[sledge] Actually use function summaries

If function summaries are enabled calling a function first tries to
apply a summary, if succesful, it directly jumps to the return site of
the call. Otherwise it proceeds as before.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D16201251

fbshipit-source-id: cec52e0e5
Timotej Kapus 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 4f46567fa7
commit ba6e6bf369

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ let exec_jump ?temps stk state block ({dst; args} as jmp : Llair.jump) =
let state = Domain.jump args dst.params ?temps state in
exec_goto stk state block jmp
let caller_state_log = ref []
let summary_table = Hashtbl.create (module Var)
let exec_call ~opts stk state block ({dst; args; retreating} : Llair.jump)
(return : Llair.jump) throw globals =
@ -264,28 +264,36 @@ let exec_call ~opts stk state block ({dst; args; retreating} : Llair.jump)
let dnf_states =
if opts.function_summaries then Domain.dnf state else [state]
let locals = dst.parent.locals in
let domain_call = Domain.call args dst.params locals globals in
List.fold ~init:Work.skip dnf_states ~f:(fun acc state ->
let locals = dst.parent.locals in
caller_state_log :=
(Domain.call ~summaries:false args dst.params locals globals state)
:: !caller_state_log ;
let state, from_call =
Domain.call ~summaries:opts.function_summaries args dst.params
locals globals state
let maybe_summary_post =
if opts.function_summaries then
let state = fst (domain_call ~summaries:false state) in
Hashtbl.find summary_table dst.parent.name.var
>>= List.find_map ~f:(Domain.apply_summary state)
else None
Work.seq acc
( match
Stack.push_call ~bound:opts.bound dst ~retreating ~return
from_call ?throw stk
| Some stk -> Work.add stk ~prev:block ~retreating state dst
| None -> Work.skip ) )
"Maybe summary post: %a"
(Option.pp "%a" Domain.pp)
maybe_summary_post] ;
match maybe_summary_post with
| None ->
let state, from_call =
domain_call ~summaries:opts.function_summaries state
Work.seq acc
( match
Stack.push_call ~bound:opts.bound dst ~retreating ~return
from_call ?throw stk
| Some stk -> Work.add stk ~prev:block ~retreating state dst
| None -> Work.skip )
| Some post -> Work.seq acc (exec_goto stk post block return) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let summary_table = Hashtbl.create (module Var)
let pp_st _ =
"@[<v>%t@]" (fun fs ->
@ -311,11 +319,10 @@ let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
(Vector.map globals ~f:(fun (g : Global.t) -> g.var))
let function_summary =
Domain.create_summary ~locals:block.parent.locals
let function_summary, exit_state =
Domain.create_summary ~locals:block.parent.locals exit_state
(Set.union (Var.Set.of_list block.parent.entry.params) globals)
if opts.function_summaries then (
Hashtbl.add_multi summary_table ~key:block.parent.name.var
@ -327,11 +334,6 @@ let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
let retn_state =
Domain.retn block.parent.entry.params from_call post_state
let _ =
Domain.apply_summary function_summary
(List.hd_exn !caller_state_log)
caller_state_log := List.tl_exn !caller_state_log ;
exec_jump stk retn_state block
~temps:(Option.fold ~f:Set.add freturn ~init:Var.Set.empty)
( match freturn with

@ -94,9 +94,12 @@ let resolve_callee f e (_, current) =
State_domain.resolve_callee f e current
let create_summary ~locals ~formals (entry, current) =
State_domain.create_summary ~locals ~formals entry current
let fs, current =
State_domain.create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current
(fs, (entry, current))
let apply_summary fs (entry, current) =
let apply_summary (entry, current) fs =
~f:(fun c -> (entry, c))
(State_domain.apply_summary fs current)

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ val create_summary :
-> formals:Var.Set.t
-> t
-> State_domain.function_summary
-> State_domain.function_summary * t
val apply_summary : State_domain.function_summary -> t -> t option
val apply_summary : t -> State_domain.function_summary -> t option
val jump : Exp.t list -> Var.t list -> ?temps:Var.Set.t -> t -> t
val call :

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ let pp_function_summary fs {xs; foot; post} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>xs: @[%a@]@ foot: %a@ post: %a @]" Var.Set.pp xs
pp foot pp post
let create_summary ~locals ~formals entry current =
let create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "formals %a@ entry: %a@ current: %a" Var.Set.pp formals pp entry pp
@ -201,16 +201,35 @@ let create_summary ~locals ~formals entry current =
let xs_and_formals = Set.union xs formals in
let foot = Sh.exists (Set.diff foot.us xs_and_formals) foot in
let post = Sh.exists (Set.diff post.us xs_and_formals) post in
{xs; foot; post}
let current = Sh.extend_us xs current in
({xs; foot; post}, current)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "@,%a" pp_function_summary]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (fs, _) -> pf "@,%a" pp_function_summary fs]
let apply_summary ({xs; foot; post} as fs) q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "fs: %a@ q: %a" pp_function_summary fs pp q]
let frame = Solver.infer_frame q xs foot in
let xs_in_q = Set.inter xs q.Sh.us in
let xs_in_fv_q = Set.inter xs (Sh.fv q) in
(* Between creation of a summary and its use, the vocabulary of q (q.us)
might have been extended. That means infer_frame would fail, because q
and foot have different vocabulary. This might indicate that the
summary cannot be applied to q, however in the case where
free-variables of q and foot match it is benign. In the case where free
variables match, we temporarily reduce the vocabulary of q to match the
vocabulary of foot. *)
[%Trace.info "xs inter q.us: %a" Var.Set.pp xs_in_q] ;
[%Trace.info "xs inter fv.q %a" Var.Set.pp xs_in_fv_q] ;
let q, add_back =
if Set.is_empty xs_in_fv_q then (Sh.exists xs_in_q q, xs_in_q)
else (q, Var.Set.empty)
let frame =
if Set.is_empty xs_in_fv_q then Solver.infer_frame q xs foot else None
[%Trace.info "frame %a" (Option.pp "%a" pp) frame] ;
Option.map ~f:(Sh.star post) frame
|> Option.map ~f:(Sh.extend_us add_back)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r ->
match r with None -> pf "None" | Some q -> pf "@,%a" pp q]

@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ val apply_summary : function_summary -> t -> t option
(* formals should include all the parameters of the summary. That is both
formals and globals.*)
val create_summary :
locals:Var.Set.t -> formals:Var.Set.t -> t -> t -> function_summary
-> formals:Var.Set.t
-> entry:t
-> current:t
-> function_summary * t
val post : Var.Set.t -> t -> t
val retn : Var.t list -> from_call -> t -> t
