Some pp functions

Reviewed By: jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D12840576

fbshipit-source-id: 0beebcc63
Mehdi Bouaziz 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 1c7cdb02de
commit b6323db37b

@ -220,22 +220,21 @@ let create_path pathstring =
(** {2 Pretty Printing} *)
(** Convert an identifier to a string. *)
let to_string id =
if has_kind id KNone then "_"
(** Pretty print an identifier. *)
let pp f id =
if has_kind id KNone then F.pp_print_char f '_'
let base_name = name_to_string in
let prefix = if has_kind id KFootprint then "@" else if has_kind id KNormal then "" else "_" in
let suffix = "$" ^ string_of_int id.stamp in
prefix ^ base_name ^ suffix
F.fprintf f "%s%s$%d" prefix base_name id.stamp
(** Convert an identifier to a string. *)
let to_string id = F.asprintf "%a" pp id
(** Pretty print a name. *)
let pp_name f name = F.pp_print_string f (name_to_string name)
(** Pretty print an identifier. *)
let pp f id = F.pp_print_string f (to_string id)
(** pretty printer for lists of identifiers *)
let pp_list = Pp.comma_seq pp

@ -638,37 +638,39 @@ let inst_new_loc loc inst =
Ireturn_from_call loc.Location.line
(** return a string representing the inst *)
let inst_to_string inst =
let zero_flag_to_string = function Some true -> "(z)" | _ -> "" in
let null_case_flag_to_string ncf = if ncf then "(ncf)" else "" in
(** pretty-print an inst *)
let pp_inst f inst =
let pp_zero_flag f = function Some true -> F.pp_print_string f "(z)" | _ -> () in
let pp_null_case_flag f ncf = if ncf then F.pp_print_string f "(ncf)" in
match inst with
| Iabstraction ->
F.pp_print_string f "abstraction"
| Iactual_precondition ->
F.pp_print_string f "actual_precondition"
| Ialloc ->
F.pp_print_string f "alloc"
| Iformal (zf, ncf) ->
"formal" ^ zero_flag_to_string zf ^ null_case_flag_to_string ncf
F.fprintf f "formal%a%a" pp_zero_flag zf pp_null_case_flag ncf
| Iinitial ->
F.pp_print_string f "initial"
| Ilookup ->
F.pp_print_string f "lookup"
| Inone ->
F.pp_print_string f "none"
| Inullify ->
F.pp_print_string f "nullify"
| Irearrange (zf, ncf, n, _) ->
"rearrange:" ^ zero_flag_to_string zf ^ null_case_flag_to_string ncf ^ string_of_int n
F.fprintf f "rearrange:%a%a%d" pp_zero_flag zf pp_null_case_flag ncf n
| Itaint ->
F.pp_print_string f "taint"
| Iupdate (zf, ncf, n, _) ->
"update:" ^ zero_flag_to_string zf ^ null_case_flag_to_string ncf ^ string_of_int n
F.fprintf f "update:%a%a%d" pp_zero_flag zf pp_null_case_flag ncf n
| Ireturn_from_call n ->
"return_from_call: " ^ string_of_int n
F.fprintf f "return_from_call: %d" n
let inst_to_string inst = F.asprintf "%a" pp_inst inst
exception JoinFail
(** join of instrumentations, can raise JoinFail *)
@ -779,14 +781,13 @@ let update_inst inst_old inst_new =
(** describe an instrumentation with a string *)
let pp_inst pe f inst =
let str = inst_to_string inst in
if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then
F.fprintf f " %a%s%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Pp.Orange str Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf f "%s%s%s" (Binop.str pe Lt) str (Binop.str pe Gt)
let pp_inst_if_trace pe f inst =
if Config.trace_error then
if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then
F.fprintf f " %a%a%a" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Pp.Orange pp_inst inst
Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color ()
else F.fprintf f "%s%a%s" (Binop.str pe Lt) pp_inst inst (Binop.str pe Gt)
let pp_inst_if_trace pe f inst = if Config.trace_error then pp_inst pe f inst
(** pretty print a strexp with an optional predicate env *)
let rec pp_sexp_env pe0 envo f se =

@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ val d_atom : atom -> unit
val inst_to_string : inst -> string
(** return a string representing the inst *)
val pp_inst : F.formatter -> inst -> unit
(** pretty-print an inst *)
val pp_sexp : Pp.env -> F.formatter -> strexp -> unit
(** Pretty print a strexp. *)

@ -381,23 +381,16 @@ end = struct
Option.value_exn max_rep_opt
let stats_string path =
let pp_stats f path =
Invariant.compute_stats true (fun _ -> true) path ;
let repetitions, node = repetitions path in
let str =
"linear paths: "
^ string_of_float (Invariant.get_stats path).linear_num
^ " max length: "
^ string_of_int (Invariant.get_stats path).max_length
^ " has repetitions: " ^ string_of_int repetitions ^ " of node "
^ string_of_int (Procdesc.Node.get_id node :> int)
Invariant.reset_stats path ; str
F.fprintf f "linear paths: %f max length: %d has repetitions: %d of node %a"
(Invariant.get_stats path).linear_num (Invariant.get_stats path).max_length repetitions
Procdesc.Node.pp node ;
Invariant.reset_stats path
let pp_stats fmt path = F.pp_print_string fmt (stats_string path)
let d_stats path = L.d_str (stats_string path)
let d_stats path = L.d_str (F.asprintf "%a" pp_stats path)
module PathMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ let report_cycle tenv summary prop =
(* When there is a cycle in objc we ignore it only if it's empty or it has weak or
unsafe_unretained fields. Otherwise we report a retain cycle. *)
let cycles = get_retain_cycles tenv prop in
RetainCyclesType.Set.iter RetainCyclesType.print_cycle cycles ;
RetainCyclesType.Set.iter RetainCyclesType.d_retain_cycle cycles ;
if not (RetainCyclesType.Set.is_empty cycles) then (
(fun cycle ->

@ -94,33 +94,29 @@ let is_exp_null node =
match node with Object obj -> Exp.is_null_literal obj.rc_from.rc_node_exp | Block _ -> false
let retain_cycle_node_to_string (node : retain_cycle_node) =
Format.sprintf "%s : %s" (Exp.to_string node.rc_node_exp) (Typ.to_string node.rc_node_typ)
let pp_retain_cycle_node f (node : retain_cycle_node) =
Format.fprintf f "%a : %a" Exp.pp node.rc_node_exp (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) node.rc_node_typ
let retain_cycle_field_to_string (field : retain_cycle_field) =
Format.sprintf "%s[%s]"
(Typ.Fieldname.to_string field.rc_field_name)
(Sil.inst_to_string field.rc_field_inst)
let pp_retain_cycle_field f (field : retain_cycle_field) =
Format.fprintf f "%a[%a]" Typ.Fieldname.pp field.rc_field_name Sil.pp_inst field.rc_field_inst
let retain_cycle_edge_to_string (edge : retain_cycle_edge) =
let pp_retain_cycle_edge f (edge : retain_cycle_edge) =
match edge with
| Object obj ->
Format.sprintf "%s ->{%s}"
(retain_cycle_node_to_string obj.rc_from)
(retain_cycle_field_to_string obj.rc_field)
Format.fprintf f "%a ->{%a}" pp_retain_cycle_node obj.rc_from pp_retain_cycle_field
| Block _ ->
Format.sprintf "a block"
Format.pp_print_string f "a block"
let retain_cycle_to_string cycle =
"Cycle= \n\t"
^ String.concat ~sep:"->" ( ~f:retain_cycle_edge_to_string cycle.rc_elements)
let d_retain_cycle cycle =
Logging.d_strln "Cycle=" ;
(Format.asprintf "\t%a" (Pp.seq ~sep:"->" pp_retain_cycle_edge) cycle.rc_elements)
let print_cycle cycle = Logging.d_strln (retain_cycle_to_string cycle)
let find_minimum_element cycle =
List.reduce_exn cycle.rc_elements ~f:(fun el1 el2 ->
if compare_retain_cycle_edge el1 el2 < 0 then el1 else el2 )

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type t = {rc_head: retain_cycle_edge; rc_elements: retain_cycle_edge list}
(** Set for retain cycles. *)
module Set : Caml.Set.S with type elt = t
val print_cycle : t -> unit
val d_retain_cycle : t -> unit
val create_cycle : retain_cycle_edge list -> t option
(** Creates a cycle if the list is non-empty *)
