[specs] store in db

Summary: Implement specs storage in DB, apart from biabduction models which are still left in specs files.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D22795638

fbshipit-source-id: 140801d3f
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 16b2b2621d
commit b763a9dd7e

@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ let pp_html source fmt summary =
F.fprintf fmt "</LISTING>@\n"
module SQLite = SqliteUtils.MarshalledDataNOTForComparison (struct
type nonrec t = t
module OnDisk = struct
type cache = t Procname.Hash.t
@ -173,12 +177,29 @@ module OnDisk = struct
let spec_of_model proc_name = load_from_file (specs_models_filename proc_name)
let spec_of_proc_uid =
let load_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT spec FROM specs WHERE proc_uid = :k"
fun proc_file ->
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement load_statement ~f:(fun db load_stmt ->
Sqlite3.bind load_stmt 1 (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT proc_file)
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"load proc specs bind proc_file" ;
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"load proc specs run" db
|> Option.map ~f:SQLite.deserialize )
let spec_of_procname proc_name = spec_of_proc_uid (Procname.to_unique_id proc_name)
(** Load procedure summary for the given procedure name and update spec table *)
let load_summary_to_spec_table proc_name =
let summ_opt =
match load_from_file (specs_filename_of_procname proc_name) with
match spec_of_procname proc_name with
| None when BiabductionModels.mem proc_name ->
load_from_file (specs_models_filename proc_name)
spec_of_model proc_name
| summ_opt ->
@ -212,9 +233,14 @@ module OnDisk = struct
let proc_name = get_proc_name final_summary in
(* Make sure the summary in memory is identical to the saved one *)
add proc_name final_summary ;
Serialization.write_to_file summary_serializer
(specs_filename_of_procname proc_name)
if Config.biabduction_models_mode then
Serialization.write_to_file summary_serializer
(specs_filename_of_procname proc_name)
~proc_uid:(Sqlite3.Data.TEXT (Procname.to_unique_id proc_name))
~spec:(SQLite.serialize final_summary)
let reset proc_desc =
@ -233,72 +259,50 @@ module OnDisk = struct
let reset_all ~filter () =
let reset proc_name =
let filename = specs_filename_of_procname proc_name in
BackendStats.incr_summary_file_try_load () ;
Serialization.read_from_file summary_serializer filename
spec_of_procname proc_name
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun summary ->
BackendStats.incr_summary_read_from_disk () ;
let blank_summary = reset summary.proc_desc in
Serialization.write_to_file summary_serializer filename ~data:blank_summary )
store blank_summary )
Procedures.get_all ~filter () |> List.iter ~f:reset
let delete pname =
let filename = specs_filename_of_procname pname |> DB.filename_to_string in
(* Unix_error is raised if the file isn't present so do nothing in this case *)
(try Unix.unlink filename with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()) ;
remove_from_cache pname
remove_from_cache pname ;
if Config.biabduction_models_mode then
let filename = specs_filename_of_procname pname |> DB.filename_to_string in
(* Unix_error is raised if the file isn't present so do nothing in this case *)
try Unix.unlink filename with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
else DBWriter.delete_spec ~proc_uid:(Sqlite3.Data.TEXT (Procname.to_unique_id pname))
(** return the list of the .specs files in the results dir *)
let load_specfiles () =
let is_specs_file fname = Filename.check_suffix fname Config.specs_files_suffix in
let do_file acc path = if is_specs_file path then path :: acc else acc in
let result_specs_dir = DB.filename_to_string DB.Results_dir.specs_dir in
Utils.directory_fold do_file [] result_specs_dir
let iter_specs =
let iter_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT spec FROM specs ORDER BY proc_uid ASC"
fun ~f ->
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement iter_statement ~f:(fun db stmt ->
SqliteUtils.result_fold_single_column_rows ~finalize:false db stmt
~log:"iter over all specs" ~init:() ~f:(fun () sqlite_spec ->
let summary : t = SQLite.deserialize sqlite_spec in
let () = f summary in
() ) )
let print_usage_exit err_s =
L.user_error "Load Error: %s@\n@." err_s ;
Config.print_usage_exit ()
let iter_specs_of_proc_uids proc_uids ~f =
List.iter proc_uids ~f:(fun proc_file -> spec_of_proc_uid proc_file |> Option.iter ~f)
let spec_files_from_cmdline () =
if CLOpt.is_originator then (
let iter_specs_from_config ~f =
if CLOpt.is_originator && not (List.is_empty Config.anon_args) then (
(* Find spec files specified by command-line arguments. Not run at init time since the specs
files may be generated between init and report time. *)
~f:(fun arg ->
(not (Filename.check_suffix arg Config.specs_files_suffix))
&& not (String.equal arg ".")
then print_usage_exit ("file " ^ arg ^ ": arguments must be .specs files") )
Config.anon_args ;
files may be generated between init and report time. *)
if Config.test_filtering then (
Inferconfig.test () ;
L.exit 0 ) ;
if List.is_empty Config.anon_args then load_specfiles () else List.rev Config.anon_args )
else load_specfiles ()
(** Create an iterator which loads spec files one at a time *)
let summary_iterator spec_files =
let sorted_spec_files = List.sort ~compare:String.compare (spec_files ()) in
let do_spec f fname =
match load_from_file (DB.filename_from_string fname) with
| None ->
L.(die UserError) "Error: cannot open file %s@." fname
| Some summary ->
f summary
let iterate f = List.iter ~f:(do_spec f) sorted_spec_files in
let iter_specs_from_config ~f = summary_iterator spec_files_from_cmdline f
iter_specs_of_proc_uids Config.anon_args ~f )
else iter_specs ~f
let iter_specs ~f = summary_iterator load_specfiles f
let pp_specs_from_config fmt =
iter_specs_from_config ~f:(fun summary ->

@ -85,11 +85,12 @@ module OnDisk : sig
cache *)
val iter_specs : f:(t -> unit) -> unit
(** Iterates over all summaries from the .specs files *)
(** Iterates over all stored summaries *)
val iter_specs_from_config : f:(t -> unit) -> unit
(** Iterates over all sumaries from the .specs files unless a list of specs files has been passed
on the command line *)
(** Iterates over all stored summaries, or over the summaries of the list of procedure filenames
passed on the command line *)
val pp_specs_from_config : Format.formatter -> unit
(** pretty print all stored summaries *)

@ -2585,16 +2585,13 @@ let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
Option.value ~default:InferCommand.Run command_opt
let command, parse_args_and_return_usage_exit =
let command_opt, usage_exit =
let command =
let command_opt, _usage_exit =
CLOpt.parse ?config_file:inferconfig_file ~usage:exe_usage startup_action initial_command
let command = post_parsing_initialization command_opt in
(command, usage_exit)
post_parsing_initialization command_opt
let print_usage_exit () = parse_args_and_return_usage_exit 1
let process_linters_doc_url args =
let linters_doc_url arg =
match String.lsplit2 ~on:':' arg with

@ -647,7 +647,3 @@ val scuba_execution_id : Int64.t option
(** {2 Global variables with initial values specified by command-line options} *)
val clang_compilation_dbs : [`Escaped of string | `Raw of string] list ref
(** {2 Command Line Interface Documentation} *)
val print_usage_exit : unit -> 'a

@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ module Results_dir : sig
val path_to_filename : path_kind -> path -> filename
(** convert a path to a filename *)
val specs_dir : filename
(** directory of spec files *)
val init : ?debug:bool -> SourceFile.t -> unit
(** Initialize the results directory *)

@ -173,10 +173,44 @@ module Implementation = struct
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"drop procedures table" ~stmt:"DROP TABLE procedures" ;
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"drop source_files table" ~stmt:"DROP TABLE source_files" ;
ResultsDatabase.create_tables db
let store_spec =
let store_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO specs VALUES (:proc_uid, :spec)"
fun ~proc_uid ~spec ->
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement store_statement ~f:(fun db store_stmt ->
Sqlite3.bind store_stmt 1 proc_uid
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"store spec bind proc_uid" ;
Sqlite3.bind store_stmt 2 spec
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"store spec bind spec" ;
SqliteUtils.result_unit ~finalize:false ~log:"store spec" db store_stmt )
let delete_spec =
let delete_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "DELETE FROM specs WHERE proc_uid = :k"
fun ~proc_uid ->
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement delete_statement ~f:(fun db delete_stmt ->
Sqlite3.bind delete_stmt 1 proc_uid
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"delete spec bind proc_uid" ;
SqliteUtils.result_unit ~finalize:false ~log:"store spec" db delete_stmt )
module Command = struct
type t =
| AddSourceFile of
{ source_file: Sqlite3.Data.t
; tenv: Sqlite3.Data.t
; integer_type_widths: Sqlite3.Data.t
; proc_names: Sqlite3.Data.t }
| DeleteSpec of {proc_uid: Sqlite3.Data.t}
| Handshake
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale
| Merge of {infer_deps_file: string}
| StoreSpec of {proc_uid: Sqlite3.Data.t; spec: Sqlite3.Data.t}
| ReplaceAttributes of
{ pname_str: string
; pname: Sqlite3.Data.t
@ -185,57 +219,57 @@ module Command = struct
; attributes: Sqlite3.Data.t
; proc_desc: Sqlite3.Data.t
; callees: Sqlite3.Data.t }
| AddSourceFile of
{ source_file: Sqlite3.Data.t
; tenv: Sqlite3.Data.t
; integer_type_widths: Sqlite3.Data.t
; proc_names: Sqlite3.Data.t }
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale
| Merge of {infer_deps_file: string}
| Vacuum
| ResetCaptureTables
| Handshake
| Terminate
| Vacuum
let to_string = function
| ReplaceAttributes _ ->
| AddSourceFile _ ->
| DeleteSpec _ ->
| Handshake ->
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale ->
| Merge _ ->
| Vacuum ->
| ReplaceAttributes _ ->
| ResetCaptureTables ->
| Handshake ->
| StoreSpec _ ->
| Terminate ->
| Vacuum ->
let pp fmt cmd = F.pp_print_string fmt (to_string cmd)
let execute = function
| ReplaceAttributes {pname_str; pname; akind; source_file; attributes; proc_desc; callees} ->
Implementation.replace_attributes ~pname_str ~pname ~akind ~source_file ~attributes
~proc_desc ~callees
| AddSourceFile {source_file; tenv; integer_type_widths; proc_names} ->
Implementation.add_source_file ~source_file ~tenv ~integer_type_widths ~proc_names
| DeleteSpec {proc_uid} ->
Implementation.delete_spec ~proc_uid
| Handshake ->
| MarkAllSourceFilesStale ->
Implementation.mark_all_source_files_stale ()
| Merge {infer_deps_file} ->
Implementation.merge infer_deps_file
| Vacuum ->
Implementation.canonicalize ()
| StoreSpec {proc_uid; spec} ->
Implementation.store_spec ~proc_uid ~spec
| ReplaceAttributes {pname_str; pname; akind; source_file; attributes; proc_desc; callees} ->
Implementation.replace_attributes ~pname_str ~pname ~akind ~source_file ~attributes
~proc_desc ~callees
| ResetCaptureTables ->
Implementation.reset_capture_tables ()
| Handshake ->
| Terminate ->
| Vacuum ->
Implementation.canonicalize ()
type response = Ack
@ -349,3 +383,7 @@ let merge ~infer_deps_file = Command.Merge {infer_deps_file} |> perform
let canonicalize () = perform Command.Vacuum
let reset_capture_tables () = perform Command.ResetCaptureTables
let store_spec ~proc_uid ~spec = perform (Command.StoreSpec {proc_uid; spec})
let delete_spec ~proc_uid = perform (Command.DeleteSpec {proc_uid})

@ -40,3 +40,7 @@ val reset_capture_tables : unit -> unit
val start : unit -> unit
val stop : unit -> unit
val store_spec : proc_uid:Sqlite3.Data.t -> spec:Sqlite3.Data.t -> unit
val delete_spec : proc_uid:Sqlite3.Data.t -> unit

@ -36,7 +36,19 @@ let source_files_schema prefix =
let schema_hum = Printf.sprintf "%s;\n%s" (procedures_schema "") (source_files_schema "")
let specs_schema prefix =
let schema_hum =
String.concat ~sep:";\n" [procedures_schema ""; source_files_schema ""; specs_schema ""]
let create_procedures_table ~prefix db =
(* it would be nice to use "WITHOUT ROWID" here but ancient versions of sqlite do not support
@ -48,9 +60,14 @@ let create_source_files_table ~prefix db =
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"creating source_files table" ~stmt:(source_files_schema prefix)
let create_specs_table ~prefix db =
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"creating specs table" ~stmt:(specs_schema prefix)
let create_tables ?(prefix = "") db =
create_procedures_table ~prefix db ;
create_source_files_table ~prefix db
create_source_files_table ~prefix db ;
create_specs_table ~prefix db
let create_db () =
