[CFrontend][Cleanup] Pass whole decl to CTypesDecl.do_record_declaration

see title. It will make number of arguments
less ridiculous and make it easier to share C/C++ structs.
Another diff that adds base class information for C++ will
This change is big enough to deserve separate diff
Andrzej Kotulski 10 years ago
parent b4f554b5f5
commit bb59bb04b7

@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ let rec translate_one_declaration tenv cg cfg namespace parent_dec dec =
CTypes_decl.do_typedef_declaration tenv namespace
decl_info name opt_type typedef_decl_info
(* Currently C/C++ record decl treated in the same way *)
| CXXRecordDecl (decl_info, name_info, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info, _)
| RecordDecl (decl_info, name_info, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info) ->
let record_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
CTypes_decl.do_record_declaration tenv namespace
decl_info record_name opt_type decl_list decl_context_info record_decl_info;
| CXXRecordDecl (_, _, _, _, decl_list, _, _, _)
| RecordDecl (_, _, _, _, decl_list, _, _) ->
CTypes_decl.add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv namespace dec;
let method_decls = CTypes_decl.get_method_decls dec decl_list in
let tranlate_method (parent, decl) =
translate_one_declaration tenv cg cfg namespace parent decl in

@ -195,23 +195,19 @@ and do_typedef_declaration tenv namespace decl_info name opt_type typedef_decl_i
and get_struct_fields tenv record_name namespace decl_list =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match decl_list with
| [] -> []
| FieldDecl(decl_info, name_info, qual_type, field_decl_info):: decl_list' ->
let field_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out " ...Defining field '%s'.\n" field_name;
let id = General_utils.mk_class_field_name record_name field_name in
let typ = qual_type_to_sil_type tenv qual_type in
let annotation_items = [] in (* For the moment we don't use them*)
(id, typ, annotation_items):: get_struct_fields tenv record_name namespace decl_list'
| CXXRecordDecl (decl_info, name, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info, _)
:: decl_list'
(* C++/C Records treated in the same way*)
| RecordDecl (decl_info, name, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info)
:: decl_list'->
do_record_declaration tenv namespace decl_info name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name opt_type decl_list decl_context_info record_decl_info;
get_struct_fields tenv record_name namespace decl_list'
| _ :: decl_list' -> get_struct_fields tenv record_name namespace decl_list'
let do_one_decl decl = match decl with
| FieldDecl (_, name_info, qual_type, _) ->
let field_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out " ...Defining field '%s'.\n" field_name;
let id = General_utils.mk_class_field_name record_name field_name in
let typ = qual_type_to_sil_type tenv qual_type in
let annotation_items = [] in (* For the moment we don't use them*)
[(id, typ, annotation_items)]
| CXXRecordDecl _ | RecordDecl _ ->
(* C++/C Records treated in the same way*)
add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv namespace decl; []
| _ -> [] in
list_flatten (list_map do_one_decl decl_list)
and get_class_methods tenv class_name namespace decl_list =
let process_method_decl = function
@ -224,17 +220,26 @@ and get_class_methods tenv class_name namespace decl_list =
(* poor mans list_filter_map *)
list_flatten_options (list_map process_method_decl decl_list)
and do_record_declaration tenv namespace decl_info name opt_type decl_list decl_context_info record_decl_info =
Printing.log_out "ADDING: RecordDecl for '%s'" name;
Printing.log_out " pointer= '%s'\n" decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer;
if not record_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.rdi_is_complete_definition then
Printing.log_err " ...Warning, definition incomplete. The full definition will probably be later \n@.";
let typ = get_declaration_type tenv namespace decl_info name opt_type decl_list decl_context_info record_decl_info in
and add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv namespace decl =
let typ = get_declaration_type tenv namespace decl in
let typ = expand_structured_type tenv typ in
add_struct_to_tenv tenv typ
(* For a record declaration it returns/constructs the type *)
and get_declaration_type tenv namespace decl_info n opt_type decl_list decl_context_info record_decl_info =
and get_declaration_type tenv namespace decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let n, opt_type, decl_list = match decl with
| CXXRecordDecl (decl_info, name_info, opt_type, _, decl_list, _, record_decl_info, _)
| RecordDecl (decl_info, name_info, opt_type, _, decl_list, _, record_decl_info) ->
let ptr = decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer in
let name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out "ADDING: RecordDecl for '%s'" name;
Printing.log_out " pointer= '%s'\n" ptr;
if not record_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.rdi_is_complete_definition then
Printing.log_err " ...Warning, definition incomplete. The full definition will probably be later \n@.";
name, opt_type, decl_list
| _ -> assert false in
let ns_suffix = Ast_utils.namespace_to_string namespace in
let n = ns_suffix^n in
let name_str = get_record_name opt_type in
@ -253,7 +258,7 @@ and get_declaration_type tenv namespace decl_info n opt_type decl_list decl_cont
| _ -> Sil.Struct) in
let name = Some (Mangled.from_string name_str) in
let methods_list = get_class_methods tenv name_str namespace decl_list in (* C++ methods only *)
let superclass_list = [] in (* No super class for structs *)
let superclass_list = [] in
let item_annotation = Sil.item_annotation_empty in (* No annotations for struts *)
(non_static_fields, static_fields, csu, name, superclass_list, methods_list, item_annotation)
@ -268,12 +273,8 @@ and add_late_defined_record tenv namespace typename =
let rec scan decls =
match decls with
| [] -> false
| CXXRecordDecl
(decl_info, record_name, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info, _)
:: decls'
| RecordDecl
(decl_info, record_name, opt_type, _, decl_list, decl_context_info, record_decl_info)
:: decls' ->
| (CXXRecordDecl (_, _, opt_type, _, _, _, record_decl_info, _) as d) :: decls'
| (RecordDecl (_, _, opt_type, _, _, _, record_decl_info) as d) :: decls' ->
(match opt_type with
| `Type t ->
(* the string t contains the name of the type preceded by the word struct. *)
@ -284,8 +285,7 @@ and add_late_defined_record tenv namespace typename =
Sil.typename_equal typename pot_union_type) &&
record_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.rdi_is_complete_definition then (
Printing.log_out "!!!! Adding late-defined record '%s'\n" t;
do_record_declaration tenv namespace decl_info record_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name opt_type decl_list
decl_context_info record_decl_info;
add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv namespace d;
else scan decls'
| _ -> scan decls')

@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
(** Processes types and record declarations by adding them to the tenv *)
val get_declaration_type : Sil.tenv -> string option -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> string ->
Clang_ast_t.opt_type -> Clang_ast_t.decl list -> Clang_ast_t.decl_context_info ->
Clang_ast_t.record_decl_info -> Sil.typ
val get_declaration_type : Sil.tenv -> string option -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> Sil.typ
val add_struct_to_tenv : Sil.tenv -> Sil.typ -> unit
@ -22,9 +20,7 @@ val get_method_decls : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.decl list -> (Clang_ast_t
val do_typedef_declaration : Sil.tenv -> string option -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> string ->
Clang_ast_t.opt_type -> Clang_ast_t.typedef_decl_info -> unit
val do_record_declaration : Sil.tenv -> string option -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> string ->
Clang_ast_t.opt_type -> Clang_ast_t.decl list -> Clang_ast_t.decl_context_info ->
Clang_ast_t.record_decl_info -> unit
val add_types_from_decl_to_tenv : Sil.tenv -> string option -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> unit
val parse_func_type : string -> string -> (Sil.typ * Sil.typ list) option

@ -158,10 +158,8 @@ and get_variables_decls context (decl_list : Clang_ast_t.decl list) : unit =
| _ ->
CContext.LocalVars.add_local_var context name typ decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer
(CFrontend_utils.General_utils.is_static_var var_decl_info))
| CXXRecordDecl (di, n_info, ot, _, dl, dci, rdi, _)
| RecordDecl (di, n_info, ot, _, dl, dci, rdi) ->
let typ = CTypes_decl.get_declaration_type context.CContext.tenv context.CContext.namespace
di n_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name ot dl dci rdi in
| CXXRecordDecl _ | RecordDecl _ ->
let typ = CTypes_decl.get_declaration_type context.CContext.tenv context.CContext.namespace decl in
CTypes_decl.add_struct_to_tenv context.CContext.tenv typ
| TypedefDecl (decl_info, name_info, opt_type, _, typedef_decl_info) ->
CTypes_decl.do_typedef_declaration context.CContext.tenv context.CContext.namespace
