diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml b/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml index 218326940..51baa855e 100644 --- a/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml +++ b/infer/src/IR/Localise.ml @@ -18,59 +18,18 @@ module MF = MarkupFormatter module Tags = struct type t = (string * string) list [@@deriving compare] - let accessed_line = "accessed_line" - - (* line where value was last accessed *) - let alloc_function = "alloc_function" - - (* allocation function used *) - let alloc_call = "alloc_call" - - (* call in the current procedure which triggers the allocation *) - let alloc_line = "alloc_line" - - (* line of alloc_call *) - let array_index = "array_index" - - (* index of the array *) - let array_size = "array_size" - - (* size of the array *) - let assigned_line = "assigned_line" - (* line where value was last assigned *) let bucket = "bucket" - (* bucket to classify likelihood of real bug *) - let call_procedure = "call_procedure" - (* name of the procedure called *) let call_line = "call_line" - (* line of call_procedure *) - let dealloc_function = "dealloc_function" - - (* deallocation function used *) - let dealloc_call = "dealloc_call" - - (* call in the current procedure which triggers the deallocation *) - let dealloc_line = "dealloc_line" - - (* line of dealloc_call *) - let dereferenced_line = "dereferenced_line" - (* line where value was dereferenced *) let escape_to = "escape_to" (* expression wher a value escapes to *) let line = "line" - (* line of the error *) - let type1 = "type1" - - (* 1st Java type *) - let type2 = "type2" - (* 2nd Java type *) let value = "value" @@ -201,24 +160,23 @@ let line_ tags loc = line_tag_ tags Tags.line loc let at_line tags loc = at_line_tag tags Tags.line loc -let call_to tags proc_name = +let call_to proc_name = let proc_name_str = Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string proc_name in - Tags.update tags Tags.call_procedure proc_name_str ; "call to " ^ MF.monospaced_to_string proc_name_str let call_to_at_line tags proc_name loc = - call_to tags proc_name ^ " " ^ at_line_tag tags Tags.call_line loc + call_to proc_name ^ " " ^ at_line_tag tags Tags.call_line loc -let by_call_to tags proc_name = "by " ^ call_to tags proc_name +let by_call_to proc_name = "by " ^ call_to proc_name let by_call_to_ra tags ra = "by " ^ call_to_at_line tags ra.PredSymb.ra_pname ra.PredSymb.ra_loc -let add_by_call_to_opt problem_str tags proc_name_opt = +let add_by_call_to_opt problem_str proc_name_opt = match proc_name_opt with | Some proc_name -> - problem_str ^ " " ^ by_call_to tags proc_name + problem_str ^ " " ^ by_call_to proc_name | None -> problem_str @@ -263,20 +221,20 @@ type deref_str = let pointer_or_object () = if Language.curr_language_is Java then "object" else "pointer" -let deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str_ tags = - let problem_str = add_by_call_to_opt problem_str_ tags proc_name_opt in - {tags; value_pre= Some (pointer_or_object ()); value_post= None; problem_str} +let deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str_ = + let problem_str = add_by_call_to_opt problem_str_ proc_name_opt in + {tags= Tags.create (); value_pre= Some (pointer_or_object ()); value_post= None; problem_str} (** dereference strings for null dereference *) let deref_str_null proc_name_opt = let problem_str = "could be null and is dereferenced" in - deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str (Tags.create ()) + deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str let access_str_empty proc_name_opt = let problem_str = "could be empty and is accessed" in - deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str (Tags.create ()) + deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str (** dereference strings for null dereference due to Nullable annotation *) @@ -285,7 +243,7 @@ let deref_str_nullable proc_name_opt nullable_obj_str = Tags.update tags Tags.nullable_src nullable_obj_str ; (* to be completed once we know if the deref'd expression is directly or transitively @Nullable*) let problem_str = "" in - deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str tags + deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str (** dereference strings for null dereference due to weak captured variable in block *) @@ -293,12 +251,11 @@ let deref_str_weak_variable_in_block proc_name_opt nullable_obj_str = let tags = Tags.create () in Tags.update tags Tags.weak_captured_var_src nullable_obj_str ; let problem_str = "" in - deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str tags + deref_str_null_ proc_name_opt problem_str (** dereference strings for nonterminal nil arguments in c/objc variadic methods *) let deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method pn total_args arg_number = - let tags = Tags.create () in let function_method, nil_null = if Typ.Procname.is_c_method pn then ("method", "nil") else ("function", "null") in @@ -309,14 +266,13 @@ let deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method pn total_args arg_number = (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string pn) arg_number (total_args - 1) nil_null function_method in - deref_str_null_ None problem_str tags + deref_str_null_ None problem_str (** dereference strings for an undefined value coming from the given procedure *) let deref_str_undef (proc_name, loc) = let tags = Tags.create () in let proc_name_str = Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string proc_name in - Tags.update tags Tags.call_procedure proc_name_str ; { tags ; value_pre= Some (pointer_or_object ()) ; value_post= None @@ -387,7 +343,6 @@ let deref_str_array_bound size_opt index_opt = match size_opt with | Some n -> let n_str = IntLit.to_string n in - Tags.update tags Tags.array_size n_str ; Some ("of size " ^ n_str) | None -> None @@ -396,7 +351,6 @@ let deref_str_array_bound size_opt index_opt = match index_opt with | Some n -> let n_str = IntLit.to_string n in - Tags.update tags Tags.array_index n_str ; "index " ^ n_str | None -> "an index" @@ -420,7 +374,7 @@ let desc_double_lock pname_opt object_str loc = let mutex_str = Format.sprintf "Mutex %s" object_str in let tags = Tags.create () in let msg = "could be locked and is locked again" in - let msg = add_by_call_to_opt msg tags pname_opt in + let msg = add_by_call_to_opt msg pname_opt in Tags.update tags Tags.double_lock object_str ; let descriptions = [mutex_str; msg; at_line tags loc] in {no_desc with descriptions; tags= !tags} @@ -480,17 +434,15 @@ let nullable_annotation_name proc_name = "_Nullable" -let access_desc tags access_opt = +let access_desc access_opt = match access_opt with | None -> [] | Some Last_accessed (n, _) -> let line_str = string_of_int n in - Tags.update tags Tags.accessed_line line_str ; ["last accessed on line " ^ line_str] | Some Last_assigned (n, _) -> let line_str = string_of_int n in - Tags.update tags Tags.assigned_line line_str ; ["last assigned on line " ^ line_str] | Some Returned_from_call _ -> [] @@ -530,7 +482,7 @@ let dereference_string proc_name deref_str value_str access_opt loc = in [problem_str ^ " " ^ at_line tags loc] in - let access_desc = access_desc tags access_opt in + let access_desc = access_desc access_opt in {no_desc with descriptions= value_desc :: access_desc @ problem_desc; tags= !tags} @@ -585,14 +537,7 @@ let is_double_lock_desc desc = has_tag desc Tags.double_lock let desc_allocation_mismatch alloc dealloc = let tags = Tags.create () in - let using is_alloc (primitive_pname, called_pname, loc) = - let tag_fun, tag_call, tag_line = - if is_alloc then (Tags.alloc_function, Tags.alloc_call, Tags.alloc_line) - else (Tags.dealloc_function, Tags.dealloc_call, Tags.dealloc_line) - in - Tags.update tags tag_fun (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string primitive_pname) ; - Tags.update tags tag_call (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string called_pname) ; - Tags.update tags tag_line (string_of_int loc.Location.line) ; + let using (primitive_pname, called_pname, loc) = let by_call = if Typ.Procname.equal primitive_pname called_pname then "" else @@ -602,8 +547,7 @@ let desc_allocation_mismatch alloc dealloc = ^ by_call ^ " " ^ at_line (Tags.create ()) (* ignore the tag *) loc in let description = - Format.sprintf "%s %s is deallocated %s" mem_dyn_allocated (using true alloc) - (using false dealloc) + Format.sprintf "%s %s is deallocated %s" mem_dyn_allocated (using alloc) (using dealloc) in {no_desc with descriptions= [description]; tags= !tags} @@ -649,8 +593,6 @@ let desc_deallocate_static_memory const_str proc_name loc = let desc_class_cast_exception pname_opt typ_str1 typ_str2 exp_str_opt loc = let tags = Tags.create () in - Tags.update tags Tags.type1 typ_str1 ; - Tags.update tags Tags.type2 typ_str2 ; let in_expression = match exp_str_opt with | Some exp_str -> @@ -779,7 +721,6 @@ let desc_precondition_not_met kind proc_name loc = let desc_null_test_after_dereference expr_str line loc = let tags = Tags.create () in - Tags.update tags Tags.dereferenced_line (string_of_int line) ; Tags.update tags Tags.value expr_str ; let description = Format.asprintf "Pointer %a was dereferenced at line %d and is tested for null %s" diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Localise.mli b/infer/src/IR/Localise.mli index 08f0e127d..492b6b72f 100644 --- a/infer/src/IR/Localise.mli +++ b/infer/src/IR/Localise.mli @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ open! IStd module Tags : sig type t - end (** description field of error messages *) @@ -183,4 +182,4 @@ val desc_unsafe_guarded_by_access : Typ.Fieldname.t -> string -> Location.t -> e val desc_uninitialized_dangling_pointer_deref : deref_str -> string -> Location.t -> error_desc -val access_desc : (string, string) Base__List.Assoc.t ref -> access option -> string list +val access_desc : access option -> string list diff --git a/infer/src/backend/RetainCycles.ml b/infer/src/backend/RetainCycles.ml index aa0e526dc..e95f96ae9 100644 --- a/infer/src/backend/RetainCycles.ml +++ b/infer/src/backend/RetainCycles.ml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let desc_retain_cycle tenv (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) = match edge with | Object obj -> let update_str_list = - Localise.access_desc (ref []) (Errdesc.access_opt obj.rc_field.rc_field_inst) + Localise.access_desc (Errdesc.access_opt obj.rc_field.rc_field_inst) in if List.is_empty update_str_list then " " else ", " ^ String.concat ~sep:"," update_str_list