@ -57,7 +57,17 @@ module TransferFunctionsNodesBasicCost = struct
{ inferbo_invariant_map: BufferOverrunAnalysis.invariant_map
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t }
let cost_atomic_instruction = BasicCost.one
let callee_OperationCost callee_cost_record integer_type_widths inferbo_mem callee_pname params =
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost callee_cost_record in
if BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost then
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname ~params
else callee_cost
let callee_AllocationCost cost_record = CostDomain.get_allocation_cost cost_record
let callee_IOCost cost_record = CostDomain.get_IO_cost cost_record
let exec_instr_cost integer_type_widths inferbo_mem
(astate : CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.t) {ProcData.pdesc} (node : CFG.Node.t) instr :
@ -69,24 +79,29 @@ module TransferFunctionsNodesBasicCost = struct
let callee_cost =
match CostModels.Call.dispatch () callee_pname params with
| Some model ->
model inferbo_mem
CostDomain.set_operation_cost (model inferbo_mem) CostDomain.zero_record
| None -> (
match Payload.read pdesc callee_pname with
| Some {post= {CostDomain.basic_operation_cost= callee_cost}} ->
if BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost then
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname ~params ~callee_cost
else callee_cost
| Some {post= callee_cost_record} ->
let callee_operation_cost =
callee_OperationCost callee_cost_record integer_type_widths inferbo_mem
callee_pname params
let callee_allocation_cost = callee_AllocationCost callee_cost_record in
let callee_IO_cost = callee_IOCost callee_cost_record in
CostDomain.mk_cost_record ~operation_cost:callee_operation_cost
~allocation_cost:callee_allocation_cost ~io_cost:callee_IO_cost
| None ->
cost_atomic_instruction )
CostDomain.unit_cost_atomic_operation )
CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key callee_cost astate
| Sil.Load _ | Sil.Store _ | Sil.Call _ | Sil.Prune _ ->
CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key cost_atomic_instruction astate
CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key CostDomain.unit_cost_atomic_operation astate
| Sil.ExitScope _ -> (
match CFG.Node.kind node with
| Procdesc.Node.Start_node ->
CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key cost_atomic_instruction astate
CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key CostDomain.unit_cost_atomic_operation
| _ ->
astate )
| _ ->
@ -611,13 +626,10 @@ let compute_errlog_extras cost =
; cost_degree= BasicCost.degree cost |> Option.map ~f:Polynomials.Degree.encode_to_int }
(* Calculate the final Worst Case Execution Time predicted for each node.
It uses the basic cost of the nodes (computed previously by AnalyzerNodesBasicCost)
and MinTrees which give an upperbound on the number of times a node can be executed
(* Calculate the final Worst Case Execution Time predicted for each node. *)
module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct
module CFG = InstrCFG
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (BasicCost) (ReportedOnNodes)
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (CostDomain.VariantCostMap) (ReportedOnNodes)
type extras = extras_TransferFunctionsWCET
@ -668,9 +680,10 @@ module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct
let map_cost get_node_nb_exec m : BasicCost.t =
let map_operation_cost get_node_nb_exec m : BasicCost.t =
(fun ((node_id, _) as instr_node_id) c acc ->
(fun ((node_id, _) as instr_node_id) c_record acc ->
let c = CostDomain.get_operation_cost c_record in
let t = get_node_nb_exec node_id in
let c_node = BasicCost.mult c t in
let c_node' = BasicCost.plus acc c_node in
@ -693,7 +706,7 @@ module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct
| Some node_map ->
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n [AnalyzerWCET] Final map for node: %a @\n" CFG.Node.pp_id instr_node_id ;
map_cost get_node_nb_exec node_map
map_operation_cost get_node_nb_exec node_map
| _ ->
assert false
@ -715,7 +728,11 @@ module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct
ReportedOnNodes.add nid reported_so_far )
else reported_so_far
(cost_node, reported_so_far)
let cost_map =
CostDomain.mk_cost_record ~operation_cost:cost_node ~allocation_cost:BasicCost.zero
(cost_map, reported_so_far)
@ -725,7 +742,8 @@ end
module AnalyzerWCET = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (TransferFunctionsWCET)
let check_and_report_top_and_bottom cost proc_desc summary =
let check_and_report_top_and_bottom cost_record proc_desc summary =
let cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost_record in
let report issue suffix =
let message =
F.asprintf "The execution time of the function %a %s" Typ.Procname.pp
@ -793,20 +811,20 @@ let checker {Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc; integer_type_widths; summary} : Summary.
if Config.write_html then NodePrinter.finish_session start_node ;
ConstraintSolver.get_node_nb_exec equalities
let initWCET = (BasicCost.zero, ReportedOnNodes.empty) in
let initWCET = (CostDomain.zero_record, ReportedOnNodes.empty) in
AnalyzerWCET.compute_post ~initial:initWCET
(ProcData.make proc_desc tenv
{basic_cost_map= invariant_map_NodesBasicCost; get_node_nb_exec; summary})
| Some (exit_cost, _) ->
| Some (exit_cost_record, _) ->
L.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"@\n[COST ANALYSIS] PROCEDURE '%a' |CFG| = %i FINAL COST = %a @\n" Typ.Procname.pp
(Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
(Container.length ~fold:NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg)
BasicCost.pp exit_cost ;
check_and_report_top_and_bottom exit_cost proc_desc summary ;
Payload.update_summary {post= {CostDomain.basic_operation_cost= exit_cost}} summary
CostDomain.VariantCostMap.pp exit_cost_record ;
check_and_report_top_and_bottom exit_cost_record proc_desc summary ;
Payload.update_summary {post= exit_cost_record} summary
| None ->
if Procdesc.Node.get_succs (Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc) <> [] then (
L.internal_error "Failed to compute final cost for function %a" Typ.Procname.pp