better error messages for Activity leaks

Reviewed By: cristianoc, jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D2584915

fb-gh-sync-id: 5b756d2
Sam Blackshear 10 years ago committed by facebook-github-bot-7
parent 56ccb6b198
commit abc0e8315e

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ let hpred_is_open_resource prop = function
(** Produce a description of a persistent reference to an Android Activity *)
let explain_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname =
Localise.desc_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname
let explain_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname error_path =
Localise.desc_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname error_path
(** Explain a deallocate stack variable error *)
let explain_deallocate_stack_var pvar ra =

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ val find_boolean_assignment : Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.pvar -> bool -> Cfg.Node.t optio
val exp_rv_dexp : Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.dexp option
(** Produce a description of a persistent reference to an Android Activity *)
val explain_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname -> Localise.error_desc
val explain_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname ->
(Ident.fieldname option * Sil.typ) list -> Localise.error_desc
(** Produce a description of a pointer dangerously coerced to a boolean in a comparison *)
val explain_bad_pointer_comparison : Sil.exp -> Cfg.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc

@ -612,14 +612,15 @@ let forward_tabulate cfg tenv =
let report_activity_leaks pname sigma tenv =
(* report an error if an expression in [activity_exps] is reachable from [field_strexp] *)
let check_reachable_activity_from_fld (fld_name, fld_strexp) activity_exps =
let _, reachable_exps =
let fld_exps = Prop.strexp_get_exps fld_strexp in
let fld_exps = Prop.strexp_get_exps fld_strexp in
let reachable_hpreds, reachable_exps =
Prop.compute_reachable_hpreds sigma fld_exps in
(* raise an error if any Activity expression is in [reachable_exps] *)
(fun (activity_exp, typ) ->
if Sil.ExpSet.mem activity_exp reachable_exps then
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_activity_leak pname typ fld_name in
let leak_path = Prop.get_fld_typ_path fld_exps activity_exp reachable_hpreds in
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_activity_leak pname typ fld_name leak_path in
let exn = Exceptions.Activity_leak
(err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
Reporting.log_error pname exn)

@ -365,15 +365,28 @@ let java_unchecked_exn_desc proc_name exn_name pre_str : error_desc =
"can throw "^(Mangled.to_string exn_name);
"whenever "^pre_str], None, [])
let desc_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname : error_desc =
let pname_str = Procname.java_get_class pname ^ "." ^ Procname.java_get_method pname in
(* intentionally omit space; [typ_to_string] adds an extra space *)
let activity_str = Sil.typ_to_string activity_typ ^ "may leak via" in
let desc_activity_leak pname activity_typ fieldname leak_path : error_desc =
let fld_str = Ident.fieldname_to_string fieldname in
let leak_msg =
if fld_str = "android.os.Handler.sFakeHandlerQueue" then "call to Handler.postDelayed"
else "assignment to static field " ^ fld_str in
(["Activity"; activity_str; leak_msg; "during call to"; pname_str] , None, [])
let leak_root =
if fld_str = "android.os.Handler.sFakeHandlerQueue"
then " runnable passed to Handler.postDelayed |->\n "
else " static field " ^ fld_str ^ " |->\n " in
let leak_path_entry_to_str acc entry =
let entry_str = match entry with
| (Some fld, _) -> Ident.fieldname_to_string fld
| (None, typ) -> Sil.typ_to_string typ in
(* intentionally omit space; [typ_to_string] adds an extra space *)
acc ^ entry_str ^ " |->\n " in
let activity_str = Sil.typ_to_string activity_typ in
let path_str =
let path_prefix =
if leak_path = [] then "leaked "
else (IList.fold_left leak_path_entry_to_str "" leak_path) ^ " leaked " in
path_prefix ^ activity_str in
let preamble =
let pname_str = Procname.java_get_class pname ^ "." ^ Procname.java_get_method pname in
"Activity " ^ activity_str ^ "may leak during method" ^ pname_str ^ ":\n" in
([preamble; leak_root; path_str], None, [])
let desc_assertion_failure loc : error_desc =
(["could be raised"; at_line (Tags.create ()) loc], None, [])

@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ val desc_null_test_after_dereference : string -> int -> Location.t -> error_desc
val java_unchecked_exn_desc : Procname.t -> Mangled.t -> string -> error_desc
val desc_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname -> error_desc
val desc_activity_leak : Procname.t -> Sil.typ -> Ident.fieldname ->
(Ident.fieldname option * Sil.typ) list -> error_desc
(* Create human-readable error description for assertion failures *)
val desc_assertion_failure : Location.t -> error_desc

@ -1553,6 +1553,35 @@ let compute_reachable_hpreds sigma exps =
else compute_reachable_hpreds_rec sigma (reach', exps') in
compute_reachable_hpreds_rec sigma (Sil.HpredSet.empty, exps)
(** produce a (fieldname, typ) from one of the [src_exps] to [snk_exp] using [reachable_hpreds] *)
let rec get_fld_typ_path src_exps snk_exp reachable_hpreds =
let strexp_matches target_exp = function
| (_, Sil.Eexp (e, _)) -> Sil.exp_equal target_exp e
| _ -> false in
let (snk_exp, path) =
(fun hpred (snk_exp, path) -> match hpred with
| Sil.Hpointsto (lhs, Sil.Estruct (flds, inst), Sil.Sizeof (typ, _)) ->
(fun acc fld -> if strexp_matches snk_exp fld then Some fld else acc)
flds with
| Some (fld, _) -> (lhs, (Some fld, typ) :: path)
| None -> (snk_exp, path))
| Sil.Hpointsto (lhs, Sil.Earray (_, elems, _), Sil.Sizeof (typ, _)) ->
if IList.exists (fun pair -> strexp_matches snk_exp pair) elems
(* None means "no field name" ~=~ nameless array index *)
(lhs, (None, typ) :: path)
else (snk_exp, path)
| _ -> (snk_exp, path))
(snk_exp, []) in
if Sil.ExpSet.mem snk_exp src_exps then path
else get_fld_typ_path src_exps snk_exp reachable_hpreds
(** filter [pi] by removing the pure atoms that do not contain an expression in [exps] *)
let compute_reachable_atoms pi exps =
let rec exp_contains = function

@ -483,6 +483,10 @@ val hpred_get_targets : Sil.hpred -> Sil.ExpSet.t
[exps] *)
val compute_reachable_hpreds : hpred list -> Sil.ExpSet.t -> Sil.HpredSet.t * Sil.ExpSet.t
(** produce a (fieldname, typ) from one of the [src_exps] to [snk_exp] using [reachable_hpreds] *)
val get_fld_typ_path : Sil.ExpSet.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.HpredSet.t ->
(Ident.fieldname option * Sil.typ) list
(** filter [pi] by removing the pure atoms that do not contain an expression in [exps] *)
val compute_reachable_atoms : Sil.atom list -> Sil.ExpSet.t -> Sil.atom list
