[pulse] quantifier elimination using var_eqs

First stab at quantifier elimination done poorly but fast :)

Easy one: when we know "x = y", and we want to keep x but not y, then
replace y by x everywhere.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D25432207

fbshipit-source-id: 81b142b96
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent d3a83beab4
commit b5bd85c967

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(modes byte)
(:standard -w +60))
(libraries javalib ANSITerminal async atdgen base base64 cmdliner core
(libraries javalib ANSITerminal async atdgen base base64 cmdliner core iter
mtime.clock.os ocamlgraph oUnit parmap re sawja sqlite3 str unix xmlm
yojson zarith zip CStubs)
(modules All_infer_in_one_file)

@ -9,15 +9,17 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module type Element = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
type t [@@deriving compare, equal]
val is_simpler_than : t -> t -> bool
module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
module Map = Caml.Map.Make (X)
let equal_x = [%compare.equal: X.t]
module Make
(X : Element)
(XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t)
(XMap : Caml.Map.S with type key = X.t) =
module XSet = Iter.Set.Adapt (XSet)
(** the union-find backing data structure: maps elements to their representatives *)
module UF : sig
@ -41,14 +43,14 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
end = struct
type repr = X.t
type t = X.t Map.t
type t = X.t XMap.t
let empty = Map.empty
let empty = XMap.empty
let find_opt reprs x =
let rec find_opt_aux candidate_repr =
(* [x] is in the relation and now we are climbing up to the final representative *)
match Map.find_opt candidate_repr reprs with
match XMap.find_opt candidate_repr reprs with
| None ->
(* [candidate_repr] is the representative *)
@ -56,16 +58,16 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
(* keep climbing *)
find_opt_aux candidate_repr'
Map.find_opt x reprs |> Option.map ~f:find_opt_aux
XMap.find_opt x reprs |> Option.map ~f:find_opt_aux
let find reprs x = find_opt reprs x |> Option.value ~default:x
let merge reprs x ~into:y = (* TODO: implement path compression *) Map.add x y reprs
let merge reprs x ~into:y = (* TODO: implement path compression *) XMap.add x y reprs
let add_disjoint_class repr xs reprs = XSet.fold (fun x reprs -> Map.add x repr reprs) xs reprs
let add_disjoint_class repr xs reprs = XSet.fold (fun x reprs -> XMap.add x repr reprs) xs reprs
module Map = Map
module Map = XMap
type repr = UF.repr
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
let union uf x1 x2 =
let repr1 = find uf x1 in
let repr2 = find uf x2 in
if equal_x (repr1 :> X.t) (repr2 :> X.t) then
if X.equal (repr1 :> X.t) (repr2 :> X.t) then
(* avoid creating loops in the relation *)
(uf, None)
@ -124,6 +126,70 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>%a@]" pp_aux uf
let of_classes classes =
let reprs =
UF.Map.fold (fun repr xs reprs -> UF.add_disjoint_class repr xs reprs) classes UF.empty
{reprs; classes}
let apply_subst subst uf =
let in_subst x = XMap.mem x subst in
(* any variable that doesn't have a better representative according to the substitution should
be kept *)
let should_keep x = not (in_subst x) in
let classes_keep =
fold_congruences uf ~init:UF.Map.empty ~f:(fun classes_keep (repr, clazz) ->
let repr_in_range_opt =
if should_keep (repr :> X.t) then Some repr
(* [repr] is not a good representative for the class as the substitution prefers it
another element. Try to find a better representative. *)
XSet.to_seq clazz |> Iter.find_pred should_keep
|> (* HACK: trick [Repr] into casting [repr'] to a [repr], bypassing the private type
Option.map ~f:(fun x_repr -> UF.find UF.empty x_repr)
match repr_in_range_opt with
| Some repr_in_range ->
let class_keep =
(fun x -> (not (X.equal x (repr_in_range :> X.t))) && should_keep x)
if XSet.is_empty class_keep then classes_keep
else UF.Map.add repr_in_range class_keep classes_keep
| None ->
(* none of the elements in the class should be kept; note that this cannot happen if
[subst = reorient ~keep uf] *)
classes_keep )
of_classes classes_keep
let reorient ~keep uf =
let should_keep x = XSet.mem x keep in
fold_congruences uf ~init:XMap.empty ~f:(fun subst (repr, clazz) ->
(* map every variable in [repr::clazz] to either [repr] if [repr ∈ keep], or to the smallest
representative of [clazz] that's in [keep], if any *)
if should_keep (repr :> X.t) then
(fun x subst -> if should_keep x then subst else XMap.add x (repr :> X.t) subst)
clazz subst
match XSet.to_seq clazz |> Iter.find_pred should_keep with
| None ->
(* no good representative: just substitute as in the original [uf] relation so that we
can get rid of non-representative variables *)
XSet.fold (fun x subst -> XMap.add x (repr :> X.t) subst) clazz subst
| Some repr' ->
let subst = XMap.add (repr :> X.t) repr' subst in
(fun x subst ->
if X.equal x repr' || should_keep x then subst else XMap.add x repr' subst )
clazz subst )
let filter_not_in_closed_set ~keep uf =
let classes =
@ -136,8 +202,5 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) = struct
(* rebuild [reprs] directly from [classes]: does path compression and garbage collection on the
old [reprs] *)
let reprs =
UF.Map.fold (fun repr xs reprs -> UF.add_disjoint_class repr xs reprs) classes UF.empty
{reprs; classes}
of_classes classes

@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ module F = Format
(** A union-find data structure. *)
module type Element = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
type t [@@deriving compare, equal]
val is_simpler_than : t -> t -> bool
(** will be used to choose a "simpler" representative for a given equivalence class when possible *)
module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) : sig
module Make
(X : Element)
(XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t)
(XMap : Caml.Map.S with type key = X.t) : sig
type t
val pp :
@ -39,6 +42,16 @@ module Make (X : Element) (XSet : Caml.Set.S with type elt = X.t) : sig
(** fold over the equivalence classes of the relation, singling out the representative for each
class *)
val reorient : keep:XSet.t -> t -> X.t XMap.t
(** the relation [x -> x'] derived from the equality relation that relates all [x], [x'] such that
[xkeep], [x'keep], and [x=x'], as well as [y -> y'] when no element in the equivalence
class of [y] belongs to [keep] and [y'] is the representative of the class *)
val apply_subst : _ XMap.t -> t -> t
(** [apply_subst subst uf] eliminate all variables in the domain of [subst] from [uf], keeping the
smallest representative not in the domain of [subst] for each class. Classes without any such
elements are kept intact. *)
val filter_not_in_closed_set : keep:XSet.t -> t -> t
(** only keep items in [keep], assuming that [keep] is closed under the relation, i.e. that if an
item [x] is in [keep] then so are all the [y] such that [x=y] according to the relation *)

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(public_name infer.IStdlib)
(:standard -open Core))
(libraries ANSITerminal core str yojson)
(libraries ANSITerminal core iter str yojson)
(pps ppx_compare)))

@ -928,6 +928,8 @@ module Atom = struct
fold_map_terms a ~init ~f:(fun acc t -> Term.fold_subst_variables t ~init:acc ~f)
let subst_variables l ~f = fold_subst_variables l ~init:() ~f:(fun () v -> ((), f v)) |> snd
let has_var_notin vars atom =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
Term.has_var_notin vars t1 || Term.has_var_notin vars t2
@ -958,11 +960,12 @@ let sat_of_eval_result (eval_result : Atom.eval_result) =
module VarUF =
type t = Var.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = Var.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let is_simpler_than (v1 : Var.t) (v2 : Var.t) = (v1 :> int) < (v2 :> int)
type new_eq = EqZero of Var.t | Equal of Var.t * Var.t
@ -1407,117 +1410,179 @@ let and_fold_subst_variables phi0 ~up_to_f:phi_foreign ~init ~f:f_var =
(acc, {known; pruned; both}, new_eqs)
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: build an (undirected) graph between variables where an edge
between two variables means that they appear together in an atom, a linear equation, or an
equivalence class. *)
let build_var_graph phi =
(* pretty naive representation of an undirected graph: a map where a vertex maps to the set of
destination vertices and each edge has its symmetric in the map *)
(* unused but can be useful for debugging *)
let _pp_graph fmt graph =
Caml.Hashtbl.iter (fun v vs -> F.fprintf fmt "%a->{%a}" Var.pp v Var.Set.pp vs) graph
(* 16 because why not *)
let graph = Caml.Hashtbl.create 16 in
(* add edges between all pairs of [vs] *)
let add_all vs =
(* add [src->vs] to [graph] (but not the symmetric edges) *)
let add_set graph src vs =
let dest =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph src with
| None ->
| Some dest0 ->
Var.Set.union vs dest0
module QuantifierElimination : sig
val eliminate_vars : keep:Var.Set.t -> t -> t SatUnsat.t
(** [eliminate_vars ~keep φ] substitutes every variable [x] in [φ] with [x'] whenever [x'] is a
distinguished representative of the equivalence class of [x] in [φ] such that [x' keep] *)
end = struct
exception Contradiction
let subst_f subst x = match Var.Map.find_opt x subst with Some y -> y | None -> x
let targetted_subst_var subst_var x = VarSubst (subst_f subst_var x)
let subst_var_linear_eqs subst linear_eqs =
(fun x l new_map ->
let x' = subst_f subst x in
let l' = LinArith.subst_variables ~f:(targetted_subst_var subst) l in
match LinArith.solve_eq (LinArith.of_var x') l' with
| Unsat ->
L.d_printfln "Contradiction found: %a=%a became %a=%a with is Unsat" Var.pp x
(LinArith.pp Var.pp) l Var.pp x' (LinArith.pp Var.pp) l' ;
raise Contradiction
| Sat None ->
| Sat (Some (x'', l'')) ->
Var.Map.add x'' l'' new_map )
linear_eqs Var.Map.empty
let subst_var_atoms subst atoms =
(fun atom atoms ->
let atom' = Atom.subst_variables ~f:(targetted_subst_var subst) atom in
Atom.Set.add atom' atoms )
atoms Atom.Set.empty
let subst_var_formula subst {Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; atoms} =
{ Formula.var_eqs= VarUF.apply_subst subst var_eqs
; linear_eqs= subst_var_linear_eqs subst linear_eqs
; atoms= subst_var_atoms subst atoms }
let subst_var subst phi =
{ known= subst_var_formula subst phi.known
; pruned= subst_var_atoms subst phi.pruned
; both= subst_var_formula subst phi.both }
let eliminate_vars ~keep phi =
let subst = VarUF.reorient ~keep phi.both.var_eqs in
try Sat (subst_var subst phi) with Contradiction -> Unsat
module DeadVariables = struct
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: build an (undirected) graph between variables where an edge
between two variables means that they appear together in an atom, a linear equation, or an
equivalence class. *)
let build_var_graph phi =
(* pretty naive representation of an undirected graph: a map where a vertex maps to the set of
destination vertices and each edge has its symmetric in the map *)
(* unused but can be useful for debugging *)
let _pp_graph fmt graph =
Caml.Hashtbl.iter (fun v vs -> F.fprintf fmt "%a->{%a}" Var.pp v Var.Set.pp vs) graph
(* 16 because why not *)
let graph = Caml.Hashtbl.create 16 in
(* add edges between all pairs of [vs] *)
let add_all vs =
(* add [src->vs] to [graph] (but not the symmetric edges) *)
let add_set graph src vs =
let dest =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph src with
| None ->
| Some dest0 ->
Var.Set.union vs dest0
Caml.Hashtbl.replace graph src dest
Caml.Hashtbl.replace graph src dest
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> add_set graph v vs) vs
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> add_set graph v vs) vs
Container.iter ~fold:VarUF.fold_congruences phi.Formula.var_eqs
~f:(fun ((repr : VarUF.repr), vs) -> add_all (Var.Set.add (repr :> Var.t) vs)) ;
(fun v l ->
LinArith.get_variables l
|> Seq.fold_left (fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs) (Var.Set.singleton v)
|> add_all )
phi.Formula.linear_eqs ;
(* add edges between all pairs of variables appearing in [t1] or [t2] (yes this is quadratic in
the number of variables of these terms) *)
let add_from_terms t1 t2 =
(* compute [vs U vars(t)] *)
let union_vars_of_term t vs =
Term.fold_variables t ~init:vs ~f:(fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs)
Container.iter ~fold:VarUF.fold_congruences phi.Formula.var_eqs
~f:(fun ((repr : VarUF.repr), vs) -> add_all (Var.Set.add (repr :> Var.t) vs)) ;
(fun v l ->
LinArith.get_variables l
|> Seq.fold_left (fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs) (Var.Set.singleton v)
|> add_all )
phi.Formula.linear_eqs ;
(* add edges between all pairs of variables appearing in [t1] or [t2] (yes this is quadratic in
the number of variables of these terms) *)
let add_from_terms t1 t2 =
(* compute [vs U vars(t)] *)
let union_vars_of_term t vs =
Term.fold_variables t ~init:vs ~f:(fun vs v -> Var.Set.add v vs)
union_vars_of_term t1 Var.Set.empty |> union_vars_of_term t2 |> add_all
union_vars_of_term t1 Var.Set.empty |> union_vars_of_term t2 |> add_all
(fun atom ->
let t1, t2 = Atom.get_terms atom in
add_from_terms t1 t2 )
phi.Formula.atoms ;
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: construct transitive closure of variables reachable from [vs]
in [graph]. *)
let get_reachable_from graph vs =
(* HashSet represented as a [Hashtbl.t] mapping items to [()], start with the variables in [vs] *)
let reachable = Caml.Hashtbl.create (Var.Set.cardinal vs) in
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> Caml.Hashtbl.add reachable v ()) vs ;
(* Do a Dijkstra-style graph transitive closure in [graph] starting from [vs]. At each step,
[new_vs] contains the variables to explore next. Iterative to avoid blowing the stack. *)
let new_vs = ref (Var.Set.elements vs) in
while not (List.is_empty !new_vs) do
(* pop [new_vs] *)
let[@warning "-8"] (v :: rest) = !new_vs in
new_vs := rest ;
Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph v
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun vs' ->
(fun v' ->
if not (Caml.Hashtbl.mem reachable v') then (
(* [v'] seen for the first time: we need to explore it *)
Caml.Hashtbl.replace reachable v' () ;
new_vs := v' :: !new_vs ) )
vs' )
done ;
Caml.Hashtbl.to_seq_keys reachable |> Var.Set.of_seq
(fun atom ->
let t1, t2 = Atom.get_terms atom in
add_from_terms t1 t2 )
phi.Formula.atoms ;
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: construct transitive closure of variables reachable from [vs]
in [graph]. *)
let get_reachable_from graph vs =
(* HashSet represented as a [Hashtbl.t] mapping items to [()], start with the variables in [vs] *)
let reachable = Caml.Hashtbl.create (Var.Set.cardinal vs) in
Var.Set.iter (fun v -> Caml.Hashtbl.add reachable v ()) vs ;
(* Do a Dijkstra-style graph transitive closure in [graph] starting from [vs]. At each step,
[new_vs] contains the variables to explore next. Iterative to avoid blowing the stack. *)
let new_vs = ref (Var.Set.elements vs) in
while not (List.is_empty !new_vs) do
(* pop [new_vs] *)
let[@warning "-8"] (v :: rest) = !new_vs in
new_vs := rest ;
Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt graph v
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun vs' ->
(fun v' ->
if not (Caml.Hashtbl.mem reachable v') then (
(* [v'] seen for the first time: we need to explore it *)
Caml.Hashtbl.replace reachable v' () ;
new_vs := v' :: !new_vs ) )
vs' )
done ;
Caml.Hashtbl.to_seq_keys reachable |> Var.Set.of_seq
(** Get rid of atoms when they contain only variables that do not appear in atoms mentioning
variables in [keep], or variables appearing in atoms together with variables in [keep], and so
on. In other words, the variables to keep are all the ones transitively reachable from
variables in [keep] in the graph connecting two variables whenever they appear together in a
same atom of the formula. *)
let eliminate ~keep phi =
(* We only consider [phi.both] when building the relation. Considering [phi.known] and
[phi.pruned] as well could lead to us keeping more variables around, but that's not necessarily
a good idea. Ignoring them means we err on the side of reporting potentially slightly more
issues than we would otherwise, as some atoms in [phi.pruned] may vanish unfairly as a
result. *)
let var_graph = build_var_graph phi.both in
let vars_to_keep = get_reachable_from var_graph keep in
L.d_printfln "Reachable vars: {%a}" Var.Set.pp vars_to_keep ;
(* discard atoms which have variables *not* in [vars_to_keep], which in particular is enough
to guarantee that *none* of their variables are in [vars_to_keep] thanks to transitive
closure on the graph above *)
let filter_atom atom = not (Atom.has_var_notin vars_to_keep atom) in
let simplify_phi phi =
let var_eqs = VarUF.filter_not_in_closed_set ~keep:vars_to_keep phi.Formula.var_eqs in
let linear_eqs =
Var.Map.filter (fun v _ -> Var.Set.mem v vars_to_keep) phi.Formula.linear_eqs
let atoms = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.Formula.atoms in
{Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; atoms}
let known = simplify_phi phi.known in
let both = simplify_phi phi.both in
let pruned = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.pruned in
{known; pruned; both}
let simplify ~keep phi =
let open SatUnsat.Import in
let+ phi, new_eqs = normalize phi in
let* phi, new_eqs = normalize phi in
L.d_printfln_escaped "Simplifying %a wrt {%a}" pp phi Var.Set.pp keep ;
(* Get rid of atoms when they contain only variables that do not appear in atoms mentioning
variables in [keep], or variables appearing in atoms together with variables in [keep], and
so on. In other words, the variables to keep are all the ones transitively reachable from
variables in [keep] in the graph connecting two variables whenever they appear together in
a same atom of the formula. *)
(* We only consider [phi.both] when building the relation. Considering [phi.known] and
[phi.pruned] as well could lead to us keeping more variables around, but that's not necessarily
a good idea. Ignoring them means we err on the side of reporting potentially slightly more
issues than we would otherwise, as some atoms in [phi.pruned] may vanish unfairly as a
result. *)
let var_graph = build_var_graph phi.both in
let vars_to_keep = get_reachable_from var_graph keep in
L.d_printfln "Reachable vars: {%a}" Var.Set.pp vars_to_keep ;
(* discard atoms which have variables *not* in [vars_to_keep], which in particular is enough
to guarantee that *none* of their variables are in [vars_to_keep] thanks to transitive
closure on the graph above *)
let filter_atom atom = not (Atom.has_var_notin vars_to_keep atom) in
let simplify_phi phi =
let var_eqs = VarUF.filter_not_in_closed_set ~keep:vars_to_keep phi.Formula.var_eqs in
let linear_eqs =
Var.Map.filter (fun v _ -> Var.Set.mem v vars_to_keep) phi.Formula.linear_eqs
let atoms = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.Formula.atoms in
{Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; atoms}
let known = simplify_phi phi.known in
let both = simplify_phi phi.both in
let pruned = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.pruned in
({known; pruned; both}, new_eqs)
(* get rid of as many variables as possible *)
let+ phi = QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars ~keep phi in
(* TODO: doing [QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars; DeadVariables.eliminate] a few times may
eliminate even more variables *)
(DeadVariables.eliminate ~keep phi, new_eqs)
let is_known_zero phi v =

@ -231,6 +231,13 @@ let%test_module "normalization" =
let%test_module "variable elimination" =
( module struct
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y) ;
known=x=y && true (no linear) && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=x=y && true (no linear) && true (no atoms)|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (x = i 0 && y = i 1 && z = i 2 && w = i 3) ;
@ -242,8 +249,8 @@ let%test_module "variable elimination" =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (x = y + i 1 && x = i 0) ;
known=x=v6 && x = 0 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=x=v6 && x = 0 && true (no atoms)|}]
known=true (no var=var) && x = 0 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=true (no var=var) && x = 0 && true (no atoms)|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[y_var] (x = y + i 1 && x = i 0) ;
@ -257,20 +264,20 @@ let%test_module "variable elimination" =
simplify ~keep:[y_var; z_var] (x = y + z && w = x - y && v = w + i 1 && v = i 0) ;
known=x=v6 z=w=v7 && x = y -1 z = -1 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=x=v6 z=w=v7 && x = y -1 z = -1 && true (no atoms)|}]
known=true (no var=var) && x = y -1 z = -1 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=true (no var=var) && x = y -1 z = -1 && true (no atoms)|}]
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y + z && w + x + y = i 0 && v = w + i 1) ;
known=x=v6 v=v9
known=true (no var=var)
x = -v + v7 +1 y = -v7 z = -v + 2·v7 +1 w = v -1
true (no atoms),
pruned=true (no atoms),
both=x=v6 v=v9
both=true (no var=var)
x = -v + v7 +1 y = -v7 z = -v + 2·v7 +1 w = v -1
@ -280,8 +287,8 @@ let%test_module "variable elimination" =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y + i 4 && x = w && y = z) ;
known=x=w=v6 y=z && x = y +4 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=x=w=v6 y=z && x = y +4 && true (no atoms)|}]
known=true (no var=var) && x = y +4 && true (no atoms), pruned=true (no atoms),
both=true (no var=var) && x = y +4 && true (no atoms)|}]
end )
let%test_module "non-linear simplifications" =
