@ -138,17 +138,64 @@ struct
let process_methods trans_unit_ctx tenv cg cfg curr_class decl_list =
IList . iter ( process_one_method_decl trans_unit_ctx tenv cg cfg curr_class ) decl_list
(* * Given qualified name list and whitelist ( list of list of qualifiers ) , return whether
qualified name matches whitelist . There are some complications due to following constraints :
1 . ' std :: ' namespace may have inline namespace afterwards - std :: move becomes std :: _ _ 1 :: move
This happens on libc + + and to some extent on libstdc + + . To workaround this problem , make
matching against ' std :: ' whitelists more fuzzy :
std :: X :: Y :: Z will match std :: . * :: X :: Y :: Z ( but only for ' std' namespace )
2 . whitelist is specified without template specializations , but we want std :: move to
match std :: _ _ 1 :: move < const X & > and std :: _ _ 1 :: move < int > . To do so , comparison function
for qualifiers will ignore template specializations .
For example :
Whitelist :
[ [ " std " , " move " ] , [ " folly " , " someFunction " ] ]
Passing qualifiers :
[ " std " , " blah " , " blah<int> " , " move " ]
[ " folly " , " someFunction " ]
[ " folly " , " someFunction<int> " ]
[ " folly<int> " , " someFunction " ]
NOT passing qualifiers :
[ " std " , " blah " , " move " , " BAD " ] - we don't want std :: . * :: X :: . * to pass
[ " stdBAD " , " move " ] , - it's not std namespace anymore
[ " folly " , " BAD " , " someFunction " ] - unlike ' std' any other namespace needs all quals equal
[ " folly " , " someFunction<int> " , " BAD " ] - same as previous example
* )
let is_whitelisted_qual_name qual_name whitelist =
let qual_equal q1 q2 =
(* qual_name may have qualifiers with template parameters -
drop them to whitelist all instantiations * )
let no_template_name s = List . hd_exn ( String . split ~ on : '<' s ) in
String . equal ( no_template_name q1 ) ( no_template_name q2 ) in
let is_std_qual = String . equal " std " in
let method_matches whitelisted_method =
match whitelisted_method with
| first :: rest when is_std_qual first ->
(* add special handling for std:: namespace to avoid problems with inconsistent
inline namespaces ( such as _ _ 1 in libc + + ) * )
List . hd qual_name | > Option . value_map ~ default : false ~ f : is_std_qual
&& List . is_prefix ( List . rev qual_name ) ~ prefix : ( List . rev rest ) ~ equal : qual_equal
| _ -> List . equal ~ equal : qual_equal whitelisted_method qual_name in
IList . exists method_matches whitelist
(* * Given REVERSED list of method qualifiers ( method_name::class_name::rest_quals ) , return
whether method should be translated based on method and class whitelists * )
let is_whitelisted_cpp_method qual_method_rev =
(* method is either explictely whitelisted, or all method of a class are whitelisted *)
is_whitelisted_qual_name ( List . rev qual_method_rev ) Config . whitelisted_cpp_methods | |
is_whitelisted_qual_name ( List . tl_exn qual_method_rev | > List . rev )
Config . whitelisted_cpp_classes
let should_translate_decl trans_unit_ctx dec decl_trans_context =
let info = Clang_ast_proj . get_decl_tuple dec in
let source_range = info . Clang_ast_t . di_source_range in
let translate_when_used = match dec with
| Clang_ast_t . FunctionDecl ( _ , name_info , _ , _ )
| Clang_ast_t . CXXMethodDecl ( _ , name_info , _ , _ , _ ) ->
(* named_decl_info.ni_name has name without template parameters. *)
(* It makes it possible to capture whole family of function instantiations *)
(* to be named the same *)
let name = Ast_utils . get_qualified_name name_info in
AttributesTable . is_whitelisted_cpp_method name
is_whitelisted_cpp_method name_info . Clang_ast_t . ni_qual_name
| _ -> false in
let translate_location =
CLocation . should_translate_lib trans_unit_ctx source_range decl_trans_context