[log] Even better exception reraising

`reraise` was error-prone when one forgot to save the backtrace between where the exception is caught and where it is reraised.
If any exception was raised (even caught) in between, the printed backtrace would be the one of the last exception thrown and it would be very confusing.

This diff kills `reraise` and introduces `reraise_after exn ~f` and `reraise_if exn ~f` to be used right after catching the exception.

Also turned some of them to the common pattern `try_finally ~f ~finally`.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D5911244

fbshipit-source-id: 9883d1e
Mehdi Bouaziz 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent f05cc6385c
commit bb15aba766

@ -1564,10 +1564,11 @@ let sigma_partial_join tenv mode (sigma1: Prop.sigma) (sigma2: Prop.sigma)
CheckJoin.init mode sigma1 sigma2 ;
let lost_little = CheckJoin.lost_little in
let s1, s2, s3 = sigma_partial_join' tenv mode [] sigma1 sigma2 in
if Rename.check lost_little then ( CheckJoin.final () ; (s1, s2, s3) )
else ( L.d_strln "failed Rename.check" ; CheckJoin.final () ; raise Sil.JoinFail )
with exn -> CheckJoin.final () ; reraise exn
~f:(fun () ->
if Rename.check lost_little then (s1, s2, s3)
else ( L.d_strln "failed Rename.check" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ))
let rec sigma_partial_meet' tenv (sigma_acc: Prop.sigma) (sigma1_in: Prop.sigma)
(sigma2_in: Prop.sigma) : Prop.sigma =
@ -1806,13 +1807,9 @@ let prop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2 =
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
let res = eprop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2 in
Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () ; Some res
with exn ->
Rename.final () ;
FreshVarExp.final () ;
Todo.final () ;
match exn with Sil.JoinFail -> None | _ -> reraise exn
Utils.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> Some (eprop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2)) ~finally:(fun () ->
Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () )
with Sil.JoinFail -> None
let eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (ep1: Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2: Prop.exposed Prop.t)
: Prop.normal Prop.t =
@ -1914,21 +1911,15 @@ let prop_partial_join pname tenv mode p1 p2 =
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
let p1', p2' = footprint_partial_join' tenv p1 p2 in
let rename_footprint = Rename.reset () in
Todo.reset rename_footprint ;
let res = Some (eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (Prop.expose p1') (Prop.expose p2')) in
if !Config.footprint then JoinState.set_footprint false ;
Rename.final () ;
FreshVarExp.final () ;
Todo.final () ;
with exn ->
Rename.final () ;
FreshVarExp.final () ;
Todo.final () ;
if !Config.footprint then JoinState.set_footprint false ;
match exn with Sil.JoinFail -> None | _ -> reraise exn )
~f:(fun () ->
let p1', p2' = footprint_partial_join' tenv p1 p2 in
let rename_footprint = Rename.reset () in
Todo.reset rename_footprint ;
let res = eprop_partial_join' tenv mode (Prop.expose p1') (Prop.expose p2') in
if !Config.footprint then JoinState.set_footprint false ;
Some res) ~finally:(fun () -> Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () )
with Sil.JoinFail -> None )
| Some _
-> res_by_implication_only
@ -1937,10 +1928,8 @@ let eprop_partial_join tenv mode (ep1: Prop.exposed Prop.t) (ep2: Prop.exposed P
Rename.init () ;
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
let res = eprop_partial_join' tenv mode ep1 ep2 in
Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () ; res
with exn -> Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () ; reraise exn
Utils.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> eprop_partial_join' tenv mode ep1 ep2) ~finally:(fun () ->
Rename.final () ; FreshVarExp.final () ; Todo.final () )
(** {2 Join and Meet for Propset} *)

@ -443,10 +443,10 @@ let forward_tabulate tenv proc_cfg wl =
L.d_decrease_indent 1 ;
L.d_ln ()
with exn ->
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
if Exceptions.handle_exception exn && !Config.footprint then (
handle_exn exn ; L.d_decrease_indent 1 ; L.d_ln () )
else reraise ~backtrace exn
reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () -> not !Config.footprint || not (Exceptions.handle_exception exn)) ;
handle_exn exn ;
L.d_decrease_indent 1 ;
L.d_ln ()
let do_node curr_node pathset_todo session handle_exn =
check_prop_size pathset_todo ;
@ -473,13 +473,11 @@ let forward_tabulate tenv proc_cfg wl =
if !handle_exn_called then Printer.force_delayed_prints () ;
do_after_node curr_node
with exn ->
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
if Exceptions.handle_exception exn then (
handle_exn_node curr_node exn ;
Printer.force_delayed_prints () ;
do_after_node curr_node ;
if not !Config.footprint then raise RE_EXE_ERROR )
else reraise ~backtrace exn
reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () -> not (Exceptions.handle_exception exn)) ;
handle_exn_node curr_node exn ;
Printer.force_delayed_prints () ;
do_after_node curr_node ;
if not !Config.footprint then raise RE_EXE_ERROR
while not (Worklist.is_empty wl) do
let curr_node = Worklist.remove wl in

@ -147,19 +147,17 @@ let run_proc_analysis analyze_proc curr_pdesc callee_pdesc =
let final_summary = postprocess summary in
restore_global_state old_state ; final_summary
with exn ->
restore_global_state old_state ;
if Config.keep_going then (
L.internal_error "@\nERROR RUNNING BACKEND: %a %s@\n@\nBACK TRACE@\n%s@?" Typ.Procname.pp
callee_pname (Exn.to_string exn) (Printexc.get_backtrace ()) ;
match exn with
| SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind
-> (* in production mode, log the timeout/crash and continue with the summary we had before
the failure occurred *)
log_error_and_continue exn initial_summary kind
| _
-> (* this happens with assert false or some other unrecognized exception *)
log_error_and_continue exn initial_summary (FKcrash (Exn.to_string exn)) )
else reraise exn
reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () -> restore_global_state old_state ; not Config.keep_going) ;
L.internal_error "@\nERROR RUNNING BACKEND: %a %s@\n@\nBACK TRACE@\n%s@?" Typ.Procname.pp
callee_pname (Exn.to_string exn) (Printexc.get_backtrace ()) ;
match exn with
| SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind
-> (* in production mode, log the timeout/crash and continue with the summary we had before
the failure occurred *)
log_error_and_continue exn initial_summary kind
| _
-> (* this happens with assert false or some other unrecognized exception *)
log_error_and_continue exn initial_summary (FKcrash (Exn.to_string exn))
let analyze_proc_desc curr_pdesc callee_pdesc : Specs.summary option =
let callee_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module F = Format
let decrease_indent_when_exception thunk =
try thunk ()
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn -> L.d_decrease_indent 1 ; reraise exn
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn -> reraise_after exn ~f:(fun () -> L.d_decrease_indent 1)
let compute_max_from_nonempty_int_list l = uw (List.max_elt ~cmp:IntLit.compare_value l)

@ -1401,16 +1401,14 @@ and instrs ?(mask_errors= false) tenv pdesc instrs ppl =
L.d_ln () ;
try sym_exec tenv pdesc instr p path
with exn ->
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
if SymOp.exn_not_failure exn && mask_errors then
let error = Exceptions.recognize_exception exn in
let loc =
match error.ml_loc with Some ml_loc -> "at " ^ L.ml_loc_to_string ml_loc | None -> ""
L.d_warning ("Generated Instruction Failed with: " ^ error.name.IssueType.unique_id ^ loc) ;
L.d_ln () ;
[(p, path)]
else reraise ~backtrace exn
reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () -> not mask_errors || not (SymOp.exn_not_failure exn)) ;
let error = Exceptions.recognize_exception exn in
let loc =
match error.ml_loc with Some ml_loc -> "at " ^ L.ml_loc_to_string ml_loc | None -> ""
L.d_warning ("Generated Instruction Failed with: " ^ error.name.IssueType.unique_id ^ loc) ;
L.d_ln () ;
[(p, path)]
let f plist instr = List.concat_map ~f:(exe_instr instr) plist in
List.fold ~f ~init:ppl instrs
@ -1606,14 +1604,13 @@ and check_variadic_sentinel ?(fails_on_nil= false) n_formals (sentinel, null_pos
let load_instr = Sil.Load (tmp_id_deref, lexp, typ, loc) in
try instrs tenv pdesc [load_instr] result
with e when SymOp.exn_not_failure e ->
if not fails_on_nil then
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method proc_name nargs i in
let err_desc =
Errdesc.explain_dereference tenv ~use_buckets:true ~is_premature_nil:true deref_str prop_
raise (Exceptions.Premature_nil_termination (err_desc, __POS__))
else reraise e
reraise_if e ~f:(fun () -> fails_on_nil) ;
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_nil_argument_in_variadic_method proc_name nargs i in
let err_desc =
Errdesc.explain_dereference tenv ~use_buckets:true ~is_premature_nil:true deref_str prop_
raise (Exceptions.Premature_nil_termination (err_desc, __POS__))
(* fold_left reverses the arguments back so that we report an *)
(* error on the first premature nil argument *)
@ -1804,11 +1801,10 @@ and sym_exec_wrapper handle_exn tenv proc_cfg instr ((prop: Prop.normal Prop.t),
State.mark_instr_ok () ;
Paths.PathSet.from_renamed_list results
with exn ->
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
if Exceptions.handle_exception exn && !Config.footprint then (
handle_exn exn ; (* calls State.mark_instr_fail *)
Paths.PathSet.empty )
else reraise ~backtrace exn
reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () -> not !Config.footprint || not (Exceptions.handle_exception exn)) ;
handle_exn exn ;
(* calls State.mark_instr_fail *)
(** {2 Lifted Abstract Transfer Functions} *)

@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ let exe_timeout f x =
Option.iter (SymOp.get_timeout_seconds ()) ~f:set_alarm ;
SymOp.set_alarm ()
try suspend_existing_timeout_and_start_new_one () ; f x ; resume_previous_timeout () ; None with
| SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind
-> resume_previous_timeout () ;
L.progressbar_timeout_event kind ;
Errdesc.warning_err (State.get_loc ()) "TIMEOUT: %a@." SymOp.pp_failure_kind kind ;
Some kind
| exe
-> resume_previous_timeout () ; reraise exe
~f:(fun () -> suspend_existing_timeout_and_start_new_one () ; f x ; None)
with SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind ->
L.progressbar_timeout_event kind ;
Errdesc.warning_err (State.get_loc ()) "TIMEOUT: %a@." SymOp.pp_failure_kind kind ;
Some kind

@ -2412,11 +2412,11 @@ let specs_library =
let set_reference_and_call_function reference value f x =
let saved = !reference in
let restore () = reference := saved in
reference := value ;
let res = f x in
restore () ; res
with exn -> restore () ; reraise exn
~f:(fun () ->
reference := value ;
f x)
(** Current Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) mode *)
let arc_mode = ref false

@ -28,22 +28,18 @@ let try_finally ?(fail_early= false) f g =
| r
-> g () ; r
| exception (Analysis_failure_exe _ as f_exn)
-> let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
( if not fail_early then
try g ()
with _ -> () (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) ) ;
reraise ~backtrace f_exn
-> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () ->
if not fail_early then
try g ()
with _ -> (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) () )
| exception f_exn
-> let f_backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
match g () with
| ()
-> reraise ~backtrace:f_backtrace f_exn
| exception (Analysis_failure_exe _ as g_exn)
-> reraise g_exn
| exception _
-> reraise ~backtrace:f_backtrace f_exn
let finally_try g f = try_finally f g
-> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () ->
try g ()
| g_exn
when (* do not swallow Analysis_failure_exe thrown from g *)
match g_exn with Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true
-> () )
let pp_failure_kind fmt = function
| FKtimeout

@ -73,7 +73,4 @@ val try_finally : ?fail_early:bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
return reasonably quickly. [~fail_early=true] can be passed to skip executing [g ()] when [f
()] raises a [Analysis_failure_exe] exception. *)
val finally_try : (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
(** [finally_try g f] is equivalent to [try_finally f g]. *)
val pp_failure_kind : Format.formatter -> failure_kind -> unit

@ -165,29 +165,32 @@ let read_json_file path =
try Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path)
with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg -> Error msg
let do_finally f g =
let do_finally ~f ~finally =
let res =
try f ()
with exc ->
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
( try g () |> ignore
with _ -> () (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) ) ;
reraise ~backtrace exc
reraise_after exc ~f:(fun () ->
try finally () |> ignore
with _ -> (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) () )
let res' = g () in
let res' = finally () in
(res, res')
let try_finally ~f ~finally =
let res, () = do_finally ~f ~finally in
let with_file_in file ~f =
let ic = In_channel.create file in
let f () = f ic in
let g () = In_channel.close ic in
do_finally f g |> fst
let finally () = In_channel.close ic in
try_finally ~f ~finally
let with_file_out file ~f =
let oc = Out_channel.create file in
let f () = f oc in
let g () = Out_channel.close oc in
do_finally f g |> fst
let finally () = Out_channel.close oc in
try_finally ~f ~finally
let write_json_to_file destfile json =
with_file_out destfile ~f:(fun oc -> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel oc json)
@ -199,8 +202,8 @@ let consume_in chan_in =
let with_process_in command read =
let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in
let f () = read chan in
let g () = consume_in chan ; Unix.close_process_in chan in
do_finally f g
let finally () = consume_in chan ; Unix.close_process_in chan in
do_finally ~f ~finally
let shell_escape_command cmd =
let escape arg =

@ -94,3 +94,6 @@ val write_file_with_locking : ?delete:bool -> f:(Out_channel.t -> unit) -> strin
val rmtree : string -> unit
(** [rmtree path] removes [path] and, if [path] is a directory, recursively removes its contents *)
val try_finally : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
(** Calls [f] then [finally] even if [f] raised an exception. The original exception is reraised afterwards. *)

@ -93,9 +93,8 @@ let run_clang_frontend ast_source =
let run_and_validate_clang_frontend ast_source =
try run_clang_frontend ast_source
with exc ->
if not Config.keep_going then reraise exc
L.internal_error "ERROR RUNNING CAPTURE: %a@\n%s@\n" Exn.pp exc (Printexc.get_backtrace ())
reraise_if exc ~f:(fun () -> not Config.keep_going) ;
L.internal_error "ERROR RUNNING CAPTURE: %a@\n%s@\n" Exn.pp exc (Printexc.get_backtrace ())
let run_clang clang_command read =
let exit_with_error exit_code =

@ -59,27 +59,25 @@ let compile compiler build_prog build_args =
let shell_cmd = Utils.shell_escape_command cmd in
let shell_cmd_redirected = Printf.sprintf "%s 2>'%s'" shell_cmd verbose_out_file in
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Trying to execute: %s@." shell_cmd_redirected ;
let error_k_or_fail err_msg =
match (error_k, err_msg) with
| Some k, `UnixError (err, log)
match Utils.with_process_in shell_cmd_redirected In_channel.input_all with
| log, Error err -> (
match error_k with
| Some k
-> L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"*** Failed: %s!@\n%s@." (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum (Error err)) log ;
k ()
| Some k, `ExceptionError exn
-> L.(debug Capture Quiet) "*** Failed: %a!@\n" Exn.pp exn ; k ()
| None, `UnixError (err, log)
| None
-> let verbose_errlog = Utils.with_file_in verbose_out_file ~f:In_channel.input_all in
L.(die UserError)
"@\n*** Failed to execute compilation command: %s@\n*** Command: %s@\n*** Output:@\n%s%s@\n*** Infer needs a working compilation command to run.@."
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum (Error err)) shell_cmd log verbose_errlog
| None, `ExceptionError exn
-> reraise exn
match Utils.with_process_in shell_cmd_redirected In_channel.input_all with
| log, Error err
-> error_k_or_fail (`UnixError (err, log))
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum (Error err)) shell_cmd log verbose_errlog )
| exception exn
-> error_k_or_fail (`ExceptionError exn)
-> reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () ->
match error_k with
| Some k
-> L.(debug Capture Quiet) "*** Failed: %a!@\n" Exn.pp exn ; k () ; false
| None
-> true )
| log, Ok ()
-> L.(debug Capture Quiet) "*** Success. Logs:@\n%s" log

@ -63,12 +63,17 @@ module PVariant = struct
let ( = ) (v1: [> ]) (v2: [> ]) = Polymorphic_compare.( = ) v1 v2
let reraise ?backtrace:backtrace0 exn =
let backtrace =
match backtrace0 with Some bt -> bt | None -> Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace ()
(** Reraise the exception after doing f. Always reraise immediately after catching the exception, otherwise the backtrace can be wrong *)
let reraise_after ~f exn =
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
let () = f () in
Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn backtrace
(** Reraise the exception if f returns true. Always reraise immediately after catching the exception, otherwise the backtrace can be wrong *)
let reraise_if ~f exn =
let backtrace = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
if f () then Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn backtrace
let failwith _ : [`use_Logging_die_instead] = assert false
let failwithf _ : [`use_Logging_die_instead] = assert false

@ -202,7 +202,9 @@ let compute_source_icfg linereader classes program tenv source_basename package_
{JContext.cg= Cg.create source_file; JContext.cfg= Cfg.create_cfg (); JContext.tenv= tenv}
let select test procedure cn node =
if test node then try procedure cn node with Bir.Subroutine -> () | e -> reraise e
if test node then
try procedure cn node
with Bir.Subroutine -> ()
let () =
@ -216,9 +218,6 @@ let compute_class_icfg source_file linereader program tenv node =
let icfg =
{JContext.cg= Cg.create source_file; JContext.cfg= Cfg.create_cfg (); JContext.tenv= tenv}
( try create_icfg source_file linereader program icfg (Javalib.get_name node) node with
| Bir.Subroutine
-> ()
| e
-> reraise e ) ;
( try create_icfg source_file linereader program icfg (Javalib.get_name node) node
with Bir.Subroutine -> () ) ;
(icfg.JContext.cg, icfg.JContext.cfg)
