adding scheduler abstraction and reverse postorder scheduler

Reviewed By: dkgi

Differential Revision: D2975916

fb-gh-sync-id: 0b9a8bf
shipit-source-id: 0b9a8bf
Sam Blackshear 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 6
parent 494dabf638
commit b62bdc46b6

@ -13,16 +13,22 @@ module F = Format
(** control-flow graph for a single procedure (as opposed to, which represents a cfg for a
file). *)
(* wrapper that allows us to do tricks like turn a forward cfg to into a backward one *)
module type Wrapper = sig
module type Base = sig
type t
type node
type node_id
val node_id : node -> node_id
val node_id_compare : node_id -> node_id -> int
val succs : t -> node -> node list
val exn_succs : t -> node -> node list
val preds : t -> node -> node list
(* wrapper that allows us to do tricks like turn a forward cfg to into a backward one *)
module type Wrapper = sig
include Base
val exn_succs : t -> node -> node list
val start_node : t -> node
val exit_node : t -> node
val instrs : node -> Sil.instr list
@ -32,8 +38,6 @@ module type Wrapper = sig
val from_pdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> t
val node_id_compare : node_id -> node_id -> int
val pp_node : F.formatter -> node -> unit
val pp_node_id : F.formatter -> node_id -> unit
@ -79,12 +83,12 @@ module Backward (W : Wrapper) : Wrapper = struct
module NodeIdMap (W : Wrapper) = Map.Make(struct
type t = W.node_id
let compare = W.node_id_compare
module NodeIdMap (B : Base) = Map.Make(struct
type t = B.node_id
let compare = B.node_id_compare
module NodeIdSet (W : Wrapper) = Set.Make(struct
type t = W.node_id
let compare = W.node_id_compare
module NodeIdSet (B : Base) = Set.Make(struct
type t = B.node_id
let compare = B.node_id_compare

@ -56,7 +56,3 @@ let register () =
if active then registry language_opt callback in
IList.iter (register Callbacks.register_procedure_callback) (active_procedure_checkers ());
IList.iter (register Callbacks.register_cluster_callback) (active_cluster_checkers ())
module Test (C : ProcCfg.Wrapper) = struct

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module type S = functor (C : ProcCfg.Base) -> sig
type t
(* schedule the successors of [node] *)
val schedule_succs : t -> C.node -> t
(* remove and return the node with the highest priority, the ids of its visited
predecessors, and the new schedule *)
val pop : t -> C.node * C.node_id list * t
val empty : C.t -> t
exception Empty
(* simple scheduler that visits CFG nodes in reverse postorder. fast/precise for straightline code
and conditionals; not as good for loops (may visit nodes after a loop multiple times). *)
module ReversePostorder : S = functor (C : ProcCfg.Base) -> struct
module M = ProcCfg.NodeIdMap (C)
exception Empty
module WorkUnit = struct
module IdSet = ProcCfg.NodeIdSet(C)
type t = {
node : C.node; (* node whose instructions will be analyzed *)
visited_preds : IdSet.t ; (* predecessors of [node] we have already visited in current iter *)
priority : int; (* |preds| - |visited preds|. *)
let node t = t.node
let visited_preds t = IdSet.elements t.visited_preds
let priority t = t.priority
let compute_priority cfg node visited_preds =
IList.length (C.preds cfg node) - IdSet.cardinal visited_preds
let make cfg node =
let visited_preds = IdSet.empty in
let priority = compute_priority cfg node visited_preds in
{ node; visited_preds; priority; }
(* add [node_id] to the visited preds for [t] *)
let add_visited_pred cfg t node_id =
let visited_preds' = IdSet.add node_id t.visited_preds in
let priority' = compute_priority cfg t.node visited_preds' in
{ t with visited_preds = visited_preds'; priority = priority'; }
type t = { worklist : WorkUnit.t M.t; cfg : C.t; }
(* schedule the succs of [node] for analysis *)
let schedule_succs t node =
let node_id = C.node_id node in
(* mark [node] as a visited pred of [node_to_schedule] and schedule it *)
let schedule_succ worklist_acc node_to_schedule =
let id_to_schedule = C.node_id node_to_schedule in
let old_work =
try M.find id_to_schedule worklist_acc
with Not_found -> WorkUnit.make t.cfg node_to_schedule in
let new_work = WorkUnit.add_visited_pred t.cfg old_work node_id in
M.add id_to_schedule new_work worklist_acc in
let new_worklist = IList.fold_left schedule_succ t.worklist (C.succs t.cfg node) in
{ t with worklist = new_worklist; }
(* remove and return the node with the highest priority (note that smaller integers have higher
priority), the ids of its visited predecessors, and new schedule *)
(* TODO: could do this slightly more efficiently by keeping a list of priority zero nodes for
quick popping, and do a linear search only when this list is empty *)
let pop t =
let max_priority_id, _ =
let init_id, init_work = M.choose t.worklist in
let init_priority = WorkUnit.priority init_work in
(fun id work (lowest_id, lowest_priority) ->
let priority = WorkUnit.priority work in
if priority < lowest_priority
then id, priority
else lowest_id, lowest_priority)
(init_id, init_priority)
with Not_found -> raise Empty in
let max_priority_work = M.find max_priority_id t.worklist in
let node = WorkUnit.node max_priority_work in
let t' = { t with worklist = M.remove (C.node_id node) t.worklist } in
node, WorkUnit.visited_preds max_priority_work, t'
let empty cfg = { worklist = M.empty; cfg; }

@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ module L = Logging
let () =
let open OUnit2 in
let tests = [] in
let tests = [SchedulerTests.tests] in
let test_suite = "all" >::: tests in
OUnit2.run_test_tt_main test_suite

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module F = Format
(* mock for creating CFG's from adjacency lists *)
module MockProcCfg = struct
type node = int
type node_id = int
type t = (node * node list) list
let node_id_compare = int_compare
let node_id n = n
let succs t n =
IList.find (fun (node, _) -> node_id_compare node n = 0) t
|> snd
with Not_found -> []
let preds t n =
(fun (_, succs) -> IList.exists (fun node -> node_id_compare node n = 0) succs) t
|> fst
with Not_found -> []
let from_adjacency_list t = t
module S = Scheduler.ReversePostorder (MockProcCfg)
let create_test test_graph expected_result _ =
(* keep popping and scheduling until the queue is empty, record the results *)
let rec pop_schedule_record q visited_acc =
let n, _, q' = S.pop q in
pop_schedule_record (S.schedule_succs q' n) (n :: visited_acc)
with S.Empty -> IList.rev visited_acc in
let pp_diff fmt (exp, actual) =
let pp_sched fmt l =
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:F.pp_print_space (fun fmt i -> F.fprintf fmt "%d" i) fmt l in
F.fprintf fmt "Expected schedule %a but got schedule %a" pp_sched exp pp_sched actual in
let cfg = MockProcCfg.from_adjacency_list test_graph in
let q = S.schedule_succs (S.empty cfg) 1 in
let result = pop_schedule_record q [1] in
OUnit2.assert_equal ~pp_diff result expected_result
let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let test_list = [
[(1, [2]);
(2, [3]);
(3, [4])],
[1; 2; 3; 4]);
[(1, [2; 3]);
(2, [4]);
(3, [4]);
(4, [5])],
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5]);
[(1, [2; 4]);
(2, [3]);
(3, [4]);
(4, [5])],
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5]);
[(1, [2; 3]);
(2, [4]);
(3, [4]);
(4, [5; 6]);
(5, [7]);
(6, [7]);
(7, [8])],
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]);
[(1, [2; 3; 4; 5;]);
(2, [6]);
(3, [6]);
(4, [6]);
(5, [6]);
(6, [7])],
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;]);
[(11, [10];);
(1, [7; 2]);
(2, [3; 11]);
(7, [11]);
(3, [7]);],
[1; 2; 3; 7; 11; 10]);
(fun (name, test, expected) -> name>::create_test test expected) in