ 2 + x * y + 7 * y ^ 2 * z
is represented by
{const= 2; terms= {
x -> {const= 3; terms= {
x -> {const= 4; terms={}},
y -> {const= 1; terms={}}
y -> {const= 0; terms= {
y -> {const= 0; terms= {
z -> {const= 7; terms={}}
The representation is a tree, each edge from a node to a child (terms) represents a multiplication by a symbol. If a node has a non-zero const, it represents the multiplication (of the path) by this constant.
In the example above, we have the following paths:
x * 3
x * x * 4
x * y * 1
y * y * z * 7
- except for the root, terms <> {} \/ const <> 0
- symbols children of a term are 'smaller' than its self symbol
- contents of terms are not zero
- symbols in terms are only symbolic values
type t = {const: NonNegativeInt.t; terms: t M.t}
type astate = t
let checked1 name f b =
let res = f b in
let () =
if Bound.lt res zero then
L.internal_error "NonNegativeBound.%s %a = %a < 0@\n" name pp b pp res
let of_non_negative_int : NonNegativeInt.t -> t = fun const -> {const; terms= M.empty}
let zero = of_non_negative_int NonNegativeInt.zero
let one = of_non_negative_int NonNegativeInt.one
let of_int_exn : int -> t = fun i -> i |> NonNegativeInt.of_int_exn |> of_non_negative_int
let of_valclass : (NonNegativeInt.t, S.t) valclass -> t top_lifted = function
| ValTop ->
| Constant i ->
NonTop (of_non_negative_int i)
| Symbolic s ->
NonTop {const= NonNegativeInt.zero; terms= M.singleton s one}
let is_zero : t -> bool = fun {const; terms} -> NonNegativeInt.is_zero const && M.is_empty terms
let is_one : t -> bool = fun {const; terms} -> NonNegativeInt.is_one const && M.is_empty terms
let non_zero : t -> t option = fun p -> if is_zero p then None else Some p
let is_symbolic : t -> bool = fun {terms} -> not (M.is_empty terms)
let rec plus : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
{ const= NonNegativeInt.(p1.const + p2.const)
; terms= M.increasing_union ~f:plus p1.terms p2.terms }
let rec mult_const_positive : t -> PositiveInt.t -> t =
fun {const; terms} c ->
{ const= NonNegativeInt.(const * (c :> NonNegativeInt.t))
; terms= M.map (fun p -> mult_const_positive p c) terms }
let mult_const : t -> NonNegativeInt.t -> t =
fun p c ->
match PositiveInt.of_int (c :> int) with None -> zero | Some c -> mult_const_positive p c
(* (c + r * R + s * S + t * T) x s
= 0 + r * (R x s) + s * (c + s * S + t * T) *)
let rec mult_symb : t -> S.t -> t =
fun {const; terms} s ->
let less_than_s, equal_s_opt, greater_than_s = M.split s terms in
let less_than_s = M.map (fun p -> mult_symb p s) less_than_s in
let s_term =
let terms =
match equal_s_opt with
| None ->
| Some equal_s_p ->
M.add s equal_s_p greater_than_s
{const; terms}
let terms = if is_zero s_term then less_than_s else M.add s s_term less_than_s in
{const= NonNegativeInt.zero; terms}
let rec mult : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
if is_zero p1 || is_zero p2 then zero
else if is_one p1 then p2
else if is_one p2 then p1
mult_const p1 p2.const |> M.fold (fun s p acc -> plus (mult_symb (mult p p1) s) acc) p2.terms
(* assumes symbols are not comparable *)
let rec ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool =
fun ~lhs ~rhs ->
NonNegativeInt.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.const ~rhs:rhs.const && M.le ~le_elt:( <= ) lhs.terms rhs.terms
(* Possible optimization for later: x join x^2 = x^2 instead of x + x^2 *)
let rec join : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
{ const= NonNegativeInt.max p1.const p2.const
; terms= M.increasing_union ~f:join p1.terms p2.terms }
let rec min : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
{const= NonNegativeInt.min p1.const p2.const; terms= M.inter ~f:min_non_zero p1.terms p2.terms}
and min_non_zero : t -> t -> t option = fun p1 p2 -> min p1 p2 |> non_zero
let widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t =
fun ~prev:_ ~next:_ ~num_iters:_ -> assert false
let subst =
let exception ReturnTop in
(* avoids top-lifting everything *)
let rec subst {const; terms} map =
(fun s p acc ->
match S.subst s map with
| Constant c -> (
match PositiveInt.of_int (c :> int) with
| None ->
| Some c ->
let p = subst p map in
mult_const_positive p c |> plus acc )
| ValTop ->
let p = subst p map in
if is_zero p then acc else raise ReturnTop
| Symbolic s ->
let p = subst p map in
mult_symb p s |> plus acc )
terms (of_non_negative_int const)
fun p map -> match subst p map with p -> NonTop p | exception ReturnTop -> Top
let checked2 name f b1 b2 =
let res = f b1 b2 in
let () =
if Bound.lt res zero then
L.internal_error "NonNegativeBound.%s %a %a = %a < 0@\n" name pp b1 pp b2 pp res
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
let add_symb s (((last_s, last_occ) as last), others) =
if Int.equal 0 (S.compare s last_s) then ((last_s, PositiveInt.succ last_occ), others)
else ((s, PositiveInt.one), last :: others)
let pp_coeff fmt (c: NonNegativeInt.t) =
if (c :> int) > 1 then F.fprintf fmt "%a * " NonNegativeInt.pp c
let pp_exp fmt (e: PositiveInt.t) =
if (e :> int) > 1 then F.fprintf fmt "^%a" PositiveInt.pp e
let pp_magic_parentheses pp fmt x =
let s = F.asprintf "%a" pp x in
if String.contains s ' ' then F.fprintf fmt "(%s)" s else F.pp_print_string fmt s
let pp_symb fmt symb = pp_magic_parentheses S.pp fmt symb in
let pp_symb_exp fmt (symb, exp) = F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_symb symb pp_exp exp in
let pp_symbs fmt (last, others) =
List.rev_append others [last] |> Pp.seq ~sep:" * " pp_symb_exp fmt
let rec pp_sub symbs fmt {const; terms} =
if not (NonNegativeInt.is_zero const) then
F.fprintf fmt " + %a%a" pp_coeff const pp_symbs symbs ;
M.iter (fun s p -> pp_sub (add_symb s symbs) fmt p) terms
fun fmt {const; terms} ->
NonNegativeInt.pp fmt const ;
M.iter (fun s p -> pp_sub ((s, PositiveInt.one), []) fmt p) terms
module NonNegativePolynomial = struct
module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = MakePolynomial (NonNegativeBound)
include AbstractDomain.TopLifted (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial)
let join b1 b2 = checked2 "join" Bound.max_u b1 b2
let zero = NonTop NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.zero
let min b1 b2 = checked2 "min" Bound.min_u b1 b2
let one = NonTop NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.one
let mult : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
match (x, Bound.is_const x, y, Bound.is_const y) with
| x, _, _, Some n | _, Some n, x, _ -> (
match NonZeroInt.of_int n with
| Some n ->
if NonZeroInt.is_one n then x
else if NonZeroInt.is_minus_one n then assert false
else checked1 "neg(mult_const)" (Bound.mult_const_u n) x
| None ->
zero )
| _ ->
let of_int_exn i = NonTop (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.of_int_exn i)
let of_non_negative_bound b =
b |> NonNegativeBound.classify |> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.of_valclass
let is_symbolic = function Top -> false | NonTop p -> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.is_symbolic p
let is_top = function Top -> true | _ -> false
let plus b1 b2 = checked2 "plus" Bound.plus_u b1 b2
let top_lifted_increasing ~f p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with Top, _ | _, Top -> Top | NonTop p1, NonTop p2 -> NonTop (f p1 p2)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = checked2 "widen" Bound.widen_u prev next
let subst b map = match Bound.subst_ub b map with Bottom -> zero | NonBottom b -> of_bound b
let plus = top_lifted_increasing ~f:NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.plus
let mult = top_lifted_increasing ~f:NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.mult
let min p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with
| Top, x | x, Top ->
| NonTop p1, NonTop p2 ->
NonTop (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.min p1 p2)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = if ( <= ) ~lhs:next ~rhs:prev then prev else Top
let subst p map = match p with Top -> Top | NonTop p -> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.subst p map
module ItvRange = struct
type t = NonNegativeBound.t
let zero : t = NonNegativeBound.zero
let of_bounds : lb:Bound.t -> ub:Bound.t -> t =
fun ~lb ~ub ->
Bound.plus_u ub Bound.one |> Bound.plus_u (Bound.neg lb) |> NonNegativeBound.of_bound
let to_top_lifted_polynomial : t -> NonNegativePolynomial.astate =
fun r -> NonNegativePolynomial.of_non_negative_bound r
module ItvPure = struct
@ -1082,9 +1393,7 @@ module ItvPure = struct
let is_le_zero : t -> bool = fun (_, ub) -> Bound.le ub Bound.zero
let range : t -> NonNegativeBound.t =
fun (l, u) -> Bound.plus_u (Bound.plus_u u Bound.one) (Bound.neg l) |> NonNegativeBound.of_bound
let range : t -> ItvRange.t = fun (lb, ub) -> ItvRange.of_bounds ~lb ~ub
let neg : t -> t =
fun (l, u) ->
@ -1427,7 +1736,12 @@ let le : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool = ( <= )
let eq : t -> t -> bool = fun x y -> ( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y && ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x
let range : t -> Bound.t = function Bottom -> Bound.zero | NonBottom itv -> ItvPure.range itv
let range : t -> ItvRange.t = function
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom itv ->
ItvPure.range itv
let lift1 : (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t) -> t -> t =
fun f -> function Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x -> NonBottom (f x)

@ -57,39 +57,32 @@ module Bound : sig
val lt : t -> t -> bool
(** A NonNegativeBound is a Bound that is either non-negative or symbolic but will be evaluated to a non-negative value once instantiated *)
module NonNegativeBound : sig
type t
type astate = t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val zero : t
val one : t
module NonNegativePolynomial : sig
include AbstractDomain.WithTop
val top : t
val zero : astate
val of_int_exn : int -> t
val one : astate
val is_not_infty : t -> bool
val of_int_exn : int -> astate
val is_symbolic : t -> bool
val is_symbolic : astate -> bool
val ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool
val is_top : astate -> bool
val join : t -> t -> t
val plus : astate -> astate -> astate
val min : t -> t -> t
val mult : astate -> astate -> astate
val mult : t -> t -> t
val min : astate -> astate -> astate
val plus : t -> t -> t
val subst : astate -> Bound.t bottom_lifted SymbolMap.t -> astate
val widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:'a -> t
module ItvRange : sig
type t
val subst : t -> Bound.t bottom_lifted SymbolMap.t -> t
val to_top_lifted_polynomial : t -> NonNegativePolynomial.astate
module ItvPure : sig
@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ val le : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool
val lnot : t -> Boolean.t
val range : t -> NonNegativeBound.t
val range : t -> ItvRange.t
val div : t -> t -> t

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct
(* We don't report when the cost is Top as it corresponds to subsequent 'don't know's.
Instead, we report Top cost only at the top level per function when `report_infinity` is set to true *)
let should_report_cost cost =
BasicCost.is_not_infty cost && not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:cost ~rhs:expensive_threshold)
not (BasicCost.is_top cost) && not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:cost ~rhs:expensive_threshold)
let do_report summary loc cost =
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ end
module AnalyzerWCET = AbstractInterpreter.MakeNoCFG (InstrCFGScheduler) (TransferFunctionsWCET)
let check_and_report_infinity cost proc_desc summary =
if not (BasicCost.is_not_infty cost) then
if BasicCost.is_top cost then
let loc = Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc |> Procdesc.Node.get_loc in
let message =
F.asprintf "The execution time of the function %a cannot be computed" Typ.Procname.pp

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module BasicCost = Itv.NonNegativeBound
module BasicCost = Itv.NonNegativePolynomial
(** Map (node,instr) -> basic cost *)
module NodeInstructionToCostMap = AbstractDomain.MapOfPPMap (ProcCfg.InstrNode.IdMap) (BasicCost)

@ -18,3 +18,15 @@ void do_n_times(int n) {
void do_2_times_Good() { do_n_times(2); }
void do_2K_times_Bad() { do_n_times(2000); }
void do_m2_times(int m) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
void do_half_m2_times(int m) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {

@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop0_bad, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop1_bad, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 1104]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop1_bad, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 1104]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop1_bad, 6, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 1106]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 11xs$1 + 3]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 11xs$1 + 3]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost -s$0 + s$1 + 16]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost -13xs$0 + 13xs$1 + 199]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost -13xs$0 + 13xs$1 + 199]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost -15xs$0 + 15xs$1 + 231]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 11 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 11 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop2_bad, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 11 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 11 * (-s$0 + s$1 + 15)]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 11 * (-s$0 + s$1 + 15)]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, loop3_bad, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 11 * (-s$0 + s$1 + 15)]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test.c, main_bad, 8, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 211]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test_deps.c, if_bad_loop, 12, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 201]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test_deps.c, loop_despite_inferbo, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 1204]
@ -31,5 +30,9 @@ codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test_deps.c, two_loops, 7, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test_deps.c, two_loops, 8, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 545]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/cost_test_deps.c, two_loops, 10, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 547]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_2K_times_Bad, 0, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 12004]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_n_times, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6xs$1 + 3]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_n_times, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6xs$1 + 3]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_half_m2_times, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 6 * (s$1 + -1) * s$1 + 10 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_half_m2_times, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 6 * (s$1 + -1) * s$1 + 10 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_m2_times, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 10 * s$1 + 6 * s$1^2]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_m2_times, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 10 * s$1 + 6 * s$1^2]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_n_times, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 6 * s$1]
codetoanalyze/c/performance/instantiate.c, do_n_times, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 3 + 6 * s$1]

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
public class ArrayCost {
private void ArrayCost_FP(int[] mag) {
private void ArrayCost(int[] mag) {
int i = 0;
int k = mag.length;

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, boolean ArrayCost.isPowOfTwo_FP(int), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, void ArrayCost.ArrayCost_FP(int[]), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, void ArrayCost.ArrayCost(int[]), 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 5 * s$7^2]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, void ArrayCost.ArrayCost(int[]), 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 5 * s$7^2]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonArray.java, void JsonArray.addStringEntry(String), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonMap.java, void JsonMap.addEntry(String,JsonType), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonMap.java, void JsonMap.addEntry(String,Object), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, ERROR, []
