@ -1289,33 +1289,38 @@ let size_of t =
(** Transform *)
let map e ~f =
let map_bin mk ~f x y =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
if x' == x && y' == y then e else mk x' y'
let map_vector mk ~f args =
let args' = Vector.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f args in
if args' == args then e else mk args'
let map_qset mk typ ~f args =
let args' = Qset.map ~f:(fun arg q -> (f arg, q)) args in
if args' == args then e else mk typ args'
let map_ : (t -> t) -> t -> t =
fun map_ e ->
let map_bin mk ~f x y =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
if x' == x && y' == y then e else mk x' y'
let map_vector mk ~f args =
let args' = Vector.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f args in
if args' == args then e else mk args'
let map_qset mk typ ~f args =
let args' = Qset.map ~f:(fun arg q -> (f arg, q)) args in
if args' == args then e else mk typ args'
match e with
| App {op; arg} -> map_bin (app1 ~partial:true) ~f op arg
| Add {args; typ} -> map_qset addN typ ~f args
| Mul {args; typ} -> map_qset mulN typ ~f args
| Splat {byt; siz} -> map_bin simp_splat ~f byt siz
| Memory {siz; arr} -> map_bin simp_memory ~f siz arr
| Concat {args} -> map_vector simp_concat ~f args
| Struct_rec {elts= args} -> Struct_rec {elts= Vector.map args ~f:map_}
| _ -> e
match e with
| App {op; arg} -> map_bin (app1 ~partial:true) ~f op arg
| Add {args; typ} -> map_qset addN typ ~f args
| Mul {args; typ} -> map_qset mulN typ ~f args
| Splat {byt; siz} -> map_bin simp_splat ~f byt siz
| Memory {siz; arr} -> map_bin simp_memory ~f siz arr
| Concat {args} -> map_vector simp_concat ~f args
| _ -> e
fix map_ (fun e -> e) e
let rename e sub =
let rec rename_ e sub =
match e with
| Var _ -> Var.Subst.apply sub e
| _ -> map e ~f:(fun f -> rename_ f sub)
| _ -> map ~f:(fun f -> rename_ f sub) e
rename_ e sub |> check (invariant ~partial:true)