Add negated attributes, with 2-valued semantics

Treat attributes as unary predicates in classical first-order logic.
This diff extends predicates with a polarity and uses classical 2-valued
semantics.  This potentially changes the behavior of negating
attributes, which was not previously relied on.

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D3669365

fbshipit-source-id: 2f26776
Josh Berdine 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 8
parent 71a15b2388
commit b09b28f10f

@ -1030,11 +1030,11 @@ let cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field cycle =
let check_observer_is_unsubscribed_deallocation prop e =
let pvar_opt = match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({Sil.ra_vpath = Some (DecompiledExp.Dpvar pvar) })) -> Some pvar
| Some (true, Aresource ({ ra_vpath = Some (DecompiledExp.Dpvar pvar) })) -> Some pvar
| _ -> None in
let loc = State.get_loc () in
match Prop.get_observer_attribute prop e with
| Some Sil.Aobserver ->
| Some (true, Aobserver) ->
(match pvar_opt with
| Some pvar when Config.nsnotification_center_checker_backend ->
L.d_strln (" ERROR: Object " ^ (Pvar.to_string pvar) ^
@ -1100,12 +1100,12 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
let do_entry e =
check_observer_is_unsubscribed_deallocation prop e;
match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire }) as a) ->
| Some (true, (Aresource ({ ra_kind = Racquire }) as a)) ->
L.d_str "ATTRIBUTE: "; Sil.d_attribute a; L.d_ln ();
res := Some a
| _ ->
(match Prop.get_undef_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aundef _ as a) ->
| Some (true, (Aundef _ as a)) ->
res := Some a
| _ -> ()) in
IList.iter do_entry entries;

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ let is_special_field class_names field_name_opt field =
let hpred_is_open_resource prop = function
| Sil.Hpointsto(e, _, _) ->
(match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource { Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire; Sil.ra_res = res }) -> Some res
| Some (true, Aresource { ra_kind = Racquire; ra_res = res }) -> Some res
| _ -> None)
| _ ->
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ let create_dereference_desc
| Some (DExp.Dpvar pvar)
| Some (DExp.Dpvaraddr pvar) ->
(match Prop.get_objc_null_attribute prop (Sil.Lvar pvar) with
| Some (Sil.Aobjc_null (v,fs)) ->
| Some (true, Aobjc_null (v,fs)) ->
let e = IList.fold_left (fun e f -> Sil.Lfield (e, f, Typ.Tvoid)) (Sil.Lvar v) fs in
Localise.parameter_field_not_null_checked_desc desc e
| _ ->

@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ let deref_str_array_bound size_opt index_opt =
let deref_str_uninitialized alloc_att_opt =
let tags = Tags.create () in
let creation_str = match alloc_att_opt with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire } as ra)) ->
| Some (true, Sil.Aresource ({ ra_kind = Racquire } as ra)) ->
"after allocation " ^ by_call_to_ra tags ra
| _ -> "after declaration" in
{ tags = tags;

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ val deref_str_dangling : Sil.dangling_kind option -> deref_str
val deref_str_array_bound : IntLit.t option -> IntLit.t option -> deref_str
(** dereference strings for an uninitialized access whose lhs has the given attribute *)
val deref_str_uninitialized : Sil.attribute option -> deref_str
val deref_str_uninitialized : (bool * Sil.attribute) option -> deref_str
(** dereference strings for nonterminal nil arguments in c/objc variadic methods *)
val deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method : Procname.t -> int -> int -> deref_str

@ -312,11 +312,12 @@ let execute___cast builtin_args
let set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
let prop' = match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop n_lexp with
| Some (Sil.Aresource (_ as ra)) ->
| Some (true, Aresource ra) ->
(Sil.Aresource { ra with Sil.ra_res = ra_res })
| _ ->
( let pname = Sil.mem_alloc_pname Sil.Mnew in
let ra =
@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ let set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
Sil.ra_pname = pname;
Sil.ra_loc = loc;
Sil.ra_vpath = None } in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop n_lexp (Sil.Aresource ra)) in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true (Aresource ra) n_lexp) in
[(prop', path)]
(** Set the attibute of the value as file *)
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ let execute___set_autorelease_attribute
let prop = return_result lexp prop_ ret_ids in
if Config.objc_memory_model_on then
let n_lexp, prop = check_arith_norm_exp pname lexp prop in
let prop' = Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop n_lexp Sil.Aautorelease in
let prop' = Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true Aautorelease n_lexp in
[(prop', path)]
else execute___no_op prop path
| _ -> raise (Exceptions.Wrong_argument_number __POS__)
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ let execute___release_autorelease_pool
: Builtin.ret_typ =
if Config.objc_memory_model_on then
let autoreleased_objects = Prop.get_atoms_with_attribute Sil.Aautorelease prop_ in
let prop_without_attribute = Prop.remove_attribute Sil.Aautorelease prop_ in
let prop_without_attribute = Prop.remove_attribute prop_ true Aautorelease in
let call_release res exp =
match res with
| (prop', path'):: _ ->
@ -584,12 +585,12 @@ let execute___release_autorelease_pool
let set_attr pdesc prop path exp attr =
let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp, prop = check_arith_norm_exp pname exp prop in
[(Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop n_lexp attr, path)]
[(Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true attr n_lexp, path)]
let delete_attr pdesc prop path exp attr =
let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let n_lexp, prop = check_arith_norm_exp pname exp prop in
[(Prop.remove_attribute_from_exp attr prop n_lexp, path)]
[(Prop.remove_attribute_from_exp prop true attr n_lexp, path)]
(** Set attibute att *)
@ -699,8 +700,9 @@ let _execute_free mk loc acc iter =
(Sil.Aresource ra) in
(Aresource ra)
lexp in
p_res :: acc
| (Sil.Hpointsto _, _ :: _) -> assert false (* alignment error *)
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)
@ -801,7 +803,7 @@ let execute_alloc mk can_return_null
Sil.ra_loc = loc;
Sil.ra_vpath = None } in
(* mark value as allocated *)
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop' exp_new (Sil.Aresource ra) in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop' true (Aresource ra) exp_new in
let prop_alloc = Prop.conjoin_eq (Sil.Var ret_id) exp_new prop_plus_ptsto in
if can_return_null then
let prop_null = Prop.conjoin_eq (Sil.Var ret_id) Sil.exp_zero prop in

@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ let prop_reset_inst inst_map prop =
(** Return the exp and attribute marked in the atom if any, and return None otherwise *)
let atom_get_exp_attribute = function
| Sil.Apred (true, att, e) -> Some (e, att)
| Sil.Apred (p, a, e) -> Some (p, a, e)
| _ -> None
(** Check whether an atom is used to mark an attribute *)
@ -1793,7 +1793,7 @@ let get_exp_attributes prop exp =
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let atom_get_attr attributes atom =
match atom with
| Sil.Apred (true, att, e) when Sil.exp_equal e nexp -> att :: attributes
| Sil.Apred (pol, att, e) when Sil.exp_equal e nexp -> (pol, att) :: attributes
| _ -> attributes in
IList.fold_left atom_get_attr [] prop.pi
@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@ let attributes_in_same_category attr1 attr2 =
let get_attribute prop exp category =
let atts = get_exp_attributes prop exp in
try Some (IList.find
(fun att ->
(fun (_, att) ->
(Sil.attribute_to_category att) category)
@ -1837,13 +1837,13 @@ let get_retval_attribute prop exp =
let has_dangling_uninit_attribute prop exp =
let la = get_exp_attributes prop exp in
IList.exists (fun a -> Sil.attribute_equal a (Sil.Adangling (Sil.DAuninit))) la
IList.exists (fun (pol, a) -> pol && Sil.attribute_equal a (Adangling DAuninit)) la
(** Get all the attributes of the prop *)
let get_all_attributes prop =
let res = ref [] in
let do_atom a = match atom_get_exp_attribute a with
| Some (e, att) -> res := (e, att) :: !res
| Some attr -> res := attr :: !res
| None -> () in
IList.iter do_atom prop.pi;
IList.rev !res
@ -1853,41 +1853,41 @@ let set_exp_attribute ?(footprint = false) ?(polarity = true) prop attr exp =
prop_atom_and ~footprint prop (Sil.Apred (polarity, attr, exp))
(** Replace an attribute associated to the expression *)
let add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attribute_change prop exp att =
let add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attribute_change prop pol0 att0 exp =
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let found = ref false in
let atom_map a = match a with
| Sil.Apred (true, att_old, e) ->
if Sil.exp_equal nexp e && (attributes_in_same_category att_old att) then
| Sil.Apred (_, att, e) ->
if Sil.exp_equal nexp e && attributes_in_same_category att att0 then
found := true;
check_attribute_change att_old att;
Sil.Apred (true, att, e)
check_attribute_change att att0;
Sil.Apred (pol0, att0, e)
else a
| _ -> a in
let pi' = atom_map (get_pi prop) in
if !found then replace_pi pi' prop
else set_exp_attribute prop att nexp
let pi = get_pi prop in
let pi' = IList.map_changed atom_map pi in
if pi == pi'
then set_exp_attribute prop ~polarity:pol0 att0 nexp
else replace_pi pi' prop
let add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop exp att =
let add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop pol att exp =
(* wrapper for the most common case: do nothing *)
let check_attr_changed = (fun _ _ -> ()) in
add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attr_changed prop exp att
add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attr_changed prop pol att exp
(** mark Sil.Var's or Sil.Lvar's as undefined *)
let mark_vars_as_undefined prop vars_to_mark callee_pname ret_annots loc path_pos =
let att_undef = Sil.Aundef (callee_pname, ret_annots, loc, path_pos) in
let mark_var_as_undefined exp prop =
match exp with
| Sil.Var _ | Sil.Lvar _ -> add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop exp att_undef
| Sil.Var _ | Sil.Lvar _ -> add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true att_undef exp
| _ -> prop in
IList.fold_left (fun prop id -> mark_var_as_undefined id prop) prop vars_to_mark
let remove_attribute_by_filter ~f prop =
let atom_remove atom pi = match atom with
| Sil.Apred (true, att_old, exp) ->
if f att_old exp then
| Sil.Apred (pol, att_old, exp) ->
if f pol att_old exp then
else atom:: pi
| _ -> atom:: pi in
@ -1895,30 +1895,31 @@ let remove_attribute_by_filter ~f prop =
replace_pi pi' prop
(** Remove an attribute from all the atoms in the heap *)
let remove_attribute att =
let f att_old _ = Sil.attribute_equal att_old att in
remove_attribute_by_filter ~f
let remove_attribute prop pol0 att0 =
let f pol att _ = bool_equal pol0 pol && Sil.attribute_equal att0 att in
remove_attribute_by_filter ~f prop
let remove_resource_attribute ra_kind ra_res =
let f att_old _ = match att_old with
| Sil.Aresource res_action ->
let f pol att_old _ = match att_old with
| Sil.Aresource res_action when pol ->
Sil.res_act_kind_compare res_action.Sil.ra_kind ra_kind == 0
&& Sil.resource_compare res_action.Sil.ra_res ra_res == 0
| _ -> false in
remove_attribute_by_filter ~f
let remove_attribute_from_exp att prop exp =
let remove_attribute_from_exp prop pol att exp =
let nexp = exp_normalize_prop prop exp in
let f att_old e = Sil.attribute_equal att_old att && Sil.exp_equal nexp e in
let f pol_old att_old e =
bool_equal pol pol_old && Sil.attribute_equal att_old att && Sil.exp_equal nexp e in
remove_attribute_by_filter ~f prop
(* Replace an attribute OBJC_NULL($n1) with OBJC_NULL(var) when var = $n1, and also sets $n1 = 0 *)
let replace_objc_null prop lhs_exp rhs_exp =
match get_objc_null_attribute prop rhs_exp, rhs_exp with
| Some att, Sil.Var _ ->
let prop = remove_attribute_from_exp att prop rhs_exp in
| Some (pol, att), Sil.Var _ ->
let prop = remove_attribute_from_exp prop pol att rhs_exp in
let prop = conjoin_eq rhs_exp Sil.exp_zero prop in
add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop lhs_exp att
add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true att lhs_exp
| _ -> prop
let rec nullify_exp_with_objc_null prop exp =
@ -1930,8 +1931,8 @@ let rec nullify_exp_with_objc_null prop exp =
nullify_exp_with_objc_null prop exp
| Sil.Var _ ->
(match get_objc_null_attribute prop exp with
| Some att ->
let prop' = remove_attribute_from_exp att prop exp in
| Some (pol, att) ->
let prop' = remove_attribute_from_exp prop pol att exp in
conjoin_eq exp Sil.exp_zero prop'
| _ -> prop)
| _ -> prop
@ -1939,7 +1940,7 @@ let rec nullify_exp_with_objc_null prop exp =
(** Get all the attributes of the prop *)
let get_atoms_with_attribute att prop =
let atom_remove atom autoreleased_atoms = match atom with
| Sil.Apred (true, att_old, e) ->
| Sil.Apred (_, att_old, e) ->
if Sil.attribute_equal att_old att then
e:: autoreleased_atoms
else autoreleased_atoms
@ -1975,7 +1976,7 @@ let find_arithmetic_problem proc_node_session prop exp =
match exp_normalize_prop prop e with
| Sil.Const c when iszero_int_float c -> true
| _ ->
res := add_or_replace_exp_attribute !res e (Sil.Adiv0 proc_node_session);
res := add_or_replace_exp_attribute !res true (Adiv0 proc_node_session) e;
false in
let rec walk = function
| Sil.Var _ -> ()
@ -2033,8 +2034,7 @@ let deallocate_stack_vars p pvars =
if Sil.fav_mem p'_fav freshv then (* the address of a de-allocated stack var in in the post *)
stack_vars_address_in_post := v :: !stack_vars_address_in_post;
res :=
add_or_replace_exp_attribute !res (Sil.Var freshv) (Sil.Adangling Sil.DAaddr_stack_var)
res := add_or_replace_exp_attribute !res true (Adangling DAaddr_stack_var) (Var freshv)
end in
IList.iter do_var !fresh_address_vars;
!res in
@ -2832,7 +2832,7 @@ let find_equal_formal_path e prop =
| Some (v, rev_fs) -> Some (v, IList.rev rev_fs)
| None ->
match get_objc_null_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aobjc_null (v,fs)) -> Some (v,fs)
| Some (true, Aobjc_null (v,fs)) -> Some (v,fs)
| _ -> None
(** translate an if-then-else expression *)

@ -282,37 +282,37 @@ val atom_is_attribute : atom -> bool
val attribute_map_resource : normal t -> (Sil.exp -> Sil.res_action -> Sil.res_action) -> normal t
(** Return the exp and attribute marked in the atom if any, and return None otherwise *)
val atom_get_exp_attribute : atom -> (Sil.exp * Sil.attribute) option
val atom_get_exp_attribute : atom -> (bool * Sil.attribute * Sil.exp) option
(** Get the attributes associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_exp_attributes : 'a t -> exp -> attribute list
val get_exp_attributes : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) list
(** Get the undef attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_undef_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_undef_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the resource attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_resource_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_resource_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the taint attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_taint_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_taint_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the autorelease attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_autorelease_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_autorelease_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the div0 attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_div0_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_div0_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the observer attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_observer_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_observer_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the objc null attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_objc_null_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_objc_null_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get the retval null attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_retval_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
val get_retval_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> (bool * attribute) option
(** Get all the attributes of the prop *)
val get_all_attributes : 'a t -> (exp * attribute) list
val get_all_attributes : 'a t -> (bool * attribute * exp) list
val has_dangling_uninit_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> bool
@ -321,17 +321,17 @@ val set_exp_attribute : ?footprint: bool -> ?polarity: bool ->
normal t -> attribute -> exp -> normal t
val add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed : (Sil.attribute -> Sil.attribute -> unit) ->
normal t -> exp -> attribute -> normal t
normal t -> bool -> attribute -> exp -> normal t
(** Replace an attribute associated to the expression *)
val add_or_replace_exp_attribute : normal t -> exp -> attribute -> normal t
val add_or_replace_exp_attribute : normal t -> bool -> attribute -> exp -> normal t
(** mark Sil.Var's or Sil.Lvar's as undefined *)
val mark_vars_as_undefined : normal t -> Sil.exp list -> Procname.t -> Typ.item_annotation ->
Location.t -> Sil.path_pos -> normal t
(** Remove an attribute from all the atoms in the heap *)
val remove_attribute : Sil.attribute -> 'a t -> normal t
val remove_attribute : 'a t -> bool -> Sil.attribute -> normal t
val remove_resource_attribute : Sil.res_act_kind -> Sil.resource -> 'a t -> normal t
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ val replace_objc_null : normal t -> exp -> exp -> normal t
val nullify_exp_with_objc_null : normal t -> exp -> normal t
(** Remove an attribute from an exp in the heap *)
val remove_attribute_from_exp : Sil.attribute -> 'a t -> exp -> normal t
val remove_attribute_from_exp : 'a t -> bool -> Sil.attribute -> exp -> normal t
(** Retireve all the atoms in the heap that contain a specific attribute *)
val get_atoms_with_attribute : Sil.attribute -> 'a t -> Sil.exp list

@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
(* or the prop says we already have the lock *)
| Sil.Alocked -> true
| (true, Sil.Alocked) -> true
| _ -> false)
(Prop.get_exp_attributes prop guarded_by_exp) in
let should_warn pdesc =
@ -1200,8 +1200,9 @@ let check_dereference_error pdesc (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) lexp loc =
let is_nullable_attr = function
| Sil.Aretval (pname, ret_attr)
| Sil.Aundef (pname, ret_attr, _, _) when Annotations.ia_is_nullable ret_attr ->
| (true, Sil.Aretval (pname, ret_attr))
| (true, Sil.Aundef (pname, ret_attr, _, _))
when Annotations.ia_is_nullable ret_attr ->
nullable_obj_str := Some (Procname.to_string pname);
| _ -> false in
@ -1272,17 +1273,17 @@ let check_dereference_error pdesc (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) lexp loc =
else raise (Exceptions.Null_dereference (err_desc, __POS__))
match attribute_opt with
| Some (Sil.Adangling dk) ->
| Some (true, Adangling dk) ->
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_dangling (Some dk) in
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_dereference deref_str prop (State.get_loc ()) in
raise (Exceptions.Dangling_pointer_dereference (Some dk, err_desc, __POS__))
| Some (Sil.Aundef (s, _, undef_loc, _)) ->
| Some (true, Aundef (s, _, undef_loc, _)) ->
if Config.angelic_execution then ()
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_undef (s, undef_loc) in
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_dereference deref_str prop loc in
raise (Exceptions.Skip_pointer_dereference (err_desc, __POS__))
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease } as ra)) ->
| Some (true, Aresource ({ ra_kind = Rrelease } as ra)) ->
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_freed ra in
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_dereference ~use_buckets: true deref_str prop loc in
raise (Exceptions.Use_after_free (err_desc, __POS__))

@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ let check_already_dereferenced pname cond prop =
raising an exception in that case *)
let check_deallocate_static_memory prop_after =
let check_deallocated_attribute = function
| Sil.Lvar pv, Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease } as ra)
| true, Sil.Aresource ({ ra_kind = Rrelease } as ra), Sil.Lvar pv
when Pvar.is_local pv || Pvar.is_global pv ->
let freed_desc = Errdesc.explain_deallocate_stack_var pv ra in
raise (Exceptions.Deallocate_stack_variable freed_desc)
| Sil.Const (Const.Cstr s), Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease } as ra) ->
| true, Sil.Aresource ({ ra_kind = Rrelease } as ra), Sil.Const (Cstr s) ->
let freed_desc = Errdesc.explain_deallocate_constant_string s ra in
raise (Exceptions.Deallocate_static_memory freed_desc)
| _ -> () in
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ let handle_objc_instance_method_call_or_skip actual_pars path callee_pname pre r
| [ret_id] -> (
match Prop.find_equal_formal_path receiver prop with
| Some (v,fs) ->
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop (Sil.Var ret_id) (Sil.Aobjc_null (v,fs))
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true (Aobjc_null (v,fs)) (Var ret_id)
| None ->
Prop.conjoin_eq (Sil.Var ret_id) Sil.exp_zero prop
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ let add_constraints_on_retval pdesc prop ret_exp ~has_nullable_annot typ callee_
| Typ.Tptr _ -> Prop.conjoin_neq exp Sil.exp_zero prop
| _ -> prop in
let add_tainted_post ret_exp callee_pname prop =
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop ret_exp (Sil.Ataint callee_pname) in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true (Ataint callee_pname) ret_exp in
if Config.angelic_execution && not (is_rec_call callee_pname) then
(* introduce a fresh program variable to allow abduction on the return value *)
@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ let add_taint prop lhs_id rhs_exp pname tenv =
if Taint.has_taint_annotation fieldname struct_typ
let taint_info = { Sil.taint_source = pname; taint_kind = Tk_unknown; } in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop (Sil.Var lhs_id) (Sil.Ataint taint_info)
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true (Ataint taint_info) (Var lhs_id)
prop in
match rhs_exp with
@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ let execute_letderef ?(report_deref_errors=true) pname pdesc tenv id rhs_exp typ
let prop' = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter' in
let prop'' =
if lookup_uninitialized then
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop' (Sil.Var id) (Sil.Adangling Sil.DAuninit)
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop' true (Adangling DAuninit) (Var id)
else prop' in
let prop''' =
if Config.taint_analysis
@ -932,8 +932,8 @@ let execute_letderef ?(report_deref_errors=true) pname pdesc tenv id rhs_exp typ
[Prop.conjoin_eq (Sil.Var id) value prop]
| None ->
let exp_get_undef_attr exp =
let fold_undef_pname callee_opt attr =
if Option.is_none callee_opt && Sil.attr_is_undef attr then Some attr
let fold_undef_pname callee_opt (pol, attr) =
if Option.is_none callee_opt && pol && Sil.attr_is_undef attr then Some attr
else callee_opt in
IList.fold_left fold_undef_pname None (Prop.get_exp_attributes prop exp) in
let prop' =
@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ and add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref tenv prop actuals_by_ref callee_pname call
and check_untainted exp taint_kind caller_pname callee_pname prop =
match Prop.get_taint_attribute prop exp with
| Some (Sil.Ataint taint_info) ->
| Some (true, Ataint taint_info) ->
let err_desc =
@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ and check_untainted exp taint_kind caller_pname callee_pname prop =
(err_desc, __POS__) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn;
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop exp (Sil.Auntaint taint_info)
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop true (Auntaint taint_info) exp
| _ ->
if !Config.footprint then
let taint_info = { Sil.taint_source = callee_pname; taint_kind; } in
@ -1389,9 +1389,9 @@ and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
let remove_file_attribute prop =
let do_exp p (e, _) =
let do_attribute q = function
| Sil.Aresource res_action as res
| (pol, (Sil.Aresource res_action as res))
when res_action.Sil.ra_res = Sil.Rfile ->
Prop.remove_attribute res q
Prop.remove_attribute q pol res
| _ -> q in
IList.fold_left do_attribute p (Prop.get_exp_attributes p e) in
let filtered_args =

@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ let check_dereferences callee_pname actual_pre sub spec_pre formal_params =
else if Sil.exp_equal e_sub Sil.exp_minus_one
then Some (Deref_minusone, desc true (Localise.deref_str_dangling None))
else match Prop.get_resource_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease } as ra)) ->
| Some (true, Aresource ({ ra_kind = Rrelease } as ra)) ->
Some (Deref_freed ra, desc true (Localise.deref_str_freed ra))
| _ ->
(match Prop.get_undef_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some (Sil.Aundef (s, _, loc, pos)) ->
| Some (true, Aundef (s, _, loc, pos)) ->
Some (Deref_undef (s, loc, pos), desc false (Localise.deref_str_undef (s, loc)))
| _ -> None) in
let check_hpred = function
@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ let post_process_sigma (sigma: Sil.hpred list) loc : Sil.hpred list =
(** check for interprocedural path errors in the post *)
let check_path_errors_in_post caller_pname post post_path =
let check_attr (e, att) = match att with
| Sil.Adiv0 path_pos ->
let check_attr (pol, att, e) = match att with
| Sil.Adiv0 path_pos when pol ->
if Prover.check_zero e then
let desc = Errdesc.explain_divide_by_zero e (State.get_node ()) (State.get_loc ()) in
let new_path, path_pos_opt =
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ let check_path_errors_in_post caller_pname post post_path =
let post_process_post
caller_pname callee_pname loc actual_pre ((post: Prop.t), post_path) =
let actual_pre_has_freed_attribute e = match Prop.get_resource_attribute actual_pre e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease })) -> true
| Some (true, Aresource ({ ra_kind = Rrelease })) -> true
| _ -> false in
let atom_update_alloc_attribute = function
| Sil.Apred (true, Aresource ra, e)
@ -604,8 +604,9 @@ let prop_copy_footprint_pure p1 p2 =
(* if [atom] represents an attribute [att], add the attribure to [prop] *)
match Prop.atom_get_exp_attribute atom with
| None -> prop
| Some (exp, att) ->
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute_check_changed check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop exp att in
| Some (pol, att, exp) ->
check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop pol att exp in
IList.fold_left replace_attr (Prop.normalize res_noattr) pi2_attr
(** check if an expression is an exception *)
@ -836,7 +837,8 @@ let check_taint_on_variadic_function callee_pname caller_pname actual_params cal
IList.iter(fun (e,_) ->
L.d_str (" " ^ (Sil.exp_to_string e) ^ " ");
match Prop.get_taint_attribute calling_prop e with
| Some (Sil.Ataint taint_info) -> report_taint_error e taint_info callee_pname caller_pname calling_prop
| Some (true, Ataint taint_info) ->
report_taint_error e taint_info callee_pname caller_pname calling_prop
| _ -> ()) actual_params';
L.d_strln" ]"
| _ -> ()
@ -881,9 +883,9 @@ let mk_posts ret_ids prop callee_pname callee_attrs posts =
"if (get() != null) get().something()" pattern *)
let last_call_ret_non_null =
(fun (exp, attr) ->
(fun (pol, attr, exp) ->
match attr with
| Sil.Aretval (pname, _) when Procname.equal callee_pname pname ->
| Sil.Aretval (pname, _) when pol && Procname.equal callee_pname pname ->
Prover.check_disequal prop exp Sil.exp_zero
| _ -> false)
(Prop.get_all_attributes prop) in
@ -903,9 +905,9 @@ let mk_posts ret_ids prop callee_pname callee_attrs posts =
let taint_retval (prop, path) =
let prop_normal = Prop.normalize prop in
let prop' =
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop_normal
(Sil.Var ret_id)
(Sil.Ataint { Sil.taint_source = callee_pname; taint_kind; })
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop_normal true
(Ataint { taint_source = callee_pname; taint_kind; })
(Var ret_id)
|> Prop.expose in
(prop', path) in taint_retval posts
@ -936,10 +938,10 @@ let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub actual_
(* build a map from exp -> [taint attrs, untaint attrs], keeping only exprs with both kinds of
attrs (we will flag errors on those exprs) *)
let collect_taint_untaint_exprs acc_map atom = match Prop.atom_get_exp_attribute atom with
| Some (e, Sil.Ataint _) ->
| Some (_, Ataint _, e) ->
let taint_atoms, untaint_atoms = try Sil.ExpMap.find e acc_map with Not_found -> ([], []) in
Sil.ExpMap.add e (atom :: taint_atoms, untaint_atoms) acc_map
| Some (e, Sil.Auntaint _) ->
| Some (_, Auntaint _, e) ->
let taint_atoms, untaint_atoms = try Sil.ExpMap.find e acc_map with Not_found -> ([], []) in
Sil.ExpMap.add e (taint_atoms, atom :: untaint_atoms) acc_map
| _ -> acc_map in
@ -955,7 +957,7 @@ let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub actual_
let report_taint_errors e (taint_atoms, _untaint_atoms) =
let report_one_error taint_atom =
let taint_info = match Prop.atom_get_exp_attribute taint_atom with
| Some (_, Sil.Ataint taint_info) -> taint_info
| Some (_, Ataint taint_info, _) -> taint_info
| _ -> failwith "Expected to get taint attr on atom" in
report_taint_error e taint_info callee_pname caller_pname calling_prop in
IList.iter report_one_error taint_atoms in

@ -379,6 +379,6 @@ let add_tainting_attribute att pvar_param prop =
when Pvar.equal pvar pvar_param ->
L.d_strln ("TAINT ANALYSIS: setting taint/untaint attribute of parameter " ^
(Pvar.to_string pvar));
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop_acc rhs att
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute prop_acc true att rhs
| _ -> prop_acc)
prop (Prop.get_sigma prop)
